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Krysia's Krusader

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About Krysia's Krusader

  • Birthday 03/27/1961

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  • Location
    Montreal, Canada
  • Interests
    Military History, Strategy Games

Krysia's Krusader's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. kukri65, They can be ANZ'd in a pop group, as long as it also contains one of the science facilities. Check the " SN Installation Supplement", which you can download in the rules section, or look at your "Installations Report" if you're not sure what qualifies as one. A lot of the stuff is fluff, but it depends on how you look at things in the game. There's supposed to be a galactic saga, that you can piece together with different clues. If you want to know more detail; send me an e-mail. I'll put you in touch with an expert on space and/or planetary exploration.
  2. Okay... I'm calculating... Lemme see... I have to count the stock in all my AIC's... Ooooh.... I have a lot of AIC's... Oh wow... Nearly all my AIC's are PET producing... This is going to take some time... I better get my calculator... ... [ flipping through all the stockpile reports ] ... [ adding ] ... Phew! I've finally finished! Drum roll... 10,951,387 barrels of PET
  3. Sorry Man, but since I've seen this post, I just have to ask... Aren't you being told what to do in the game now? So then you're exploring and seeking contacts for your master(s)?
  4. Well, how many systems have you scanned? For a begining position, Id say: Don't judge your area of the galaxy unless you've explored "at least" four systems out in all directions. When I started, people told me to go six systems out, before passing judgement. And now that I know more than when I first started, I'd extend that number to eight - if you're serious about playing the game. That's a lot of systems, right there, you know. And it just keeps growing exponentially every time you extend your frontier. Don't get discouraged, yet. Trust me, you'll find planets if you put in the effort.
  5. Ah... Okay thanks. I didn't catch the sarcasm, initially. Thought they were actually fighting each other, or something.
  6. I thought Kurassier was the guy who wanted to set up trade with everybody. Why would he want to prod your race?
  7. Wow. I dunno what you're complaining about, Mechanica. If you think that eats up orders; don't try space exploration or looking for a suitable world to colonize. I've found over 500 worlds, and PMAP'ed most of them, while half have now been GEO'd. If you start calculating all the; SS, SURV, NEWF, RN, MOVE, NM, PMAP, GEO, WARP, orders that entailed... If I had a DCS, I'd gladly do a GEO to find out what the results are. That's nothing. What eats up most of my own order slots, is the incredible amount of NEWF, and RN orders, since I started to fan out through the unexplored systems. It (this) seems endless...
  8. Woah! 50x Shipyard Slips, and 300x Shipyards, plus the power plants to run them! Lucky you, to have such a strong position, in order to produce such naval capacity!
  9. < bump > So? What's happening now? Should I take another inventory of my PET stockpile, for you all...?
  10. Yep. That I can attest to. I have a (perhaps nasty) habbit of, continually dsimantling / constructing shipyard slips. I just can't stand seeing the construction materials tied up in these things, doing nothing if I don't need them for a cycle. Or if I want to put what I have on hold, for whatever reasons, I'll play with the shipyards, themselves, too (which runs the risks of screwing my power allocations, which in turn can wreck my production cycle - but thats another story...).
  11. Air Regiments, pending on nationality, range at 70, 73, and 75 OFR, before any modifications. You specified for; 'line' experience, day drop, and city terrain. So I didn't count anything else. The hard part, was figuring out the so called "90% chance of success". The combat tables beyonde the first decimal place are not in the rules set. I'm not a statistician either, and it's been a long time since I was in school. Normally, I like sure things, but to each his own. Sometimes one can't do all he wants to do, within a set of orders (which happens to me, nearly all the time, any ways). So, I'd say, that if you were facing: - Russian; build at least 7, significant chance you'll need 8, LDB's. - British; build 8 LDB's. - American / German; build at least 8, slight chance you'll need 9, LDB's. When I expanded this from the; 'green' Russian AIR 40R, against City TPL of 5 with a field marshal in the city - to - the 'elite' German AIR 40, with 5 AA and City TPL, accompinied by a field marshal against just plain LDB's; I found out a few things. Interesting...
  12. Depends. I'll answer you when you clarrify things a little, please. First; are you talking about the individual Air Regiments or the Russian Air 40 division? Second; LDB's are always considered as 'green' for morale, and any combat modifications. Third; no factors are present at all? No terrain, no leaders, no TPL, etc? And I don't feel like a poll is necessary for this. I can give you an exact answer, instead, if you prefer.
  13. Good for you guys. If you want some decent advice; I would suggest that you get in contact with "Philosopher Lord: Daedal". He doesn't post on the forums, but has run an add in the Reader, a few times. He runs, or has organized, somekind of information sharing and exchange medium called the Great Galactic Link. Don't expect to get any military secrets, as he has no ineterst in such things. But they have loads of ANZ's and INST's, as well as excellent advice on how to do space and planetary exploration. They also introduce people who have the same type of game philosophy to each other, set up inter-empire trade deals, and who knows what else. They're nice people, and welcome new players all the time. You can either check his profile, or ask me, for their e-mail. Good luck to you!
  14. Well, well. That kind of makes my DW on Great Britain (not to mention the accompinying loss of national morale, and the order slots dedicated to all of these orders) kind of useless, now. Doesn't it? I don't know which "other" island you're talking about. If it's Britain itself, fine - it's yours. No arguments from me on that one. Yes: My victory condition. In my sea. In my sphere of influence. In my area of the map. What are you doing in the Mediterranean, any ways? I posted, quite a while ago, that any naval activity, in or through this sea, had to be cleared through me, or the Sultan of Turkey, first. Better be a good explanation forthcoming. Else I may feel that; my moral excellence, my righteousness, and my virtue, have been taken advantage of... Krysia's Krusader Benevolent King of Saudi Arabia
  15. No. He's still going strong. In fact his unit recently recieved an equipment upgrade! Couple of other people asked me, also. Don't worry everybody, the story will continue (I just need to find the time). Yea. It's my busy season. Coincided with a couple of big projects, forced me to deal with real life - nearly all the time, lately. Give me a week or two, and I'll get back to this.
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