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Now Now....I've been really nice about things so don't go lumping me into a category I don't belong.


Plus I don't mind lil' Patton blowing off hot air.  It helps to melt the snow caps and provide me fresh water!!  :D


Sorry "R", wasn't meaning to lump you in any where. Just making a point. You didn't call for me to be shut down. You just thought I posted to much, and Thats fine :blink: .


Now Monk, take note. This is how to be demeaning in a friendly maner. This I can respect. Thats a good one "R" :P

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Can i just add my two penneth worth (two cents for anyone not from England) - Aimed squarely at the Monk - :blink::D:P:blink::oops::P:thumbsup::P Get off your high horse and take it on the Chin like the rest of us, you were full of it when you and your scandinavian buddies were kicking the crap out of me yet when you are dealt a bloody nose (ie all those lost LCIs and Spitfires, the reclamation of Danish soil, the LOSS of Norwegen soil) you start to go a little mute and cry into your porrage. Awwwww - EVERYONE SAY AWWWWW for the little Dark One :huh: Get over it, long may Radio Switzerland rule the airwaves.

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Hey I am friendly :blink: , otherwise switzerland would be allready swedish territory. I like him (switzerland). Really, I will not attack him (still switzerland), I put him on my red list of protected nations. The truth is I am his secret ally. :D


Poland may kill some more LCIs if he is happy about it. They did their work and I will safe some supplies. Btw Denmark this trick with your naval "self invasion" was nice. Maybe you like to repeat it in Odense or Copenhagen. Oh yes I know you have first to kill the troops of Norway in Arhus...... good luck you will need it.


Lil' Patton, if my fighters work or not is a problem of definition. I am sure Poland do not like the lost of 200 airpoints per attack, he is doing the lowlands work. I have a lot of ship points (A thank to Denmark for the additional yards) due to that Poland may visit my fleets every time he like it.


A hail to the Confederacy! Never give up, fight on! :P

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Denmark! I like to explain something very simple to you. Stavanger is norwegian soil that is right! The lowland may conquer it! He may have fun with it. It is a nice place for some vacation. But it is not even worth one minute of our attention......


Lowland and you, you both are the best friends of our side :cheers: . I wonder that your allies still let you rule your countries (I know that was not nice :blush:) . Continue that way and I will find a nice position for both of you in my goverment.



may the dark side be with you little jedies.

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Oh your still at it arnt you, half truths, misdirection. Ah um :blush:


Yes i though the Invasion of Denmark by Denmarks forces was a stroke of Genious.


Once Norway has been removed from the mainland and he will be were do you think im gonna head next, you guessed it I WANT MY OIL BACK, you can keep Copenhagen and its problems, hope your shipping in enough food to keep my factories working otherwise your gonna suffer with a loss of moral, a loss of production and well the Planes from my allies will continue to bomb you and your ships back to the Stone age. I told you keeping my land would be more trouble than its worth.


Stavanger is a nice place and so are lots of other unprotected coastal towns, our forces will liberate them one by one.


Do yourself a favour and tell Norway the same, GO HOME, your not welcome :cheers:

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Hey I am friendly :blush: , otherwise switzerland would be allready swedish territory. I like him (switzerland). Really, I will not attack him (still switzerland), I put him on my red list of protected nations. The truth is I am his secret ally.  :oops: 


Poland may kill some more LCIs if he is happy about it. They did their work and I will safe some supplies. Btw Denmark this trick with your naval "self invasion" was nice. Maybe you like to repeat it in Odense or Copenhagen.  Oh yes I know you have first to kill the troops of Norway in Arhus...... good luck you will need it.


Lil' Patton, if my fighters work or not is a problem of definition. I am sure Poland do not like the lost of 200 airpoints per attack, he is doing the lowlands work. I have a lot of ship points (A thank to Denmark for the additional yards) due to that Poland may visit my fleets every time he like it.


A hail to the Confederacy! Never give up, fight on!  :drunk:


:blink: This is the biggest load of back peddling crap I think I've ever seen :huh: ! Secret ally my BIG FAT BUTT :cheers: Not worth any more of my time :cheers:

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Hey I am friendly :blush: , otherwise switzerland would be allready swedish territory. I like him (switzerland). Really, I will not attack him (still switzerland), I put him on my red list of protected nations. The truth is I am his secret ally.  :oops: 


Poland may kill some more LCIs if he is happy about it. They did their work and I will safe some supplies. Btw Denmark this trick with your naval "self invasion" was nice. Maybe you like to repeat it in Odense or Copenhagen.  Oh yes I know you have first to kill the troops of Norway in Arhus...... good luck you will need it.


