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Patriot X

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  1. Yeah on a personal note there is no animosity, it was all good fun in the end
  2. The Danish Premier in Exile - I was ousted by a coup de tat (dropped) after the traitor of Warsaw buckled under pressure from the East. In a single step the mighty Confederacy was brought to its knees but has fought back from the brink and will survive. The nation of Denmark had prepared for the invasion of Eastern Europe when the Polish went back on the deal. This left the Danish people no other avenues for breeding room except for the invasion once again of Sweden. Two failed attempts to invade Sweden failed and the people became disillusioned, the army depleted and resources almost gone. The confederacy as it once was shall return and when it does the whole world shall quake.
  3. Im no Sponge, cheek of it, I bet it was The Dark Monk who voted for me. I for one think its the Dark One.
  4. Keep planning, i intend to close off Madrid to all outsiders. It is reserved for the mighty US of A
  5. Did someone not say - It is the Victors who write the History? in the context of this game the Victors are not yet decided
  6. I sense a cold wind blowing Has anyone any ideas as to who is still playing? Denmarks still alive and kicking
  7. I think you will find that Sweden is TAed to Finland so a bombing campaign would not be forth coming. Have you realy made it to Helsinki? very good, maybe you could enlighten us to what parts of the scandinavians you control. It would help me when i finally invade Sweden, i dont want to be stepping on your toes. I suppose I could send a few ships if you like to CB Helsinki? if it would help but it may take a few turns to get there. Also would you mind if i landed in Finland and took a few southern cities to help me take out Sweden.
  8. Other games have done it this way. Everyone processes on the same day and all the orders have a processing order. So for example all MGFS orders for all nations are processed then all OMN orders are processed next etc. The sequence of orders are what make the game playable. I could explain in more detail but would take ages to plan the processing order.
  9. Well i have some very nice property in the North of France. I will soon be-able to turn my full attention to Sweden again.
  10. It does not matter who started what. You are at War with Portugal by attempting to Invade Spain. The United States cannot stand by while your agressive tactics threaten the state of Portugal. We will break our NAP with you as soon as we can to help in the defense of Portugal, they are our Total Allies and we will defend them against you, Great Britain or any other who decided to take a pop. If you are in any doubt of our resolve then you should know our first fleet is already in Europe, our second is on its way along with men and materials. I must say the reports of Irelands green pastures are true, they would make suitable homes for our American citizens. We have plenty of Irish immigrants wanting to come home.
  11. To The Sultan of Saudi Arabia Your offer of an None Aggression Pact cannot be accepted. Your current Total Alliance with Great Britain prevents us from being allied at this time. Great Britain is the enemy and as such its attempted incursions in Spain cannot go unanswered. Please withdraw your ambassador and close your United States Embassy
  12. "Etta Suis Ville Replus Alla" To make silly quotes is silly in itself
  13. Can i talk about the destruction of France and Italy
  14. Ive been a little busy of late...... BUT IM BACK
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