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AHH...Got to love it, comments made but on just one sorce of information, world events....how quaint!!!!!!!!!! :cheers:

There is no doubt they are learning Itaian! Of course, they are slow learners!!! ;)





Slow for a reason :cheers:

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AHH...Got to love it, comments made but on just one sorce of information, world events....how quaint!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Well lil Patton, these propaganda boards are just that, propaganda. The recent world events seem to carry a bit more weight with me, but maybe that is just because I am old and cynical. Now if I were to see those cities fall right back, I might conclude that Rasputin had gotten overextended, but for now, well....

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I feel the need to learn Algerian.... draw your own conclusions as to why  ;)

Wait, I think I get it! You have heard from your old pal Predator about the splendid Saharan accomodations at our reeducation camps, and were hoping to have better communication with your guards..., err teachers. I hope you are planning a vacation on our sunny shores soon. I am sure your good friend Rasputin would let you use an Italian port for the much trumpeted Swiss navy, which I have heard is fearsome to behold. I look forward to your promised visit with great anticipation.

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I feel the need to learn Algerian.... draw your own conclusions as to why  :D



I want to play!!! Come visit my sandy beaches. I have plenty of ocean-side condos and a growing tourism industry. We have erected fountains for each of the invaders we have crushed. A Danish fountain would look spectacular right next to the spot reserved for Persia.


The problem is that Marklen leaves barely a trace of his opponents. If you visit me first, I promise to build a nice monument to fondly remember your fallen armies.

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But we haven't seen danes in this part of the world. I would have tourists from miles around coming to see what they looked like. We've all seen those nasty Persians. Nobody really cares to see them.


Now a danish army, followed by the volumes of rambling web posts that would accompany it, that would be a treat.

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I will do my best to accomodate all those who wish to have the Danish Army over to stay, it may take a while to reach all parts of the world but rest assured the Danish people have a strong navel tradition and will sail to all nations as soon as possible.


Thank You

Minister for Confederacy Propaganda

Patriot X

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I will do my best to accomodate all those who wish to have the Danish Army over to stay, it may take a while to reach all parts of the world but rest assured the


I'll make it easy for you then. We Rumanians can deal with not having these Danedishes around. Believe me as I say that it will not be easy for us to forgo on these Danedish tourists, but I guess we will just have to live with it.

In fact, we'd like it if none of you send any tourists to Rumania. That way, we'll be able to send more ourselves.


Rumania will come to you this winter!



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By "YOU" do you mean us Danish or other member states of the Great Confederacy? :jawdrop:


The reason why I ask is that France has lost province after province and we Danes along with our brothers from the Lowlands are slowly but surely bringing democracy and mens clothing to the French people.


And dont get me started on the Italian front. The Italians may have made some gains but as always they will be short lived and soon after the French have fallen so will the Italians.


Oh and another thing, the American dogs will not be-able to save the French, too little too late.


Send your bombers Yanky but you wont have time to send your troops, there going to be left all at sea and when they are the Danish navy will blow them out of the water

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