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Clan Elder 'Keen

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  1. I would like the addition of a recycling center simply so I could reduce the length of planetary inventories...
  2. Oh, it's for everybody. Ya I had no clue and submitted 120.
  3. All the time gathering intel from those native spies wandering around on their home turf...
  4. Pete, Any further thoughts on your plans to tweak missiles as currently they can be countered by both CIDS and AP (which is incredibly easy to obtain)?
  5. "I'm ready... I'm ready... I'm ready..."
  6. While you are waiting for the adv mats to finish up normal research, spend the startup points instead on armor and force fields....
  7. Welcome. I detect some animosity from the Victory universe spilling over, but what the heck, we are all blood-thirsty imperialists behind the pleasant exterior demeanors.
  8. Pete and Russ, Thank you for this engrossing slowly unfolding epic of a game. Every cycle there is so much to do, be it economic development, mapping, or ass-kicking; all of which are interesting sub-games in their own right. Put it all together and it becomes a true masterpiece worthy of continued participation year after year. Happy holidays to you and yours.
  9. I think I saw this in a movie once...
  10. Speaking of errors, shouldn't NDN Green Slime (Nova Dreadnaught - 81,000,000 tons) be a bastion and have 9x the integrity?
  11. Fixing it causes other issues in the report generator. I've considered adding a new report with just shipyard slips, but that would burn an entire page even if you only have a couple of pop groups with slips. I'll probably settle on adding a slip display at the bottom of the end turn adjustments section, in simple text, like the fleet listings. Whatever format you think is best.
  12. Any word on a fix for the display bug for quantity of Shipyard Slips?
  13. Some people choose to quickly SRP requirements for TWD and MK IV JJS which are useful for the duration of the game. Others build big explorers with 10 or even 20 of the lower tech JJS and add in an explorer and maybe a scientist for good measure. Whatever you do, just be sure to be able to sustain 40 orders a turn otherwise you are wasting real-life resources.
  14. Firepower is a bit low for a ship of that size, but with the early adapters finding the tech tree a luck of the draw there is little to fault the player.
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