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SRPs and Part Researched Items


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Saved SRP's are not stored with fractions, but earned SRP's toward an item (via regular research, for instance) are.  If you have completed 10.46 points toward a 12 point item and assign 1 research center to that item and slot 1 it (supposing that you have no bonuses or penalties to research) you would have earned 11.46 points and still need another 0.54 points.  If you have saved points, 1 point would be expended to complete it, assuming of course it's an item that can accept saved points (most 12 point items can).


Thanks Pete, that's cleared that one up :blush:

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Saved SRP's are not stored with fractions, but earned SRP's toward an item (via regular research, for instance) are.  If you have completed 10.46 points toward a 12 point item and assign 1 research center to that item and slot 1 it (supposing that you have no bonuses or penalties to research) you would have earned 11.46 points and still need another 0.54 points.  If you have saved points, 1 point would be expended to complete it, assuming of course it's an item that can accept saved points (most 12 point items can).


Chief Scientist Melissa stands before the Concordium Imperial council. Bowing for their great leader Varadin, with trembling voice she speaks. "Your Greatness, I could have sworn that SRP's were used and stored at a decimal level like research. The scientists of your realm long ago looked into to this matter. And after trading information with other races and communing with the Gods, we were certain this was true."


Chief Minister Varadin stares down at Melissa, his eyes tinged red showing his displeasure. "And where is this body of evidence to support your conjecture?"


Bowing closer to the floor, Chief Scientist Melissa begins "You Greatness, owing to a series of issues with computer storage and various hardware upgrades, the body of evidence seems to be .. missing. But I am certain that..."


Varadin stands up from his, eyes now blazing a fiery red, shouting "SILENCE!". The telekinetic force coming from Varadin sends Melissa spinning across the floor towards the doors of the Council room (and knocks several lesser ministers and their chairs backwards to the floor). "You have embaressed this council with your unsupported statements, and are no longer fit to serve". Two burly guards drag the limp form of the Chief Scientist out through the council doors as Varadin sits back down.


Varadin looks at the computer screen near his seat, where after a few moments, his eyes once more begin to tinge with red. "Send in Administrator Clinton. Perhaps he can explain how it came to be that our Orbital Refinries had no Raw resources for producing Improved Refined Crystals, thus delaying our production of the Uller class Mega-Carrier". The ministers, all back in their seats now, start to cringe. Looks like another long council meeting....



Personnel Note --- I could have sworn SRP's were saved / used at a decimal level. But I can find nothing in all my past stuff to support where I got that idea. I apologize for the mistake. The minions have been properly chastised. :blush:

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