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:cheers: Thats all well and good as long as the enemy of your ememy isn't also your enemy :(. Now if the enemy of your friend is also your friend. that could be an even worse problem :drunk:. But if the enemy of your friend is also your enemy then every thing is golden and no worries :(. Now if the friend of your enemy is your enemy..........you get the point :P .
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Now I'm really upset. The gall of the Swiss to accuse my spies of wasting their time on his meaningless mountains. You could possible get some fresh spring water there, but do I need remind anyone the salmon are spawning. Probably not so fresh afterall.

I have spent my entire life in pursuit of popularity, and now finally I have achieved my goal. It'll probably kill me but at least for the moment I seem to be popular. A word to the wise should be sufficient, therefore that word. Some out there are gathering to much attention for such an early stage of the game. Hope it comes back and haunts you...........



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Now I'm really upset. The gall of the Swiss to accuse my spies of wasting their time on his meaningless mountains. You could possible get some fresh spring water there, but do I need remind anyone the salmon are spawning. Probably not so fresh afterall.

I have spent my entire life in pursuit of popularity, and now finally I have achieved my goal. It'll probably kill me but at least for the moment I seem to be popular. A word to the wise should be sufficient, therefore that word. Some out there are gathering to much attention for such an early stage of the game. Hope it comes back and haunts you...........




First: thank you for your support PatriotX. It is welcome :P


Second: As much as I hate to agree with the Monk :cheers:. His statment is correct and fitting. Although I'd like to know what mouse he has in his pocket. "we will send troops", you are not, have not been, nor will be part of the confederate free states (unless we chose to assimulate you):blink: . so for you to say "we will send troops" is missleading at best. But, the troops will come Stonecrest. they may not be mine but will be part of the free state confederate. Czechoslovakia sent the spy's :) so they will recive the troops :cheers: .


Third: Predator, Stonecrest can only be Czechoslovakia. As it was his spy's that got cought in my little country :drunk: . Those "Meaningless Mountains" as he puts it.


Lastly: For Stonecrest. Are you dening sending spy's :P to my mountain's. The fisrt part of your post indicates that stongly. Spying is part of the game my friend{used loosly). I do it and expect it to be done to me, but to deniy it when you get cought. thats a different matter :). It's rather insulting :) . Your spy's spoke plainly and clearly as to where they came from and did not show to be trained very well. Maybe you should work on that :blink:. To the rest of your statement, It's not worthy of any further comment. :cheers:. It speeks for it self :blink: . :cheers:

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Until now I really enjoy to write to my beloved boys from the confederacy. But now this is all over. You think I think I might be part of the confederacy :taz::cheers::taz::P:taz::cheers::taz:


You will pay for this.... I will now join the Federation of Free Nations in their war against this crazy confederacy. I will stop my war with NR and turn around all ships, tank, soldiers & bombers and will visit as soon as possible the heart of your confederacy. I am sure Germany will love it.





See you in Zurich

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Oooooo Im scared :angry: Bring it on Dark One, the Confederacy awaits your arrival with bated breath. We have been planning for your planned invasion since the begining of 1939 and our defenses are second to none.


One more thing, dont pick on Germany, pick on someone your own size like ME :angry: Im waiting as I said long ago I am not the aggressor but the Liberator.


As for you leaving Northern Russia, i see you are doing as i told you :cheers: or is it your scared of Northern Russia, leaving your allies in Norway and Finland to the mercy of the Russian troops.


Cya :P:cheers::blink:

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Hey Monk,


It is very interesting that both lil' Patton and Patriot_X talk so much yet have done nothing. I can't speak about what Patriot_X is going to do but I have a feeling the only way lil' Patton will come out of the hills is if he gets drunk and falls off a mountain!! With the way he is talking — won't be long!!!!!! :thumbsup:



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Hi Rasputin!


You are right; these little boys are like big balloons of hot air.



I really like the joke with their confederacy :ranting: ...... I call it the alliance of the lone ones :ninja: . I am sure they will realize the situation soon. :P


What do you think, is there an other one in this group who like to join the dark side? :cheers::ranting:


Sleep well my Danish scholar; I will guard your coast well. :D


The Monk (the one and only)

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Oi Rasputin, where do you think we are all going to go when we have defeated France eh? There is not much land in lil ol Europe and your lovely country looks like a nice place to Visit.


It wont be long, France is already on Deaths Door after the Lowlands has made great inroads and the Germans surprise attack early on.


If i can make it to France I guess I can make it to Italy.... Eventually :ninja:

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