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  1. Sheep have a habit of crying wolf.
  2. Been there, heard that already.
  3. The Azores is nice. It really is a safe place, regardless of the rumors you hear about the United States trying to conquer it.
  4. Master plan - We've been unable to do the conquering ourselves, so we will let somebody else do the fighting and try to take whatever scraps are left over.
  5. It's about time somebody made an effort to take Europe, the NW group can't seem to do anything other than send bombers.
  6. I don't hear any fat ladies singing.
  7. It seems that I've heard that quite a few times before.
  8. The cardboard cutouts in the Azores have held out for quite a while.
  9. So, when Ireland said they are going to take the Azores, Spain, and Portugal, it's just to throw everybody off and you really plan on conquering somebody else?
  10. I've been trying to think of one thing you've said you were going to do that actually happened.
  11. If the defenses are gone, then why is it still owned by Portugal? How long ago did the attack on the Azores start? I can't wait to see what happens when you try to invade the mainland.
  12. Yes, they are pretty bad. Almost as bad as the defenses that are in the Azores.
  13. We asked the French soldiers that volunteered in the Spanish army, but they wouldn't stop laughing long enough to give us an answer. We'll head north and talk to the Lowland volunteers and see what they say....
  14. Apparently, the 6 divisions heard the party as they were sailing by the Azores and decided to join them. My mistake, maybe next time.
  15. So what you're saying is that the only thing saving you is the hordes from the Middle East?
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