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I see those pesky Norwegens have been running around my countryside again and Sweden finally took the province of Copenhagen, it looks like im done for :D i guess the better man won out in the end...... ah well there will be other oportunities and remember the confederacy will still hunt you down without my help.

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Marklen X


reports are in from the front - your advances into my country either have been dealt with or are being dealt with in the near future. Your counter attack was good but expected. I am sorry to report serious losses by the Algerian troops that have bravely ventured into Tunisia. Let this be a statement to the people of Algeria that though they are a bigger country we will not be bullied into submission and we will fight to the death.


Go Iraq! :D

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At last, a statement that I can believe! Yes, you will fight to the death, and being merciful, I will try and make it as quick as possible


Unfortunately for you , you are poorly misreading your position in this game. I currently hold tactical advantage and will continue to do so. :D

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At last, a statement that I can believe! Yes, you will fight to the death, and being merciful, I will try and make it as quick as possible


Unfortunately for you , you are poorly misreading your position in this game. I currently hold tactical advantage and will continue to do so. :ninja:

I am glad you think so Prey. I am glad to see you had a reserve force, it shows you have some strategic capability. I guess you are not so confident though, as it appears Libya is coming to bail you out now.

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I am glad you think so Prey. I am glad to see you had a reserve force, it shows you have some strategic capability. I guess you are not so confident though, as it appears Libya is coming to bail you out now.


Whatever would lead you to believe that? I alone have pushed back the Algerian offensive into Tunisia. I continue to trap one of your armies rendering it useless as it has no attack capabilities. And your other inf army you are sporting is useless as well on offense since it can't hook up with the force trapped in Tebessa. Your spattering of mech that assaulted my country have been pushed back and dealt with by Tunisian forces. That hardly sounds like someone who needs bailing out.



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I am glad you think so Prey. I am glad to see you had a reserve force, it shows you have some strategic capability. I guess you are not so confident though, as it appears Libya is coming to bail you out now.


Whatever would lead you to believe that? I alone have pushed back the Algerian offensive into Tunisia. I continue to trap one of your armies rendering it useless as it has no attack capabilities. And your other inf army you are sporting is useless as well on offense since it can't hook up with the force trapped in Tebessa. Your spattering of mech that assaulted my country have been pushed back and dealt with by Tunisian forces. That hardly sounds like someone who needs bailing out.



Well, last I heard, Bizerte, Tozuer and Gafsa were not Algeria, so not sure about pushing me back in to Algeria. I find it interesting that you think having 8 of my infantry divisions tied up by 15-17 of your mobile divisions is somehow to my disadvantage. I do not think Libya broke with me just for fun, he broke with me because he can see the writing on the wall, and if you had spent time in school instead of plotting the overthrow of your peaceful neighbors, you would see it too!

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Marklen X- I am now within striking distance of your capitol, surrender now and I will spare your life.


By the way are all those planes stranded at Tebessa? Does the 4th army have any munitions?


To tourists of the world,


Tunisia is a safe place to come visit, all the fighting is taking place in Algeria. Plus we have created many new dive sites with Egyptian Battleships just of the coast of Tunis. In just 50 feet of water these sites are home to marine life of all kinds.

Will you be giving refunds? Or are all the travel offices closed for remodeling?

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There is no way you will repulse my force with inf and mtn divisions. I just don't see it. I have you surrounded and ready for the kill.  :drunk:  :cheers:


Well Prey, you made this statement well over a month ago, when is it that you will get around to doing it? I am sure your generals are still working on the final plans, but it will happen anytime right?

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Well, last I heard, Bizerte, Tozuer and Gafsa were not Algeria, so not sure about pushing me back in to Algeria. I find it interesting that you think having 8 of my infantry divisions tied up by 15-17 of your mobile divisions is somehow to my disadvantage. I do not think Libya broke with me just for fun, he broke with me because he can see the writing on the wall, and if you had spent time in school instead of plotting the overthrow of your peaceful neighbors, you would see it too


Your main assault was pushed back out of my industrial areas except Bizerte, naturally I can't push you totally back in one turn. I never claimed to have pushed you to Algeria .That will come shortly. Though I do have you trapped with a large force of 17 div. with their current strength it is more like 8-9. It is to my advantage to keep you trapped because if the two forces combine they will be that much harder to defeat.


As for Libya breaking with you that probably is in retaliation to Egypt trying to help you out with the destruction of Tunis, which is still burning I might add. :cheers: Somewhere down the road Egypt will pay a heavier price than a few battleships for that. :drunk:

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Well Prey, you made this statement well over a month ago, when is it that you will get around to doing it? I am sure your generals are still working on the final plans, but it will happen anytime right?


I can't currently break your moral with a weakened force, but at the same time neither of your inf forces can even get good enough odds on me to force a battle. My Generals are divided on exactly what to do. Some want to pull back to Tunisia and draw replacements while others argue if we do the two forces will combine and have too high a defense to repulse should they enter Tunisia.


In the meantime our other forces will continue to push the Algerians back out of Tunisia.



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Well Prey, you made this statement well over a month ago, when is it that you will get around to doing it? I am sure your generals are still working on the final plans, but it will happen anytime right?


I can't currently break your moral with a weakened force, but at the same time neither of your inf forces can even get good enough odds on me to force a battle. My Generals are divided on exactly what to do. Some want to pull back to Tunisia and draw replacements while others argue if we do the two forces will combine and have too high a defense to repulse should they enter Tunisia.


In the meantime our other forces will continue to push the Algerians back out of Tunisia.



Your talk has suddenly become a little less certain? Did you fire your formidable propaganda minister? Or did he finally tire of spinning the tired old fables? We are in Tunisia to stay, and whether you stay in leave Tebessa under your own power or we throw you out makes no difference at this point.

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