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Game 75 Begins!


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Here is the funny part. Why did you not accept Morocco's TA? If you have only 4 TAs like you claim, you would have an opening. You are obviously optimistic about your upcoming war with Algeria. You somehow believe that you will be able to take him out. If you were to win in Algeria, then where would you go? Towards Libya? No he's already a TA. You are rolling towards Morocco. You are the one intending to take out Morocco!


Actually after Algeria I am rolling east to saudi via egypt. Your theory is close but still needs a little work. I did not ta with morocco because there was no advantage in it for me. I would be fighting all of algeria's troops and that would allow him to beat me to the sweet spots, I don't think so. So coothunter are you the leader of the group?


To Tunisian supremecy! :cheers::)

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The group leader? I am the leader of my Saudi troops. We don't need a leader. We are more like a Neighborhood Watch Program designed to protect ourselves from evil power blocks.


I welcome you to meet me in Saudi Arabia. We can always you fresh labor to work to work our oil rigs. Unfortunately, there won't be many Tunisians left when Marklen is finished. He doesn't tend to leave a lot of survivors. Perhaps I can talk him into saving me a few Tunisian soldiers and some Tunisian artifacts. I can build a little museum in Riyadh so our children can learn about the fall of the Tunisian Empire.

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POWER BLOCK THIS, POWER BLOCK THAT, VERBAL SLAP DOWNS, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. How about this, we all come clean about who's who with who and have a good clean fun game of war ;)!!!!!! The fallowing is by no means set in stone. some confirmed and some is speculation. thats for you to determin. But all are how things look to be at this time. Lets start down south, shall we. The fallowing power blocks are:


1)Tunisia, Spain and Lybia. Morroco by his own words claims not to be part of this group. So it is assumed that he stands alone at this time even though he was named in with them.


Moving east:

2)Egypt, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Algeria and Syria

3)Trans-Jordan, Turkey, Persia and Iraq.

This should cover Africa and the Mid East. Have fun guy's



4)Greece, Rumania, N & C Russia look to have come together late but are together according to sorcces that I feel are credable. Portugal is TA'd to Greece but I wouldn't think he is part of this block


5)Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Baltics. Yes Monk, this is your group :unsure:. I didn't forget about you.


6)Iceland, Ireland and Great Britain are a possible. Little has been heard from or about them as far as we know. I can not say they are a group but wouldn't it be interesting if they were???????????????????????????????? :huh:


Now Monk :), we're getting closer to central europe aren't we. Remember your cry out to Germany (post#230) becouse your scared of Denmark attacking you. Well keep reading :(.


7)Yugoslovia, Bulgaria, Hungery and Austria. Nice little group :cheers:

8)Italy, Czechoslovakia and France. I&C are TA'd but have yet to see france sign in. Italy claims they came in as a team though. At least thats what he told me :blink:???


HHHMM? who might be left. I bet your wondering huh Monk. Remember your worry about Me and Denmark attacking free central europe (post#232). Here's that MUD on your face I warned you about. I saved the best for last just for you :P.


9)Switzerland (me), Denmark, Lowlands, GERMANY and Poland :thumbsup:

So Monk, you still want to bring it on over or stay hidden in those dark woods of yours.


This has been a public service anouncement to the wourld as we know it. It does not inclued side alliances or other agrements and is by no means fully confirmed. The writer is not responsible for the contents of this message :oops:. Thank you for your time and here is to a fun friendly game of Victory :cheers:


P.S. HHMMM? the U.S. and canada, wonder what their up to :cheers:

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Oooops - Thats let the cat out of the bag :cheers:

Wolf amongst the Pigeons

Fox among the Chickens

Vikings all over the Swedes like a nasty rash gained by a Virgin (Monk) on Prom night.


I just love the smell of napam in the morning - Heres to seeing you on the beaches oh Dark One, the light will come and show you the way. :) Hallehlula - Praise the Lord ;)

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Actually after Algeria I am rolling east to saudi via egypt. Your theory is close but still needs a little work. I did not ta with morocco because there was no advantage in it for me. I would be fighting all of algeria's troops and that would allow him to beat me to the sweet spots, I don't think so. So coothunter are you the leader of the group?



Now really Predator, you have been doing ok until this drivel, grade schoolers would not be fooled. How does not being TA'd with Tunisia prevent Morroco from beating you to the sweet spots in Algeria? He can attack me after I am engaged with you just as easily if he is not TA'd with you, as he can if he is. And do you really expect anybody to believe that with just a small stretch of Morroco preventing you and Spain from linking up after Algeria is dead, you would just say have a nice day and forget about Morroco? Takeda strikes me as a careful fellow, and I find it hard to believe he will buy that tripe.

I think perhaps you did not contrive nearly a good enough excuse for refusing the TA with Morroco, but then, that is just me, perhaps he sees it different.

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I do not know what will happen with morocco in the future. However by not being ta'ed to him now would allow me to take parts of algeria from him if I want them. If I run into Morocco in algeria and decide I got what I wanted then at that time I can reevaluate whether or not I want to continue west. My goal however is to go east as soon as I can. But first things first.

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Dear Brother Patton, dear Denmark!


You do not need more enemies with such friends :( !


I surrender :cheers: ! Please send me the conditions for my capitulation.


Yours Brother Marcus


Denmark has the paper work and the North will be watched closely :);)

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Dear brother Denmark! :D


Do you really like to get a lliance offer from my little country? Where will you go then? You are trapped by Germany.


If I am allied with your nation may I invade Germany or some others of your friends?


Please send me detailed instruction I do not like to loose this new friendship soon.


Maybe you have a good idea for a new little nice war too.


Your brother Sweden

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I told you right at the Start I wanted an alliance with you, norway and finland because I had plans elsewhere.


Cant remember or is it to dark in your hole to read your messages :D


Its simple, (even Sweden cant get this wrong) Speak with your allies and all on the next turn offer Denmark an alliance by entering


PAP Denmark Alliance


If you all do this then we are all best of buddies and I can go about my business elsewhere.


No you may not invade Germany, or Poland, or anyone else I am friends with as an act of war on a friend is an act of war on all the Confederates.


The Confederates plans for world domination are no concern of yours. :huh:


This is your one and only chance, failure to comply will result in the whole Confederacy clammering all over your nation like a nasty rash on a virgin on Prom night.


And just a PS to Norway and Finland. The Confederacy has no quarral with either of you, its just Sweden, its caused so much trouble we feel we have no need blame you for the missdeeds of Sweden. If any of you want to desert the sinking ship and join the Confederacy then please get in touch. :cheers:

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