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Game 75 Begins!


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You and Libya are TAs. Tunisia starts getting whupped by Algeria and Libya doesn't join in because he is a nice guy and agreed not to fight Algeria? And Spain, who is allied to France and overwhelming the computer-run Portugal, decides he is too busy to help keep Tunisia afloat?


Libya had an agreement to not fight Algeria in tunisia and he won't. last time I checked portugal was not computer run, where did that bad info come from? How can Spain help me with troops from the other side of the med? As for Morocco I turned down a ta with him. If you guys are so worried about algeria being double teamed let morocco join your group, oh wait a minute that won't work because you guys said you wanted all of africa to yourselves. :woohoo:


That's right I'm talking about Egypt, Algeria, Saudi, U.A.E, and Syria, the guys who are a group with no political ties on paper, yet.


And what is this about Tunisia getting whupped! Not by Panzers when Algeria is upgrading static to inf. You sure we're talking about the same game?

Well, well, well. I knew it was just a matter of time until Libya would be called on to come to the rescue. Unfortunately, it will not matter. I know, you use the excuse that Egypt bombarded Tunis, but since you are the one who declared war on Egypt, for no good reason, (your statement that any experienced player would is bunk) I cannot see how that is a factor. I guess had he tried to bombard xAlgiers, that would of been retaliation that I could understand to a point.


It is obvious despite all your claims you knew you could not win, or Libya would not of sent his army in to bail you out. It will not matter however, as I will dispose of both of you, and enjoy it.

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I fail to see what a retaliatory cb of Algiers would have done to even things out since Algiers only starts the game with 5 arm factories and Tunis starts with 9 I think. As I've said before I dw on Egypt to move through any ceded territory, as was obvious at the time since I dw on your whole coalition at the same time.


Furthermore Libya is hardly bailing me out as the battle reports clearly indicate. Perhaps you should post those reports for the world to see so the truth can be known to all. He's only killed a mech that was at 39%. :woohoo:

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I fail to see what a retaliatory cb of Algiers would have done to even things out since Algiers only starts the game with 5 arm factories and Tunis starts with 9 I think. As I've said before I dw on Egypt to move through any ceded territory, as was obvious at the time since I dw on your whole coalition at the same time.


Furthermore Libya is hardly bailing me out as the battle reports clearly indicate. Perhaps you should post those reports for the world to see so the truth can be known to all. He's only killed a mech that was at 39%. :drunk:

Like I said before, a 6 year old should have enough of a grasp of terrain and strategy to know that there is not one single province that would come into play in a Tunisian-Algerian war that Algeria could afford to cede to a TA.


You are correct that Libya will not be bailing you out, but not for the reasons stated. He did however save your biggest oil province for you, for the moment at least. You only lost 5 armament factories at Tunis, not 9,you make it sound like your whole country was destroyed. I can say with absolute certainty, that if you had not foolishly declared war on Egypt, it would not of happened, though I know you will continue to deny you resposibilty for it.


So sure, let's get the truth out there.


You have stated you were about to take my capital, those troops are dead


You have stated I could not stop you with infantry, you have not only been stopped, you are in full retreat.


You have stated that xTebessa was about to fall, you have been forced to withdraw.


You have stated that you would kick me out of Tunisia, all the way back to Morroco, I now own as much of Tunisia as I did then.


You have stated that Tunisia is safe for European vacationers, and that they should all come on down, but for the past month, all the fighting has been in Tunisia, not Algeria.


I am actually happy that Libya has attacked, as it means that I will have a little more challenge. I look forward to more truths from you propaganda minister however, as he has supplanted all of our other sitcoms at the top of our TV ratings!

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I fail to see what a retaliatory cb of Algiers would have done to even things out since Algiers only starts the game with 5 arm factories and Tunis starts with 9 I think. As I've said before I dw on Egypt to move through any ceded territory, as was obvious at the time since I dw on your whole coalition at the same time.


Furthermore Libya is hardly bailing me out as the battle reports clearly indicate. Perhaps you should post those reports for the world to see so the truth can be known to all. He's only killed a mech that was at 39%. :drunk:

Like I said before, a 6 year old should have enough of a grasp of terrain and strategy to know that there is not one single province that would come into play in a Tunisian-Algerian war that Algeria could afford to cede to a TA.


You are correct that Libya will not be bailing you out, but not for the reasons stated. He did however save your biggest oil province for you, for the moment at least. You only lost 5 armament factories at Tunis, not 9,you make it sound like your whole country was destroyed. I can say with absolute certainty, that if you had not foolishly declared war on Egypt, it would not of happened, though I know you will continue to deny you resposibilty for it.


So sure, let's get the truth out there.


You have stated you were about to take my capital, those troops are dead


You have stated I could not stop you with infantry, you have not only been stopped, you are in full retreat.


You have stated that xTebessa was about to fall, you have been forced to withdraw.


You have stated that you would kick me out of Tunisia, all the way back to Morroco, I now own as much of Tunisia as I did then.


You have stated that Tunisia is safe for European vacationers, and that they should all come on down, but for the past month, all the fighting has been in Tunisia, not Algeria.


