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    Where ever the stars drop me off at the time

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  1. Pete Turns Are In Thanks For The Update Items For Us
  2. It would also be nice to have advanced fuel shuttles to
  3. Pete Thanks for the update
  4. It would be nice if Pete would come on and give us a update .You know how some people are they never clean there ships up from the start of the empire to now so you have lots of very old ships just sitting around or move them to a battle area to loss them for you don't have to waste the orders on doing it . And yes one of my empire does have some very old ships in it but I'm swapping them out for new ones
  5. anything under 100,000 tons and also that includes explorer ships, old tanker, old cargo ships, colonial ships in my mine is junk ships. If you played it long enough your war ships should be 1 billion ton by now
  6. Thanks Pete Thanks for the updated
  7. NEWA, Population Group #, Army #, New Army Name Population Group # Army # The Population Group ID # where you want to create a new Army. The ID # that you are assigning to your new Army. You can use whatever positive ID # that you like but it must be unique—not in use by an Army elsewhere in your Empire. Low #’s are wise, since extremely high I #’s will surely result in mistakes when you issue Army orders later on. The name you are giving to your new Army. Other players will see this name, so keep it in good taste. New Army Name Example: NEWA, 5002, 20, XX Corps Army # 20, called “XX Corps”, is created at Population Group # 5002. You must control Pop Group #5002, and Army # 20 must not already be in use elsewhere in your Empire, or this order will fail. This order is used to transfer Divisions currently stationed at a Population Group into an Army. The Army must already be located at the same Population Group. DIV, Population Group #, Army #, Division Type # 1, Qty # 1, …, Division Type # 24, Qty Division Type # 24 Population Group # Army # The Population Group ID # where the Divisions are currently stationed. The Army ID # that is receiving the Divisions. This Army must be located at the Population Group that the Divisions are coming from. The first Division type that you want transferred from the Population Group to the Army. If you use the special keyword of ALL here instead of the name of a particular Division, your field commanders will transfer every Division in the Population Group. The Quantity of the first Division that you want transferred. If you used the ALL keyword for the first Division transferred (in the “Division # 1 field), then the Quantity for the first Division is not needed. Remaining Division types that you want transferred. Quantities of the remaining Divisions that you want to transfer. Division # 1 Quantity # 1 Divisions # 2-24 Quantities # 2-24 Example: DIV, 8547, 20, ALL
  8. You have to make a new army on your second colony
  9. Would this work if the ship is cloak also . Just a wonder is all
  10. Oh i forgot rfouasnon that you own this fourm and the games so stop it . I HAVE EVER RIGHT TO ANSWER THIS IF I WANT TO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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