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  1. They do, my friend - oh yes - they do...!
  2. Be carefull my Swedish friend - not that you´re going to experience the same problems you had with the Turtle Soup - do you remember? Swedish Chef making Turtle Soup By the way, I miss your fine swedish dialekt...
  3. Ummm, what? I'd put my translators on this but I'm sure it is not worth the effort. All I heard was 'buzz,buzz,buzz, bork,bork,bork.' Now where did I put that skeeter swatter? Let me help you Kurassier I understood the following: "It would seem that the uneasy trust - a between the confederacy and the European mainland - has come to an end. You know what they did? They sunk a Norwegian cargo fleet delivering medical supplies to the people of Copenhagen. Many lifes have been lost and these etrocities can not go unanswered - watch this specie - The Chef is Back! Bork Bork Bork!"
  4. I am very disappointed about not being mentioned on your list SPONGY! So I asked Russ to participate. So count me in hunting your tail sweety You never get a better jumpstart as having a common boarder with the Sponge ...
  5. HPW

    Game 83

    Bob my friend in favour of the XXXL undies - you misunderstand here something - as usual... The only thing that keeps all your surrounding countries from filet-ing your fine country is the Privacy Option and your play of hide and seek. We all know you´d receive immediately inflationary DWs after your position was disguised and confirmed So - let us know where you hide
  6. HPW

    Game 83

    If I might add: Its rather Sponge or Bolivia - no other possibilities in my opinion But your guess of "Who-cares-land" is very well summarised...
  7. Hi Slicer! Maybe you should read the whole game 80 forum to understand it better. Or maybe I get you wrong - do you want Manstein or Wolf being "de-capital-ed"? But to me, and I am also German (in RL), with a kind of skin like yours, I thought Mansteins comments were very entertaining and since my parents (like most of this generation) had there problems with the correct "th" I can live with that funny joke of his nicely. I have been to the US and Canada for about a dozen times and profited from the advantage of learning English early in school which my parents couldnt for obvious reasons. So I think this part of your skin must be a little thinner than the rest but of course everyone has got those regions
  8. Hi Pred! To be honest if I did ignore the forum in the past it was either for personal reasons or most because of you. I do not need silly debates about who is better at playing vic. I mean Im a noob its my first game and you are obviously one of the "all time" heros. No need for me to argue with that. The other thing is I dont need to be blamed for playing the same way you do - I try to get what is reachable and try to win the game. But of course I have only little idea what that means exactly. But do you do anything else? No. Or do I need to be blamed when I take out armies that seem to be running into extinction? Did you do anything else when I defeated your 18 Divs at Moscow? No, you retreated and havent been seen there for a number of turns. Do I leave others to die for me? Do you really think we don´t talk about our movements? About where when and what for an army has to be at a certain time? And after all it is more simple for you to reach my mainland than for me alone to reach yours with all your friends marching forward with you and a world design which prefers a flat world where your country is located in the edge and with the only waterway under control of your friends. My country is located in the middle of the map. And by the way I had helped in France with a lot of divisions and did also do some work on other territories and since my friends marched forward quite nicely in the south there was at that time no need for me to join them and spoil other possibilities I had. So I leave the decision about the quality of gameplay to all the others and just give the answer to everyones questions in the field. That is where you can always find me. Maybe I will not prevail but I know I will fight to do so and I try to respect my opponent as he leaves room for me to do so. I don´t see any other reasonable topic. So I am out there, you dont need to worry. The posts ar set the endgame begins.
  9. HPW

    Game 83

    But this would explain certainly the reason why you both are the most hated persons on the forum PS: Just repeating the poll results ... By the way - I´d like to see who voted there since I´d bet there were a lot of Sponges "1 post sign-ups" voting for the Monk I just cant wait for it .... hold it I cant take no more !! ....
  10. HPW

    Game 83

    I knew Spongily would not like to be discovered as Monks alter ego, while Monk surely will consume the bad idea that lies in it with great pleasure ... remaining very amused!
  11. Hey Predi! Wow - if that´s all you can do to me I shall be really scared! Oh and you know I´ve only got very few bombers so Austria was so gratefull to assist me. This way I can easily take back xBerlin by AA - you know... And if you are referring to "without help" - lets take a roll call - how many countries and how many players try to march upwards to Central Europe ? You may complete my list if you wish to : Persia SR Iran Iraq TJ Syria Saudi UAE Turkey Egypt Algeria Tunisia Lybia Morocco plus the half-controlled countries you guys just march through. I really feel ashamed to get help by someone... Remember it is my first vic game - I´m a noob! But hasn´t there been someone who declared to be at the Polish boarder a year ago or so yet has not taken a single step into it?? Its just Poland come on... or do you need assistance?
  12. Remember: The Bavarians know how to brew beer and they know how to celebrate but they didnt invent the calendar: "Oktoberfest" is always in the second week of September - just to make sure you dont miss it cause maybe your travel agent doesnt know... PS: Of course you are also welcom Galvorn - maybe we can meet - that would be fun!
  13. You are welcome! and if you like some company... and if you still got enough stamina after this...
  14. "WHOA, IT'S BEER O'CLOCK!! GOTTA GO!" That sounds very sympathetic to me! For a small hint on your armies whereabouts I´d tend to serve you a sweet Macanudo Portofino Cafe to it! ===~° PROST! PS: Funny - it just came to my mind that we over here have beers in sizes like you buy petrol over there in the US. What might be the reason for it...?
  15. HPW

    Game 83

    Idaho, this tank was specially designed for Sponges use so he can better see where he is driving to, where the enemy comes from and finally who dried the water out of him, who kicked his butt inside out who made his bubbles fad away or any other way you might wish to name it ... And for the likely instant he does it to himself again therefore the tank got large mirrors on both sides so he can watch himself best at it I hope this answered your question. By the way Spongy has produced other tremendous inventions during his many short engagements like the army that cuts its own retreat-location and so on but this is subject to another conversation.
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