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  1. ORI: You accuse people of hiding behind the glorious Flagritz Republic without first taking a long look at who your empire hides behind? At the same time with your YNOLOC/NHI empires you continue to bully and Pirate smaller positions less than 4 months old in that area, after they let you know they are active and wish to be left alone. This is all a moot point, your colors show themselves. The ORI and all empires associated with it should only be trusted as far as they can be tossed. Do not worry, the Flagritz Republic is looking for you much harder than you are looking for us. This is how Flagritz does not fear the ORI or any of it's allies. I am willing to give you a list of my outlying systems to "Help you in the destruction of your Empires". Are you willing to do the same? Or will the ORI continue to "Cower:" in your system? I notice the ORI is not too keen on accepting the challenge set forth by Megachiroptera.... Is this a sign of said "Cowardness" on the part of the ORI? Is there blood in the water? I think I would be afraid too if I had a "Dreadnaught Parade" coming for me.
  2. Do not worry, your destruction is nigh. You are all talk and no action.... well that's not true, you take action in running away displaying the cowardly nature of your species.
  3. Hmm Cheating? Not sure I would call it "Cheating", More like getting over on a player who does not know his Rear from his Head. I am sure our fleets will be seeing each other sooner than you may think. I am almost 100% positive you will run and hide after you see this hammer coming for your face. Might want to read the original post a little closer. I do NOT make idle boasts... oh you better watch some of your so called "Allies" will be MIGHTY embarrassing for one of them to all of a sudden..... Said too much already... Have a good day Mr. Fouasnon.
  4. To the ENEMIES of the Flagritz Republic: To you I say this: Beware the wrath of the Plektonite Technology. The might of the Flagritz Republic is rising higher than it ever has. To the following empires I call you out as cowards and issue a challenge to you. War has been declared on the following: ORI #304, WORLDLAB MEYENE #492, YNOLOC CONSORTIUM #673, TRIANGLE A #2688, TRIANGLE B #1405, TRIANGLE C #1390, THE NHI #3213, SILITHUS #3882, OGG-L.D&D, TRIBUTARY EMPIRE #4715, GEHENNA #855, STAR KINGDOM OF AGESILAUS #2508, and STAR BURROWS#3591. Any empires allied with this offal will be dealt with harshly. To R. Fouasnon I say "You will be the first to face the new technology the Flagritz Republic will unleash!" To any empires opposed to these cowardly empires, I encourage you to send me a message in game. I do not require assistance, but knowing there are others willing to oppose such empires is usefule knowledge. Treachery will be dealt with , as will enemy spies.
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