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I merely dw on the whole group to be able to transverse ceded territory. I have not bit off more than I can chew and despite your groups efforts I will defeat Algeria. Talk all you want your pilots are no threat to me and will have NO effect on deciding the winner of this war. I have one of his forces trapped and the other cut off and wounded.:thumbsup: Whatcha think of that?! :ninja: Send some of your ships so I can sink them too! :thumbsup:

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Well Kevin C, I don't recall Coothunter biting off anything, you all tried to take a bite out of him. I suspect that it is going to prove awfully tough to swallow though.


Predator, I did not drag anybody else into this war. You declared war on Egypt for some reason, what is he supposed to do, sit around and wait for you to do something to him? Sorry, but you have to talk to him about his actions, I do not have control of them.


I stand by my original declaration, which was that I have no intention of breaking with Libya while I am fighting Tunisia. You made the one on one proclamation, and I thought it fine. Then you go out and mass DW, and I guess they are supposed to just sit home and fret about what you are going to do to them?

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Anyone who has any experience in this game should immediately know that my dw on the group as a whole is to get through any ceded territory in Algeria. At this point in the game what could I do against those far away countries other than recon for an ally or a cb. Certainly nothing that would be a real threat. It's all good. My armies will do my talking for me. :ninja:


Of course you have no intention of breaking with Libya, that would only hasten your departure from this game. When Libya saw what Egypt did he was ready to go to war with you but I just laughed and said no because I want the satisfaction and glory of defeating Algeria all to myself! :thumbsup:

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Ahh, you are making this game so fun my little prey. I have no fear of Libya, and am perfectly willing to fight you both, as he would lose his country very fast from the east. I am glad you are so confident, I only hope I can give you a good game before you kill me, and not embarrass myself to much.

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Well Kevin C, I don't recall Coothunter biting off anything, you all tried to take a bite out of him. I suspect that it is going to prove awfully tough to swallow though.


If he wasn't biting off anything, what's he doing in Trans Jordan? Sightseeing? :ninja:



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Well Kevin C, I don't recall Coothunter biting off anything, you all tried to take a bite out of him. I suspect that it is going to prove awfully tough to swallow though.


If he wasn't biting off anything, what's he doing in Trans Jordan? Sightseeing? :ninja:





Funny you mention that...I was looking up Amaan Travel Agency. It seems they are not actually located in Amaan. They are based out of TelAviv. Imagine the funny coincidence...As for biting, I believe that 5 different countries have DW on me. Trans Jordan is one of them. This will be a chore to rid the Saudi soil of these demonic invaders, and I have to start somewhere. If Trans Jordan hadn't attacked me, perhaps I would be sightseeing in Bagdad by now.

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Funny you mention that...I was looking up Amaan Travel Agency.  It seems they are not actually located in Amaan.  They are based out of TelAviv.  Imagine the funny coincidence...As for biting, I believe that 5 different countries have DW on me.  Trans Jordan is one of them.  This will be a chore to rid the Saudi soil of these demonic invaders, and I have to start somewhere.  If Trans Jordan hadn't attacked me, perhaps I would be sightseeing in Bagdad by now.

Well, lucky me, then! :thumbsup: Thanks, Trans Jordan! :ninja:



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(Anyone who has any experience in this game should immediately know that my dw on the group as a whole is to get through any ceded territory in Algeria. At this point in the game what could I do against those far away countries other than recon for an ally or a cb. Certainly nothing that would be a real threat. It's all good. My armies will do my talking for me. )


Well prey, because I like you, I will teach you a little stategy. I have plenty of experience in the game, and consider your statement foolhardy in the extreme. You must take every situation and make a decision based on the current facts. If you study the terrain you and I both knew you would be invading, you would see that there is no city that isn't either too large or too centrally located to be ceded to a TA (certainly if you have the experience you claim). There can be no benefit to you DW on all my TA's, as there is virtually no chance of me ceding them anything you will run into in the near future. Notice I have not DW on your TA's. I have little fear that you will seed Elkef, Sbeitla, Bizerta, Msaken etc.


Now as to Egypt. Perhaps he is guilty of giving you too much credit, but as you yourself state, cb is pretty much your best weapon against him. Now he an defend against your cb in a variety of ways. He can put ships on MI, but that takes fuel and munitions to keep up, and if you don't show up, he has wasted them. He can build CHAB's and have planes on AMI, like you did, but as you found out, that is not always succesful. Or, he can be proactive, and go and attempt to level your only port, in the hope that he can destroy your shipyards and preemt a move from you against him. In my opinion, those three options leave a clear choice. I only find it amusing that you or Libya would be upset that a competent player would make the competent choice.


I have more, but I think perhaps this will be plenty for you to absorb at this time. Perhaps next turn, I will teach you land warfare tactics, as you clearly have overestimated your current position.


All the best!

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Dear Brother Czechoslovakia!


We are now united in our fight against the confederacy. The fools of Lowland have declared war on our both nations :):blush: . It was right to contact me last turn and I have to say "thank you" for your very useful intelligence informations. Norway and Sweden will not forget this help. :) We used it very well! :D


Let us continue in this way! :)


Down with the confederacy! :taz:


Brother Marcus

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Yes yes, you are right I should have went to xOdense ..... my poor old swedish marines..... a fortification and three static divisions in Copenhagen that is not fair. :):blush:


Nevertheless thank you Lowland.... for all these nice little torpedo bombers....Somebody should told you before that this stuff is worthless. :):) I hope you wil send your bombers again.... I allway like to know how british bombers look after meeting a group of spitfires. :taz:


Oh I forgot....say good bye to your invasion fleet. :D


Brother Marcus

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Marklen X- I am now within striking distance of your capitol, surrender now and I will spare your life.


By the way are all those planes stranded at Tebessa? Does the 4th army have any munitions?


To tourists of the world,


Tunisia is a safe place to come visit, all the fighting is taking place in Algeria. Plus we have created many new dive sites with Egyptian Battleships just of the coast of Tunis. In just 50 feet of water these sites are home to marine life of all kinds.

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Yes yes, you are right I should have went to xOdense ..... my poor old swedish marines..... a fortification and three static divisions in Copenhagen that is not fair.  :)  :blush:


Nevertheless thank you Lowland.... for all these nice little torpedo bombers....Somebody should told you before that this stuff is worthless.  :taz:  :oops: I hope you wil send your bombers again.... I allway like to know how british bombers look after meeting a group of spitfires. :ph34r: 


Oh I forgot....say good bye to your invasion fleet.  :D


Brother Marcus


Dear brother,


I've been DW-ing around a lot to get rid of nasty ceded territories and to help a neighbor...


Those torpedoplanes were indeed a little pathetic. Never used them before and never will :) Luckily they are rather cheep. My planes who visited the Norwegian fleet were more lucky :)


Spitfires are of no concern to me anymore...

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Yes yes, you are right I should have went to xOdense ..... my poor old swedish marines..... a fortification and three static divisions in Copenhagen that is not fair.  :)  :blush:


Nevertheless thank you Lowland.... for all these nice little torpedo bombers....Somebody should told you before that this stuff is worthless.  :taz:  :oops: I hope you wil send your bombers again.... I allway like to know how british bombers look after meeting a group of spitfires. :ph34r: 


Oh I forgot....say good bye to your invasion fleet.  :D


Brother Marcus


Dear brother,


I've been DW-ing around a lot to get rid of nasty ceded territories and to help a neighbor...


Those torpedoplanes were indeed a little pathetic. Never used them before and never will :) Luckily they are rather cheep. My planes who visited the Norwegian fleet were more lucky :)


Spitfires are of no concern to me anymore...

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