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  1. I was hoping someone would be so generous as to give me a very basic coloniser design. I have an explorer worked out and thats going ok, but coloniser... I was assuming say 50 CB's and 2 AP's and warp travel possible. Thanks in advance. P.S. i've searched the site but can't find anything giving me a spec. I've found how to get a far more advanced version but other than that...
  2. thank you kindly - i hadn't realised that they queued even if not tooled! Clear all it is.
  3. ok thanks for that. I find myself in a bit of a quandry... is it possible for a bug or some coding to go wrong? My latest turn production doesn't match the orders put in i've listed both below. There are a few issues here including the fact that some materials were produced that weren't ordered and aren't tooled and that for example steel apparently was already in the production queue and that some items were made twice... Can anyone shed any light on this or am i missing something? Cheers ================================================================================ ========================================= -----BI (Build Item)----- BI: 10684573, Iron, 29852, 5, No Industrial managers add 10684573 Iron to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 5 ================================================================================ ========================================= -----BI (Build Item)----- BI: 59446, Crystals, 29852, 10, No Industrial managers add 59446 Crystals to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 10 ================================================================================ ========================================= -----BI (Build Item)----- BI: 8100, Rare Elements, 29852, 15, No Industrial managers add 8100 Rare Elements to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 15 ================================================================================ ========================================= -----BI (Build Item)----- BI: 7695400, Steel, 29852, 100, No ** Steel is already in the Industrial Queue for Population Group # 29852 with a Priority of 100 - multiple Industrial Queue entries with the same Priority is allowed, but duplicate entries with the same Priority and Item are not ================================================================================ ========================================= -----BI (Build Item)----- BI: 40000, Transaluminum, 29852, 110, No Industrial managers add 40000 Transaluminum to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 110 ================================================================================ ========================================= -----BI (Build Item)----- BI: 442000, Refined Crystals, 29852, 120, No Industrial managers add 442000 Refined Crystals to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 120 ================================================================================ ========================================= -----BI (Build Item)----- BI: 276200, Synthetic Materials, 29852, 130, No Industrial managers add 276200 Synthetic Materials to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 130 ================================================================================ ========================================= -----BI (Build Item)----- BI: 258600, Electronics, 29852, 200, No Industrial managers add 258600 Electronics to Population Group # 29852's production queue with a priority of 200 ================================================================================ ========================================= - 8,809,475 Iron(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 38,632,250 ] Iron in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced - 152,646 Light Metals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 37,105,790 ] Light Metals in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced . Production of Iron in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 1894753 because only 1.894753E+07 Raw Resources are present - 1,894,753 Iron(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 18,158,260 ] . Production of Lumber in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present - No Lumber(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available resources or Power . Production of Crystals in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present - No Crystals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available resources or Power . Production of Crystals in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present - No Crystals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available resources or Power . Production of Rare Elements in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present - No Rare Elements(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available resources or Power . Production of Gaseous Elements in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present - No Gaseous Elements(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available resources or Power . Production of Petrochemicals in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present - No Petrochemicals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available resources or Power . Production of Industrial Chemicals in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 0 because only 4 Raw Resources are present - No Industrial Chemicals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 because of insufficient Industrial output, available resources or Power - 3,695,400 Steel(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 7,072,060 ] Steel in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced - 40,000 Transaluminum(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 6,952,060 ] Transaluminum in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced - 40,000 Transaluminum(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 6,832,060 ] Transaluminum in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced - 442,000 Refined Crystals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 5,506,060 ] Refined Crystals in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced . Production of Refined Crystals in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 24113 because only 72340 Crystals are present - 24,113 Refined Crystals(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 5,433,721 ] - 276,200 Synthetic Materials(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 4,605,121 ] Synthetic Materials in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced - 276,200 Synthetic Materials(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 3,776,521 ] Synthetic Materials in Population Group # 29852 (an untooled Item) has been completely produced . Production of Electronics in Population Group # 29852 is reduced to 233056 because only 466113 Refined Crystals are present - 233,056 Electronics(s) were produced in Population Group # 29852 [ 3,077,353 ]
  4. One further question related to IC's... I've got this wrong twice so thought i'd beter check how it works. If raw materials are raw, iron level is primary and steel level secondary, electronics level tertiary and finished products (mk 1 nuclear engine level)... i take the number of raw materials changed to primary + number of primary changed to secondary + number of secondary changedto teritiary. Shouldit also be + number of tertiary changed to finished products? I hadn't been including anything for teritiary and came short on production of some finished products so wanted to check... in case you are wondering, i decided to make my own spreadsheets as i struggled to make sense of the ones on the site. Cheers
  5. Indeed i did use the wrong fleet id (or should i say a recently fired scribe used the wrong ID). Ah so i take it my plan to have say a 10k colony is simply not realistic unless you are a good coloniser due to attrition. However i couold put 1000 colonies of 10 on a world with no attrition problems? All for mining?
