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About lil' PATTON

  • Birthday 06/26/1968

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  • Location
    spokane, wa. U.S.A.
  • Interests
    military history, tactics&stratigy, this game, politics.

lil' PATTON's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Which russia are they, northern, central, southern??? If you can give a discription of what they look like (type of boats, flag flown,ect...) we'll be happy to keep an eye open for them ( ) so we can direct them in in the proper direction.
  2. "Carthage must be destroyed" just sounded so much better than "Amsterdam must be flooded"...... Galvorn Greece75 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Besides, neither Amsterdam nor the dykes existed during the life of Cato the Censor, so it would of been a remarkable quote to attribute to him. OMA SB ...i know the target number for industry, rail yards, etc. but what is the number for dykes? HMM , I think it 3.52, but don't quote me
  3. WOW Pharaoh All those IL-4's, 4 full air division's on one little ol' army. One might think you don't like me any more lil Patton
  4. Hay Meatball! Spartacus mentioned Global Conflict, I play it daily. It helps, me anyway, fill the gaps between turns. Combine Axis and Allies with Risk and pump it up with steroids . You play against other people and turns are every day
  5. As for you Lil Patton, you lyinig, snake in the grass, I am coming for you, and none of your rampant lies will save you, nor will your big confederation friends. I do not care for you implications. I offered you peace, you bragged all along that the confederation is all for one and one for all, but now you pass the buck that I needed peace with Lowlands. You posted my message to you, and it clearly says I would be willing to make peace, now you call me a liar when I say I offered peace. Lowlands did not need to take Barcelona to fight Iceland, since Iceland does not now and has never had any province that even borders Barcelona. I grow tired of you lying on every post, and then calling me a liar. I am sorry to rant so for all of you others. Patton, you can quit now, or waste more money, but nothing will save you. WOW Marklen , Chill out dude I think you just made my point for me, no one called, or is calling you a lier. You are accusing your self of that. All any one has to do is read the full post just above Predator's (post #88) and they will clearly see that I said no such thing of you. Nor am I taking any of this personal, yet . We all miss read facts some times. Here in the ministry people can do it on perpous if they choose to, and some do. it's part of the game we play. Well, the game you play . Again all your doing is using but just a snipet of what I said and blowing it way out of proportion. And now every one can see it for them selves . On the battle feild you may or may not get the better of me. But in this little war of words between us you just sank your own boat . Lighten up dude As for passing the buck, the members of my group are responcible for different sectors along our borders. And we do our best to keep each other informed of what is going on in our sectors of responsibility. At that time you boardered Lowlands sector so I referd you to him. Is that so wrong. In your mind it aparently is. I said it once before, You have a most interesting way of looking at things. best to you dude.
  6. Hi Kevin Long time no hear from!? Normaly no , but in Marklen's case, YES! Makes it much more difficult to twist, change or ignore the facts and what has been said thus far. He likes to do that and thats fine, it is the propaganda ministry. I just like to point these things out when I fined them. No harm in that I hope. So, good to see you here again. Thought you got knocked out of 75 though, didn't think you were still keeping tabs on this game. ED
  7. well that's what Allies are for aren't they I understand you want to attack Greece, but I don't see why you need to go through Lowlands and Swiss territory to get there? You could just send your panzers by see? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, allies are there to help, sure. But my original post was about how many holes in the confederation dyke there were, and that Lowlands may run out of fingers. Lil Patton declared you were not the only one with fingers, infering that he could handle his own business. It appears he cannot. As for attacking Greece, I have plenty of resources for both. I told Lil Patton a couple of months ago that if he stopped going west, the confederation and I would not need to fight, he could keep what he had. He basically told me to pound sand, he would take what he wanted, and then promptly moved into Spain. It is a bit late now to complain about this conflict. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Marklen First: You speak of appearances. To this all I have to say is, not all is as it appears... "is that air your breathing" . or this one..." Your eyes can decive you, don't trust them" Second: The fallowing is the message you sent me 5 months ago: Personal Message Marklen X France, Mar 12 2006, 11:26 AM Veteran Group: Members Posts: 147 Member No.: 209 Joined: 11-November 03 I initially sent this message to Denmark by mistake. You have now butted up against Algerian forces in France. If you wish to have peace, please stop your westward advance and propose an alliance with Algeria. I have no problem with peace, or no problem with war, so you decide. Marklen X Algeria, game 75 -------------------- Persia game 42 Baltic States game 45 Ireland game 57 Central Russia game 59 France game 65 Italy game 71 Algeria game 75 To this I replyed to you that Lowlands held all the boarder along Spain/France and that you needed to talk with him. I never heard back from you or if you had made contact with Lowlands or not. I assume you didn't as Lowlands moved into Spain, you DW on him and I gave support to my TEAM-MATE . I have never held any Spanish ground or any ground west of Nimes (which I had at the time of your message). I never moved west and you never sent any kind of PAP. Nor did I ever tell you to "eat dirt". I too have no complaint about this war, but with your distortion of the reasons for it I have many. This is the second time I have nailed you on distorting the facts based on how things "appear" to you. A third is coming . So come on, break out of xMarseilles, it's just one air40 between your 16 panzers and the lands I hold. You started this war, not us . So can you finnish what you start, it's clear you wont take responsibility for Starting it. With Respect for your Acomplishments thus far lil Patton <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well now, let us talk about who is revising history here. That note clearly states that we can have peace. You actually said you passed my message on to Lowlands, and he would get in touch with me. I waited, and instead of hearing from him, I saw him invade Spain. I would say that as equivilant to saying pound sand. It does not really matter at this point, because I intend to see you beside the Tunisian, Libyan and Spanish dictators in a special compound we have in the Algerian desert. I need no advice on how to fight with tanks, I have done it once before. