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About Limburgia

  • Birthday 07/25/1976

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    your capital

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hungary has the same run date for over 10 turns, you sneaked between Hungary and Czech if you are blinded it's your own fault not mine.
  2. We did not know what Swiss had at xBern.
  3. lol good luck getting the game full when Russ is slacking
  4. still waiting for game 91 survivor price and game 94, 95 and 97 final statistics why start a new game.....
  5. Russ runs several processing dates in one day so it would not help much. Friday late, saturday, sunday early for example.
  6. Predator you arranged some new targets for me that I need to eliminate first you will be saved for desert Only 5 armies you know of.....very old info
  7. The end is near last few techs are available now and game nearing the end.
  8. Some people that signed up are leaving victory which means some extra sign ups are needed.
  9. Norway wanted war now he got it
  10. There was a gentlemen agreement between Hungary and Norway not to fight each other, that two turns prior to hostiles the other team would be informed, no formal Alliance in place. That agreement was broken so the scandinavian players can't be trusted to their word. That is what happend.
  11. I was told a vote would take place a couple of weeks ago. Not sure the holdup. So no vote and no extention at the moment
  12. any update on who won?
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