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Game 75 Begins!


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LOL, Predator, you are obviously not as experienced in this game as I have been led to believe. 1.5 to 1 will almost never win a battle against a foe of superior morale, which my force is.


I did not think your force would be as experienced as it was. I had hoped as experienced as my force was that our moral differential would be closer. That is okay though I think that battle was closer than you think, perhaps next turn we can kill it off.


Oh yeah, I'll have to ask you to leave my country now or I will blast those mech div so bad that pieces of them will land in Morocco.

I see, another empty threat from the Tunisians. Well, I guess you will just have to blast away, just like you took xTebessa, and were going to take my capital, and you were going to sink all the Egyptian battleships, and you were on the verge of victory, and blah blah blah

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Oh yeah, I'll have to ask you to leave my country now or I will blast those mech div so bad that pieces of them will land in Morocco.



CNN World News reporting crowds of Moroccans flooding the streets of Casablanca with big nets and looking towards the sky. No further information is avail. at this time.

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It appears that Tunisia and friends have seriously underestimated their opponents on all fronts.


Who pulled your chain? :blink:


Has the coothunter been silent because he has been exiled. I saw Riyadh fell so I am curious as to which of his neighboring ta's took him in.


Tunisia and Libya will be victorious it just will take longer than expected. I think I sunk 3 or 4 of Egypt's battleships and the two I didn't just did limp away.

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I have three enemies on Saudi soil, but I need no exile. There is a lot of sand in Saudi Arabia. I have room for myself and all of my guests (invited and uninvited). Apparently, Iraq was so excited to see my new Tunisian museum, that some military personnel hastily rushed into Riyadh to view it. I am still in the construction faze and there is nothing yet to see.


Predator, don't worry. I will still be here to build the museum when your regime is toppled by Algeria. Right now, I am collecting video clips of your Propaganda Minister. He is funny! I might build an entire wing for him.

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HHMMM...Just some notes of interest: :blink:


Czechoslovakia :D : Moving your special commanders wont save them. They will be found at some point, by some one, in some way. But your air base in xBrno will make a nice target for my Rangers :oops:, specialy now that your problems have just become more intense :blink:


France: I recall you said some thing about some one being cut off :huh:. Please, refresh my memory. Who was that again you were talking about. I appologize for not having the pationts{sic] to wait for you to move south for you to visit me. But I had been "FORCED" to wait long enough. So I thought i'd come visit you up north, hope you don't mind :P. Love the vinyards, outstanding wine :drunk:.


Italy :blink:: SO.....Just how weakend are you (see post 414 in thred advanced game 71 if anyone is interested :thumbsup:). Interesting you would make such a posting. Austria may have been quiet but not inactive for you to say such a thing!?! Interesting that you couldn't take feriburg. only thing there were LDB's. That must be why your bringing up those 7 mech39's and have them sitting in Innsbruck. Or were you going for the sneak attack on me :oops: ??? HHMMM...the things I must ponder :P . A better question though is- who you going to help now? France or Czech. If you are weakend as you indicate, then i wouldn't think you could help them both (I could be wrong). So who you gona hang out to dry???? :P tic,toc...tic,toc...tic,toc


thats all for now :cheers:

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Maybe we will find a helping hand to switch off this stupid propaganda radio of switzerland :blink: ...... I am sick of it :blink: .


OOOHHHHH :D , Now thats not nice. Just a friendly little game were having here Monk. The bombing of your LCI's by Poland must have hurt more than we thought. And it don't look like your spitwads (spitfires) did to well either :P .

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Maybe we will find a helping hand to switch off this stupid propaganda radio of switzerland :blink: ...... I am sick of it :P .

I find it rather amusing, myself. :P





Thanks Kevin :blink:

It is rather amusing :oops: , but also sad :thumbsup: . I don't recall anyone demanding he and Rasputin to shut up or be shut down when they were talking their smack :huh: when things were going their way. But now that the shoe looks to be on the other foot, at least for the moment, and thats the best responce the monk can give :P ????? So much for a friendly little game of war :D , Pittifull!!!!!

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Thanks Kevin :P

It is rather amusing :blink: , but also sad :P . I don't recall anyone demanding he and Rasputin to shut up or be shut down when they were talking their smack :P when things were going their way. But now that the shoe looks to be on the other foot, at least for the moment, and thats the best responce the monk can give :oops: ?????  So much for a friendly little game of war :blink: , Pittifull!!!!!

No problem. And I think it just shows that you're getting to the cloistered one. :D


All Hail Radio Free Switzerland! :thumbsup:



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