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Revising history , i'm not revising anything! Yes, it does say we can have peace "IF I stop moving west". I did that. And yes, I do belive I passed that message on to Lowlands. I do recall saying I would do that also. But that dosn't negate the fact I told you to talk with Lowlands for the reasons already stated. It seems you had already made your choise back then . So, with Lowlands under attack from Iceland, and Iceland being in Spain as well, Lowlands moves into Spain to deffend him self and take the offencsive against Iceland is the same as telling you to "eat dirt". You do have an interesting way of looking at things, i'll give you that. But as you say, it does not really matter at this point. We are at war and it is what it is. So if you intend to see me in a sand cell then you need to come and get me. Lets enjoy some combat the same as we have enjoyed this little war of words . Best of luck lil Patton
  8. well that's what Allies are for aren't they I understand you want to attack Greece, but I don't see why you need to go through Lowlands and Swiss territory to get there? You could just send your panzers by see? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, allies are there to help, sure. But my original post was about how many holes in the confederation dyke there were, and that Lowlands may run out of fingers. Lil Patton declared you were not the only one with fingers, infering that he could handle his own business. It appears he cannot. As for attacking Greece, I have plenty of resources for both. I told Lil Patton a couple of months ago that if he stopped going west, the confederation and I would not need to fight, he could keep what he had. He basically told me to pound sand, he would take what he wanted, and then promptly moved into Spain. It is a bit late now to complain about this conflict. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Marklen First: You speak of appearances. To this all I have to say is, not all is as it appears... "is that air your breathing" . or this one..." Your eyes can decive you, don't trust them" Second: The fallowing is the message you sent me 5 months ago: Personal Message Marklen X France, Mar 12 2006, 11:26 AM Veteran Group: Members Posts: 147 Member No.: 209 Joined: 11-November 03 I initially sent this message to Denmark by mistake. You have now butted up against Algerian forces in France. If you wish to have peace, please stop your westward advance and propose an alliance with Algeria. I have no problem with peace, or no problem with war, so you decide. Marklen X Algeria, game 75 -------------------- Persia game 42 Baltic States game 45 Ireland game 57 Central Russia game 59 France game 65 Italy game 71 Algeria game 75 To this I replyed to you that Lowlands held all the boarder along Spain/France and that you needed to talk with him. I never heard back from you or if you had made contact with Lowlands or not. I assume you didn't as Lowlands moved into Spain, you DW on him and I gave support to my TEAM-MATE . I have never held any Spanish ground or any ground west of Nimes (which I had at the time of your message). I never moved west and you never sent any kind of PAP. Nor did I ever tell you to "eat dirt". I too have no complaint about this war, but with your distortion of the reasons for it I have many. This is the second time I have nailed you on distorting the facts based on how things "appear" to you. A third is coming . So come on, break out of xMarseilles, it's just one air40 between your 16 panzers and the lands I hold. You started this war, not us . So can you finnish what you start, it's clear you wont take responsibility for Starting it. With Respect for your Acomplishments thus far lil Patton
  9. well that's what Allies are for aren't they I understand you want to attack Greece, but I don't see why you need to go through Lowlands and Swiss territory to get there? You could just send your panzers by see? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well said Rommel But if this is how Marklen wishes to see things then there is nothing we can do about it,....or is there
  10. Needed some help did you, sending Morocco after me like that. And why have we never heard from him ???? Or is it you have to many fronts of your own. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lil Patton.. Sorry I have been so quiet. I have been busy building nice shiny new bombers. If you would like another look I`ll be sure to send them your way again soon. Takeda Morocco <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi "T" My Air camanders have been looking closely at the ones we shot down. they tell me that your planes are very well made and would love to look at more of them . Preferably intact so if you just want to have your pilots land on an air strip i'll make sure they have a great time and then get home safe.
  11. \ Well, if your little digits are planning on stopping any flow from the south, it appears you will have to elbow Lowlands out of the way, as he obviously believes he needs to use his own fingers for that one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your interpitation of the latest move is,...well, lacking some thing . what could it be .... A concept maybe, the understanding of a particular word that may not have made it into the Algerian dictionary . Needed some help did you, sending Morocco after me like that. And why have we never heard from him ???? Or is it you have to many fronts of your own.