  6. Hi guys, well it went slightly better than i had thought but i've got a question on two areas :-) - is there any point colonising gas giants and asteroids without domed cities - or is it just an attrition modifier? i.e. are my people going to die? - i tried to create new fleets and transfer in 1 ship to each but for some reason only 1 order worked... all fleets are there i used codes such as RN 102 107 pathfinder 1 pathfinder. This succeeded in moving 1 ship to 1 fleet but all the othe transfers failed? course i made a mistake on my conversions but at least the maths would have been right if i'd been paying attention!
  7. so just to be sure: Planet Gas Giant Asteroid Asteroid would be 0 a b c ? Cheers
  8. One last thing... when doing Geo orders it says i need to put certain letters and a zero for planets. Do we know what letter is gas giant and which is asteroid or do i simply not enter a letter?
  9. I have passed my orders down the chain and with the blessings of my priest i am confident (?) it will go well. Thanks for any and all help - i have little doubt i'll be back after everything goes wrong in my first turn!
  10. Another quick check - sorry about this: I've got to the point (finally) where i am inputting my build orders... Do i need to put a build order in for raw materials from my stripmines and various components i.e. iron frmo an iron mine or do they arrive automatically? Obviosuly i need to to make steel, electronics etc but what about this primary area? Cheers
  11. OK good tips. Another thing occurs to me although its hardly vital for me right now. I've scanned through some ground battles which show lots of divisions with different stats... how do i find out what stats my own divisions have? Is their an order for it? Thanks
  12. Thanks for the feedback. I've been lookling at warp points and i must be missing something. If i build all the science installations i my first turn and keep mkI survey sensors i get something like 165 strength which is more than enough to do up to i guess F warp points. Have i completely missed something?
  13. Hi, Just joined, got my first turn and having spent about 4 days reading every post since time began, i thought that before i exploded i should check some of the basics. I am planning on staying in my system until i get the hang of things... plus there is nothing easily colonisable in my home system so i'll build my homeworld. A quick one to start us off: 1. My turn shows me a nice empty graph at the beginning called Life Form Modifiers. Should there be something in this? 2. For all my yielding materials iron, lumber etc. I think i have the various equations but want to check: Iron Yield 512 = 2660 mines and 761036 production which needs 2660 population to do so. Do they all cost 500 construction materials to build? What do i get back for scrapping strip mining? 3. There was mention of a 100-1 rule when talking about having more than 1 population centre something about it making your 10-1 buildings more efficient? Completely lost me :-) What is a 100-1 rule? 4. I have hydroeclectic potential 204 so was planning to scrap my fission plants and build hydro generators based on the forum advice. But i don't know what it costs to build them - nor fission plants for that matter? 5. I managed to find this as a base explorer vessel... any good? 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine 25000 Cargo Bays 3 Fighter Bays 3 Drone Rack 25000 Fuel Tankage 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive 5 Type A Science Lab 5 Survey Lander 5 Light Magnetic Grapnels 1 Mk I Computer System 6. Exploration - lets say i am exploring a planet... can i only do that once or as many times as i like? If so des the return get less and less or the chance getless and less? 7. A little confused by AP's. My home planet tells me it takes 0.5 AP's to get to it... or is this distance from the sun? 8. Presumably if i scrap things i get that population back to work with? 9. If scrapping ships do i get the major and minor components back or do i get the actual items on the ship? i.e. iron or jump drive? 10. Given how i am not really planning to leave the system right now should i scrap the pathfinders and focus on the new explorer ships who have some cargo space? 11. I can't find anywhere that tells me where my stored research points are (the ones from not taking all my points into my lifeform) 12. My world is pretty damn freezing (dim redsun and all) and covered in toxc polllution - if anyone knows some useful things i should be researching/installing specfically for this it would be appreciated. 13. Do only mines and shipyards need power? And is it 1 power per mine and 100 per shipyard / stripmine? 14. I read i a few posts that we need to produce 500 construction materials a turn for every pop unit? Is that correct? 15. Last (for now) is it fair to say if i am sticking to my homeworld i need a Deep Core Surveyor ASAP? Thanks in advance for anyone who can help out! Written by chief scribe to Mentara Witch King of the Chosen
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