Lil' Patton, if my fighters work or not is a problem of definition. I am sure Poland do not like the lost of 200 airpoints per attack, he is doing the lowlands work. I have a lot of ship points (A thank to Denmark for the additional yards) due to that Poland may visit my fleets every time he like it.


A hail to the Confederacy! Never give up, fight on!  :drunk:


I was just looking for some place to escape to as France seemed to have overrun my little country. So far I'm no longer controlling it :huh: but luckily he isn't controlling much of France anymore :cheers:


I'll see if I can occupy more Norwegian soil. Those lowland habitants need a lot of beach :cheers:

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Nice to see you are saying the Lowlands is welcome to Norwegen soil, i wonder what your Ally would think of that?


Next you will be saying oh come and take some Finish soil, or Baltic States soil as long as your not taking Swedish soil.


How fragmented is your alliance, you cant even organise a decent invasion not just of my little country but Northern Russia is giving you a headache as well.


At least the whole of the Confederacy and our satalite allies are commited to the destruction of the Faggot French the only thing you are commited to is half truths, lies and misdirection.


As i say, Go Home, come back when you have a decent army :blush:

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The confederacy is most welcome at swedish territory :cheers: . All you guys are always talking about a visit to sweden..... but where are you :cheers: ? I am still waiting for my guests :huh: . But all I hear are empty words :drunk: . All I see are crazy strategies :blink: . The confederacy looks like a club of professional suiciders, declaring war on everybody :blush: .


What do you think, will germany accept a alliance offer of mine or not? He has allready three battlegrounds....... I am sure he likes to keep Hamburg :oops: . We will see how compact the confederacy is when we have killed Denmark.


Come on Confederacy stop talking, attack me.

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At least the whole of the Confederacy and our satalite allies are commited to the destruction of the Faggot French the only thing you are commited to is half truths, lies and misdirection.



Slow down there Patriot. Don't get overheated. No need to go name-calling. This is just a friendly game of conquering, death and destruction.

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I have done no name calling, they are openly adminting that they prance around in girly dresses and drive pink tanks. If they had not said so themselves then I would not have called them faggots. Anyway its a game nothing personally intened against the person who plays France only the nation of France.


As for Sweden - Listen up - The Confederacy sticks together, an attack on one is an attack on all of us. Anyone attacks Poland, we all attack them if we can or offer assistance in any way we can. Same goes for Germany, Switzerland and the Lowlands.


How do you think my nation has been able to survive your invasion and fight back, with co-operation from the Confederacy. Fuel, Munitions, Supplies. Thats what is called an Alliance.


That is also why we have not declared war on your other allies of Finland and Baltic States, they have done me no harm, they are not my friends for lying in your bed but i wish them no ill will.


How come they have not come to your rescue and assisted you in Denmarks downfall? eh? Well let me tell you why, because they know your a loose canon who shoots his mouth off and causes trouble for all around you.


We will visit your shores eventually, you delayed that for sure but once we have moved through Norway and dismantled his capacity to fight they you will be next.


Norway is a much tougher cookie than you, his fleets have remained intact and his forces have cause much damage and mayhem, we respect the Norwegen government, his tactics are sound and his cause is honourable but he also has made his bed with you.


We have have made the offer many times to Norway to turn away from the Dark Side and join us against you but we know he will not, he will pay the ultimate price by losing his homeland, and what for, to protect you and your nation.


I feel sorry for the people of Norway. If the government of Norway reads this, contact me, turn away from the Dark, the Confederacy can help. :blush:

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Hmmmmmmm..... you are sure you got the right informations from your agents and your allies? :huh: Of course there is also the possibility that we play in different games....... :oops:


Of course Norway is a tough person. That is the reason I choose him to be my TA. :blush::cheers:



It is clear to me, that you expect Finland and Baltic States will attack you too. You have to think that way because this is the usual strategy of the conederacy, attacking with all nations one single position. I am sorry this is not our style. Two to one OK but four to one...... (In case of nothern russia you should keep in mind that I have never attacked him. This was fog of war. A special show only for you.)

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