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Genaral Ghazi

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About Genaral Ghazi

  • Birthday 07/09/1969

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  • Location
    Greensboro, N.C.
  • Interests
    Scuba diving<br />playing victory<br />wringing sponges

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Watch my puppet as he dances in and out of your troops killing as he goes. Dark monk-- I must apologize ahead of time for your upcoming turn results. I see you must support your allies in their quest to stop the spread of the Persian Empire but you have to know that being at war with me can be costly at any time in this game.
  2. Well it seems this will be an interesting group to fight against. I was just saying to myself last week I bet someone hits batum soon because Poland and Czech seem to be trying awful hard to build navies. Sure enough it happened. So looks like I caught czech unready for what he ran up against. Suddenly Czech's forces have all crawled under rocks. Looks like Poland and Germany are in no hurry to come to his aide either. Getting awful close to Rumania.................
  3. This airport was donated by the Persian Government to the Red Cross to fly medicine and food into starving and war torn areas of Europe. Any act of war against this airfield will result in charges of war crimes against humanity.
  4. Germany declared war on france to go into france to save him.
  5. 1) Persia, Saudi, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, with Iraq added in 2) Germany, Czech, Austria, Poland with Lowlands, France, and Italy added in 3) U.S. , Canada, Ireland, with Portugal? added in Basically looks like two groups with the islands thrown in. I am curious as to which side your group is on or if you are content in splitting Scandinavia with germany?
  6. 13. Czech 14. France 15. Italy 16. Saudi Arabia Not sure about Portugal as I haven't talked to him in some time.
  7. Looks like a clear run to the Rumanian border now. Except why does Poland hold the border cities? Mmmmm....Time to start expanding the Persian Empire into Europe. I can't think of a place I would more like to see right now than Vienna.....
  8. Expecting an attack at dawn Persian forces moved on the enemy just after midnight and were able to kill most of them as they climbed out of their tents. German and Polish forces can expect the same treatment when they arrive in the area.
  9. You are correct in that. Too many times in these games you end up fighting the computer or have trouble getting to the front lines. I think eventually in this game the war will come to you. In the meantime sit back and have a few and enjoy the show--it's getting ready to heat up big time in russia.
  10. Dark Monk--Your buddy in Czech will be happy to hear that luck seems to be on his side. My ally was supposed to tas his army with his entire airforce but sent them to the wrong location! Maybe I'm on the wrong side of this war.....
  11. Holy Crap Batman!!!! I can't believe I didn't notice he dropped back a day on his last turn. looks like I need to make some changes. I can't believe we are running the same day..
  12. Well here is how I see it. I attack at about 2:1 odds and kill his army with minimal losses on my end. I draw replacements and my army is full strength again and his is dead. I run next so....... Anyway I'll take the half point as clearly I am keeping my promise I made early in the game and am driving right for austria!!!
  13. Okay then a free pass this turn for the Monk. Not so much for Czech though. Orders have come down to kill the army at xMirgorod.
  14. 4 on 1 in Central Russia it is then. Aren't all those dead bodies you guys will be sending home going to back up the rail lines?
  15. I had to pull back because I couldn't fight Germany and Poland by myself with Czech driving on my flank. A happy new year to you as well.
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