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  1. Which russia are they, northern, central, southern??? If you can give a discription of what they look like (type of boats, flag flown,ect...) we'll be happy to keep an eye open for them so we can direct them in in the proper direction. okie. No need to to makes every bodies do the guessings. It me. And Takeda; I know we far from the Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands, but we not lost. Thank you, Morocco coast very sunshine bright. "petit" Patton; no required that you do that. I have been advised by several peoples of the sightings, and some even send me the reports by e-mail. Why the large fuss? No happy glad, to see some Russe BB in the Mediterranean's seas? There so many oother of us here, we wanteds to join the parties too. Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis
  2. okie... Earthling, coothunter, and anyone else that need to know: The all everything story with the Confederacy and Poland and the other things you have not correct, is all have to do with two things; #1. The failure (or in not doing it good job) of the Confederacy in it's diplomacy with the other alliances blocks, at the begining of the game. Then followed by an false vision on how the game was going to develope, after the falling of the southern European alliance block. An on top of it, it had no desires to change it's startegies, when things were showing defferentlly for them. #2. Because of #1, some other people were on going efforts in trying to machine things in the back rooms for control of the game. Is war game, and the wars are many times won (decided) before they start. It depends on many things, not just how many tanks you have on the fronts lines, at the moment. I like that the people who post on this subject, have little knowledges what happened, but yet they like to tell how it did happen. That all makes me laughs the more than ever. Don't blame Poland (Pharaoh). Pharaoh (Poland) was caught in a personal situation, and in all most certainty, he not see it coming until it too late. He had to make the best choices he could with it. He was going to stop playing at one point, because of all of this even. He very honorable person. You now here it from me. The Confederacy was even made aware of it long before they started with posts on the subject. I could not believe they not see things as they were, so I even told them just to see if my theoreis were correct. I don't want to see this any more, as is old subject that seems to have to keep recuring because people refuse to see what things actually were. If you need reasoning, look at #1 up top. If you want to hold somebody responsible, than that would really be me. I refused his resignation, and held the rest not to attack his country. DezertCamel (Central Russia), was not involved in game begining. I asked him to come in and replace the person who dropped that country on turn 5 or 6 of the game. (I'd have to check in the records past now, as it has been so long). I asked him to stay quite for some time, as I was very much involved in the world political machinations I described in #2, at the top. Although he wasnt happy, he very nice to me and went along. The aliiance was already set, and he pretty well go along with how the game was going to be steered in which directions, and went along with the plans. So lay off of him too, and if you want somebody in our alliance to blame, then blame me. I was the one that pushed how on things would go. So to all who think it one person or the other, or who think there has been a betrayal, etc.; I say go back and review how things developed, and tell me what part you had in deciding controlling it's course till now. There are actually just a handful of people (out of the 40 that started) who are really responsible, and some of those have been knocked out already too. I like the goodly natured posts and the jokes and the deceptions and the honest fun in the propaganda ministry forum. But not the question of anyone's name, or reputation. Get your facts straight, firsts please. Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis
  3. See! My country (The Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands) is not there. I tell you I'm not hurt you. Eh-hey-hey. Stop that. Any body who know how to play the game, know this not to be true, or that it even probable. I think you over-reactioning again. No let les emotions get better of you. You don't know what happened with Central Russia, or how DezertCamel is playing. The way you utilise the words, is plain that you do not. If you want to start such things, be careful, I am honorable person, and won't let such things stand. Be polite, and play nice, please. On the contraire. It look more like you are emotional again, and trying to attack with words because you are frustrated. Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis
  4. Not that much more than, western Europe, Scandanavia, and the Mediterranean. Non. Pas plus que ca. But if we not slow you some down now, It be harder in futur. We'd have to commits more than what is needed now. For me; I haves many escadrilles of the bombers, that needed something to do. I was told that les Arabs offer many targets in the deserts. And it not to worry for you, mon ami. I'm tell my allies, that you my friend, and I not wanting to bomb you. Oh, oh, oh. You doing the over-reacting. We not sending more force than need to be nécessaire. We have multiple fronts, and need to be wise in our forces distribution to the different area of the map. You not going to be beat soon. You need to veify the RWE news more. All those countries have engagements (<- I think that correct in English?) alreadies. This is very false. I shocked at such propaganda. Is not one of you a professeur de mathématiques? Do the calculations of forces relative strength in your area again, please. Or actuialies... If people belive this, than maybe we should not reveal the truth... ? Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis
  5. Sacrebleu! I'ms take little sabatical, and look all that has happenning while I'm not here... I have large to replys. I better start... Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis
  6. Oh-heh! Thats so funnie! i cannot stop the laughing. It make hard to tpye. It so "sublime" too. One has to recogniz the real English, for some of thier humour. I haves to gose. I'm cants stops the giggles... Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis
  7. Oh. Non, non, non, non, non, non... My dear Terrien; you haves it all misunderstanded. Go back, little bits, to post # 68, in this thread. There you see, that me and Rommel, have une entente. You sees, he is just "administrating" the territoires, for me, until I arrives! And I'm no worried, about you. Au contraire; I'm worried that I may hurt you inadvertantlies. That's why I ask, you contact me. So we can work out our own "entente cordiale". Au Plaisir Fleur-de-Lis
  8. Allo, the Lowlands. I have many, very large ideas. One of my préféré, is a little villa, in my ancestral home - La France! I'm instructered all my genius savants, to come up with revoulutionaries device, soon: Le snorchel. Then I have to get my engineieurs, to make fit on T-34. Then you, all of yous all, have big surprises - I gaurantee... Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis
  9. Who control the Danelands, now? You better talks to me, soon. I'm in charges of all territoires in the area north there. We woulds not want any accidents to be unfortunate, heh? Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis
  10. Allo L'Allemagne! * wave * It very nice that I sees a Germany's commander that is more capable than the last one. Very nice utilizations of you Ju-88A-4's. But you mustn't nots be too means to my freind, Stalin. He not very patient man, nor he understands all the finnesses of tactics like a Grand Mareschalle ( like me ). He going to lose his sang froid soon. I'm gives you this amicale warning now. Because if - I haves to intervenes - I also get angry mad. I'm needs my orders for other things. You see, the Scandanavians were very badly behaved, and there is much reorganizations requireds from me, in the whole penninsula. Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-lis Edits: Spellings...