I am actually happy that Libya has attacked, as it means that I will have a little more challenge. I look forward to more truths from you propaganda minister however, as he has supplanted all of our other sitcoms at the top of our TV ratings!


I think I missed some thing here. I don't see where Predator said anything about loosing 9 factories. I do see him mentioning the STARTING amounts of arm factories for a couple of locations though....HHMMM :cheers: . makes me wonder about the rest of what you say Marklen :blink: Although, I've wondered about a number of things said between you two. :oops:

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Like I said before, a 6 year old should have enough of a grasp of terrain and strategy to know that there is not one single province that would come into play in a Tunisian-Algerian war that Algeria could afford to cede to a TA.


I have to cry BS on that statement. I have the Algerian start up and you don't have a single arm factory in a city east of Bejaia. You could easily have ceded all those small food cities between Algiers and Tebessa and Annaba to your allies.


Further more you claim Egypt attacked me because I dw on him at the same time I dw on all your allies because on turn 5 he was afraid of a Tunisian Invasion. I have to call Bs on that as well! You asked him to do that to take out my arm factories. if Egypt was so fearful of invasion why then has he not coastal bombarded Libya (who is his neighbor) at Tripoli since Libya dw on him.


No sir we had an agreement to just fight each other without help from allies(namely mine). You clearly broke that so now quit crying because Libya has retaliated. :drunk::cheers::oops:

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Ah Mister Monk I have not spoken with you in a while, why dont you surender now, save me the trouble of taking Odense back.


How come you have not visited the mainland, all you seem to do is send your planes and all i seem to do is shoot them down.


You cant stay holed up in Copenhagen forever, I will take back what is rightfully mine. :P


You may notice that my fleets are missing, can you guess where they are going to pop up? :drunk: There gonna have a few friends onboard for you to play with :cheers:

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Lil Patton,


You obviously are not paying attention. Predator says that CB XAlgiers would not have the same effect as Egypt CB xTunis, because there are 9 arm in xTunis and only 5 in xAlgiers. But he only lost 5 arm in xTunis, so what is the difference?


Predator, I am not talking about population centers, I am talking about terrain. Do you have such a poor grasp of terrain that you believe I could cede a province like Jijel? Obviously you do.

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Okay you asked for it so I'll learn you on ceding strategy. Put a division in the city, then cede the province to Syria. Syria now owns the province and I can't cross it. You still own the city and can go back and forth Jijel at will.Your welcome! :cheers:

Ok let me learn you Predator. I cannot cede a province and keep it in my aic net. EVERY province in your line of fire is a hugely valuable aic province. It is obvious that you come from the school of thought that thinks there is one way to win, which is why you have no chance in this game. I am telling you, no competent Algerian player could cede the provinces you are going to attack, and anybody who knows a map from a hockey puck should be able to figure that out.

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Lil Patton,


You obviously are not paying attention. Predator says that CB XAlgiers would not have the same effect as Egypt CB xTunis, because there are 9 arm in xTunis and only 5 in xAlgiers. But he only lost 5 arm in xTunis, so what is the difference?


Predator, I am not talking about population centers, I am talking about terrain. Do you have such a poor grasp of terrain that you believe I could cede a province like Jijel? Obviously you do.


Dear Marklen X :cheers:


To say that I am "obviously not paying attention" is very presumptuous of you. Did I not start by saying "I think I missed some thing here". It's possible I did, however, If Predator has ever mentioned anything about loosing Factories of any kind then please point out which post it is so I can see for my self. If you can I will cede you the point, discution over. If not then it looks to me that you are trying to make things look in a way than what they truly are. Not paying attention...accualy, I've been watching this tiff between you and Predator rather closely, well, as closely as life will let me. :drunk:

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Lil Patton,


You obviously are not paying attention. Predator says that CB XAlgiers would not have the same effect as Egypt CB xTunis, because there are 9 arm in xTunis and only 5 in xAlgiers. But he only lost 5 arm in xTunis, so what is the difference?


Predator, I am not talking about population centers, I am talking about terrain. Do you have such a poor grasp of terrain that you believe I could cede a province like Jijel? Obviously you do.


Dear Marklen X :cheers:


To say that I am "obviously not paying attention" is very presumptuous of you. Did I not start by saying "I think I missed some thing here". It's possible I did, however, If Predator has ever mentioned anything about loosing Factories of any kind then please point out which post it is so I can see for my self. If you can I will cede you the point, discution over. If not then it looks to me that you are trying to make things look in a way than what they truly are. Not paying attention...accualy, I've been watching this tiff between you and Predator rather closely, well, as closely as life will let me. :drunk:

Actually, our tiff is game only. I want to make it clear, that I enjoy Predator's jousting, as he has made it a lot more fun. The reference to 5 arm factories being destroyed in xTunis is probably in one of my post's but as I am lazy this morning, I am not going to go find it. You I am sure would of seen it if you are closely following our "tiff" as you say.

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I just can't understand how skikda, jijel, biskra, or guemar all being food provinces are so important to any net in algeria they can't be ceded away if my troops are occuping tebessa and annaba. Especially with the other billion people you have in algeria. WHATEVER DUDE!! and that will be my last comment on this stupid subject in this lame ass game that it has evovled into. I have to go work on my sweden turn..............................

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