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About Mourngrym

  • Birthday 08/31/1972

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Somewhere in space
  • Interests
    Playbymail, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, reading good fantasy novels, watching SF and enjoying good italian food. Going on holiday to Italy, learning the italian language etc etc etc

Mourngrym's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. You promised not to tell that Dark Monk! I am glad you wil cede Austria to me in exchange for Xreykjavik.
  2. Well, about Norway. I had contact with this player, but I think he has dropped the game. If not, sorry! But I think the Swedish will have a great start in this game. Pity dropped positions can't be picked up. Ehr although that could also bring very awkward situations. No news from Iceland. I like to keep it that way.
  3. There is an old saying. Have fun and make it fun to others. I have no problem with you HPW. Enjoy the game.
  4. Maybe we should make a poll? Where does HPW come from Sorry just a lack of humor due to heat wave I say from Denmark!
  5. By the Hans Peter. are you Dutch? Just curious and of subject. Walter aka Mourngrym
  6. Ah! So spongebob is the ruler of an African nation? I'll bet no one wants to ally him?
  7. Any more news from Europe? It's quite here! I guess the first invasions will see the light next turn?
  8. I sense an invasion of the USA into xCopenhage. Maybe to liberate it from the Austrian invaders? It's getting complicated here! Bagdad here I come! Mourngrym
  9. O my god, Austria has to be liberated! LOL You guys made my day Mourngrym
  10. Alright Sponge, I send an email to the Danish player. I have his email adress. So if you write back as the sponge, I believe you. Iceland
  11. General Ghazi, have we ever played a game before? I am not Sponge, but hey I am interested where I should know you from? Curious, will read it after a good night sleep.
  12. I am beginning to think you don't even play the game Didn't vote yet..
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