  11. I sees the Lowlands are administer some territoire, in Scandanavia, for me, while I'ms on the road to there. I'ms appreciates your thoughtfulnesses. Until that I arrives; do me little favors, pleases... Builds ARM factories. My T-34 ( <- the "T" stands for Terrible! ) require amounts very large. They consumes some lots of FUEL too, so also builds me some OIL refineries. But not too many, mostly ARM factories. Merci boucoups , mon ami. I be there soon... Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands.
  12. I make a mistakes with the building of T-34's... I should have make Pionniers insteads...
  13. I want a Pionnier unit, to open up roads through the forest and moiuntains terrains.
  14. Oh, oh, oh... All these boastings, and nobody of us knows if any have meanings behind these words. Are you all have the strengths, for behind these words? Me, I haves. I show the world, part of my forces to be feared... Let me find one of my favorites... Ah yes. Here we go. Nation: Northern Russia Game#75 _____________________________________________________________________ AIR GROUP REPORT I Wing (4 air groups) is located at x[Censured for reasoning of national securities] Air Group Name Experience Planes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30th Tactical Recon, Po-2 Elite 10/ 10 40th Tactical Recon, Po-2 Elite 10/ 10 42nd Tactical Recon, Po-2 Elite 10/ 10 50th Tactical Recon, Po-2 Elite 10/ 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - These very good, air group. They fight well, for me. It all female pilots, because, as we all know, a woman very mean when she gets angry mad. Now nobody come near the Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands, that not want to be my freind, or else I send these girls after yous... Au Plaisir Fleur-de-Lis Edits: It hard to make the turn report look same in a post. I had to chops the right side off, or else it all looked like jumbled.
  15. Bon, bon, bon... ( Well, well, well...) I'm sees that things in the Mer Mediterranean, are getting hots. It would be nices, if some of the heat would blown up in towards the Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands. I'm have desires, for a vineyard to be established up here. Even in the summers, it still cold and somewhat frigid. At least, the champagne, always stay at a nice chill. It complimentary to the Vodka. I'ms a misses, and have parfois, the yearnings for somes delicate vintages, of my ancestral home... Maybe, it be good idea, if someone tells history accurately, so that everybody not have any false history... Some of the most ancient civilizations (see Aegean civilization) flourished around the Mediterranean. It was opened as a highway for commerce by merchants trading from Phoenicia. Carthage, Greece, Sicily, and Rome were rivals for dominance of its shores and trade; under the Roman Empire it became virtually a Roman lake and was called Mare Nostrum [our sea]. Later, the Byzantine Empire and the Arabs dominated the Mediterranean. Between the 11th and 14th cent., Italian city trading states such as Genoa, Venice, and Barcelona dominated the region; they struggled with the Ottomans for naval supremacy, particularly in the E Mediterranean. Products of Asia passed to Europe over Mediterranean trade routes until the establishment of a route around the Cape of Good Hope (late 15th cent.). With the opening of the Suez Canal (1869) the Mediterranean resumed its importance as a link on the route to the East. The development of the northern regions of Africa and of oil fields in the Middle East has increased its trade. Its importance as a trade link and as a route for attacks on Europe resulted in European rivalry for control of its coasts and islands and led to campaigns in the region during both world wars. Since World War II the Mediterranean region has been of strategic importance to both the United States and, until its dissolution, the Soviet Union. In 1995 countries bordering the Mediterranean signed a pact agreeing to protect it by eliminating toxic waste disposal there over a 10-year period. Bibliography See E. D. Bradford, Mediterranean, Portrait of a Sea (1971); J. E. Swain, The Struggle for the Control of the Mediterranean Prior to 1848 (1973); L. S. Kaplan and R. W. Clawson, ed., NATO and the Mediterranean (1984); M. Miloradov, ed., Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea (1987); M. Grant, The Ancient Mediterranean (1988) Sooos... As we cam all see; the Mer Mediterranean is a popular place! It starting to get boring, where I ams. The Swedens are all a die, soon, and I thinks that my navies are now have nothing to do... Anybody want a Rissian boucanier? (I bring vodka.) Au Plaisir, Fleur-de-Lis Northern (Mother) Rissia Lands.
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