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  1. Turns incoming....on a Thursday morning no less....wow....I'm speechless...good thing I can still type
  2. Russ/Pete/Congregation Question: The ANZ for Imperial Guards Security states, "Security Divisions are trained and equipped to handle civilian unrest (stability problems) and to provide overall security to population groups. Security units have military training and equipment and can fight with limited effectiveness in a ground combat.", Soooo....do Security units need to be IN a population segment to be handle civilian unrest and security to population groups. OR, do Security units handle that from within Army Divisions stationed on the planet of population segments?
  3. Ooo....bubble bath then ah!! Even unshielded, unarmored, uneverything? And thanks for the reply, appreciate it!
  4. Is anyone familiar with this C-Shell? How dangerous is it? Is it a continuous danger or like a Solar Flare Zone? Does it destroy a ship one shot or does it do damage over time? What is needed to be safe from it? Any help would be appreciated. Sandarbian
  5. SO.....who pulled out the big hammer and starting beating someone/thing over the head/heads with it??
  6. Thanks Pete! And actually that is what I do any turn that I have empty fleets hanging around. Saves on having to create a new fleet and on NENC orders. Ya not so evil after all.
  7. "As part of some general database maintenance, every empire will have a DECF, ALL order executed at the conclusion of the next turn cycle to clean out empty fleets. This won't cost you anything and will happen at the very end of the turn (at the same time Santa points are added in). --Pete" NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Crap.... You are evil Pete! Evil I say!!!! Teach me to roleplay within the confines of the game to amuse myself.....
  8. Used ICE? Isn't that water? Did I use ICE in Andromeda? I didn't know about it when I was in Andromeda and Draco ain't got no ICE.
  9. To my fellow Draconauts, who built much of their spreadsheets back in Andromeda, remember....Advanced Steel is 4, FOUR, iron and not 3 iron to build. Saves the need to bang your head into your desktop yelling, "Why? Why?".
  10. He said, let there be turns....and turns were had!
  11. I'm posting this in the hope as soon as I post about no turns, the turns will show up.......
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