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The Confederacy would also like to announce the closing of BAL3, BAL4, BAL5, BAL6, BAL7 oh and BAL8 to any Swedish ships.


Now that is funny! :jawdrop:


I though so also :cheers: , its a pitty your so far away from the Confederacy, you would make a great member. Any thoughts on a trip across the Med to visit our friend in Italy? :)

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The Confederacy would also like to announce the closing of BAL3, BAL4, BAL5, BAL6, BAL7 oh and BAL8 to any Swedish ships.


Now that is funny! :jawdrop:


I though so also :cheers: , its a pitty your so far away from the Confederacy, you would make a great member. Any thoughts on a trip across the Med to visit our friend in Italy? :)


Predator has been vacationing in the right spot to survay the situation...HHMMM :cheers:. I'm sure he has been enjoying the show, no better seat in the house :drunk: . :cheers:

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Not only has the Evil one DW on me but his Henchman in Norway as well. I told the world they were evil and they have landed there storm troopers in two provinces.


But they are nothing compared to the wrath of the Confederacy. Where are there marines going to go, they cant take any cities as they are all defended and they cant re-supply as they have taken no ports.


All they can do is starve to death.


Things could not be worse for them in the north as well, They may have taken a city from our friends in Northern Russia but Northern Russia is fighting back and taken a city from Finland.


I have also silenced those that say Denmark and Switzerland do nothing. More French soil has come under Confederacy rule, and this time at the hands of Denmark and Switzerland.


This battle may be won by the Evil Scandinavians but the war is far from over.

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Marklen X

Since you are watching I'll break the good news. WE ARE AT WAR!



How sad that your warmongering ways will bring death and destruction to the peace loving peoples of Tunisia. I am happy that you have told me though, so now I will not have to wait two weeks. Hopefully I will go before you on the 26th!

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Not only has the Evil one DW on me but his Henchman in Norway as well. I told the world they were evil and they have landed there storm troopers in two provinces.


But they are nothing compared to the wrath of the Confederacy. Where are there marines going to go, they cant take any cities as they are all defended and they cant re-supply as they have taken no ports.


All they can do is starve to death.


Things could not be worse for them in the north as well, They may have taken a city from our friends in Northern Russia but Northern Russia is fighting back and taken a city from Finland.


I have also silenced those that say Denmark and Switzerland do nothing. More French soil has come under Confederacy rule, and this time at the hands of Denmark and Switzerland.


This battle may be won by the Evil Scandinavians but the war is far from over.


My brother Jedi :). Do to unfortunate and unforseen (clearly clouded by the dark side) events. My assault on France has been but mearly delayed. War has been declaired, but this is just the start :cheers:. The forces of darkness may be able to delay the enevitable. But with patients, the enevitable will come :).


And oh ya, More czeckoslovokian spys again :).

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  • 2 weeks later...
What's this we stuff. You aren't doing anything but talking!



Rasputin - read the last post, I said EVENTUALLY, that means sometime in the FUTURE - Doh!!!


Let's see here, 50% of your alliance only talks, 50% attacks. Guess that means 100% of the time we will hurt 50% of your alliance!! :thumbsup:




HHMMM??? :ninja:

I am honored to be seen as such a threat that I was not your first target. But rather to be blocked in till you are stronger. Otherwise you would have taken me out first. So why don't you give back France his provences or DW on me. Or are you still scared. Do you think that I am so strong that you must have such overwhelming odds to take me out??????? You can't even get your math right. There are 5 of us. 3 have made assaults, HHMMM...3/5ths. more than 50%. would have been 4/5ths but for you coraling me in so that I can't let my actions speek for me. Or is it that you do not have confidence in the french forces to be able to handle them self in war. Whatever the case, I am still honored, Thanks for the moral boost :thumbsup:

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lil' Patton


Actions speak louder than words! We took action to even the odds and you don’t seem to like it much. Rather than working your propaganda ministry with extreme overtime, why not take action and show us what you’ve got!! Or you can continue to sing “Islands in the sky!”



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Marklen X- So much for this war being one on one. It seems you have dragged Egypt into it as well with the coastal bombardment of Tunis. You will pay for your treachery! :thumbsup:  :cheers:


Egypt- Call the Chaplain of the Navy and tell him he's about to be real busy!  :ninja:



Predator, I believe that it was you who dragged everyone into your war. When you DW on everyone in the neighborhood, you have to expect something is going to happen. :nuke:


My pilots are examining maps of Tunisia as we speak. Have you bitten off more than you can chew? :thumbsup:

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My pilots are examining maps of Tunisia as we speak.  Have you bitten off more than you can chew? :thumbsup:

But then, if I were you, I wouldn't be speaking of someone else biting off more than they could chew. :ninja:



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