  12. Lowlands isn't the only one with fingers either
  13. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Switzerland has attacked Algeria at Narbonne with a tactical air strike on Sunday, July 23, 2006 Air Marshal Zumstein is the commander for Switzerland Combat Bonuses for Switzerland total +15% The 11th Air Div. inflicted the following damage: ATTACKER STARTING FORCES 11th Air Div. Air Group Name Experience Planes Air Group Name Experience Planes 2nd Ship Dive Bomb, Dauntless Green 20 3rd Ship Dive Bomb, Dauntless Veteran 20 4th Ship Dive Bomb, Dauntless Veteran 20 5th Ship Dive Bomb, Dauntless Green 20 6th Ship Dive Bomb, Dauntless Veteran 20 7th Ship Dive Bomb, Dauntless Line 20 8th Ship Dive Bomb, Dauntless Veteran 20 9th Ship Dive Bomb, Dauntless Line 19 52nd Medium Bomber, B-18A Line 58 53rd Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Green 20 54th Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Green 20 55th Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Line 20 56th Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Green 19 57th Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Line 20 59th Medium Bomber, B-18A Line 59 60th Medium Bomber, B-18A Line 60 61st Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Green 20 66th Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Line 20 67th Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Line 20 68th Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Veteran 19 69th Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Line 19 70th Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Green 20 71st Medium Bomber, B-18A Green 58 72nd Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Line 20 74th Ship Dive Bomb, Vindicator Line 20 DEFENDER'S DIVISIONS General El-Hadj is the commander for Algeria 1st Army (10 divisions) Division Name Experience % Effective Division Name Experience % Effective 1st Infantry, INF 41 Line 99% / 95% 4th Mountain, MTN 41 Elite 99% / 95% 5th Mountain, MTN 41 Veteran 99% / 91% 7th Infantry, INF 41 Veteran 98% / 92% 8th Infantry, INF 41 Line 99% / 97% 12th Mountain, MTN 41 Line 99% / 93% 13th Mountain, MTN 41 Line 99% / 89% 18th Infantry, INF 41 Line 99% / 97% 20th Infantry, INF 39 Line 99% / 99% 58th Airborne, AIR 40 Line 100% / 48% Flak reduced the effectiveness of this attack by 21% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ground level flak from an army force was encountered over Narbonne by the 30th Air Div., downing 16 of your aircraft ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Switzerland has attacked Algeria at Narbonne with a tactical air strike on Sunday, July 23, 2006 Air Marshal Zumstein is the commander for Switzerland Combat Bonuses for Switzerland total +15% The 30th Air Div. inflicted the following damage: ATTACKER STARTING FORCES 30th Air Div. Air Group Name Experience Planes Air Group Name Experience Planes 10th Dive Bomber, A-24 Line 80 11th Dive Bomber, A-24 Line 78 12th Dive Bomber, A-24 Line 78 13th Dive Bomber, A-24 Line 80 14th Dive Bomber, A-24 Green 80 15th Dive Bomber, A-24 Line 79 16th Dive Bomber, A-24 Green 80 17th Dive Bomber, A-24 Green 80 18th Dive Bomber, A-24 Line 77 19th Dive Bomber, A-24 Green 79 20th Dive Bomber, A-24 Green 80 21st Dive Bomber, A-24 Green 80 22nd Dive Bomber, A-24 Line 78 23rd Dive Bomber, A-24 Green 80 24th Dive Bomber, A-24 Green 78 25th Dive Bomber, A-24 Green 79 26th Dive Bomber, A-24 Green 78 DEFENDER'S DIVISIONS General El-Hadj is the commander for Algeria 1st Army (10 divisions) Division Name Experience % Effective Division Name Experience % Effective 1st Infantry, INF 41 Line 95% / 90% 4th Mountain, MTN 41 Elite 95% / 87% 5th Mountain, MTN 41 Veteran 91% / 91% 7th Infantry, INF 41 Veteran 92% / 84% 8th Infantry, INF 41 Line 97% / 87% 12th Mountain, MTN 41 Line 93% / 68% 13th Mountain, MTN 41 Line 89% / 84% 18th Infantry, INF 41 Line 97% / 97% 20th Infantry, INF 39 Line 99% / 79% 58th Airborne, AIR 40 Line 48% / 48% Ok, you got me Marklen , just a few Dauntless on a few cooks. I'm really sorry for that . My pilots must have had just a few to many the night before . OH YA, you forgot to mention your failed airborne drop on xRoanne last turn to. But like you say, this is just propaganda, right?! I'll admitt, I did hope for more damage than this. But this is a far cry from just a few bombs hitting cooks. Didn't mean to ruin your dinner.
  14. The Med looks much nicer from TransJordan than from Turkey. We have much nicer beaches. Won't you join us? We'll toss you a nice big party. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Polish Riviera has a nice ring to it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, being that the Riviera is in France, you have a lot to get through first my old friend . Not to mention others may have something else to say about it.
  15. Poland bombs danish shiping ....stop. C.Russia takes back ground in Poland givin to Denmark early in the wars ...stop. Algeria makes some headway but not without retaliations ...stop. Great Britain declairs war on Lowlands, gets invaded himself . Then declairs war on Denmark ...stop Icelandic offensive into southern France stopped cold Brought to you by whats left of the confederacy
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