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Game 75 Begins!


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Whats this about us being Crippled, none of the Confederacy were too crippled to help me in my hour of need so i guess you'll find we are not to crippled to help Switzerland, not that he will need it, ive seen the damage he has done in one turn just think about what damage hes gonna do in the next 3 or 4. I guess I already have ringside seats and the ref is already counting you out  :huh:

I now understand why the Confederacy uses slaves and fights for their rights to own them. You need some true intelligence and man power in the organization — rather than high Velocity hot air fueled by deluded visions of Grandeur! :cheers:


The only slaves we are going to have in the near future are Italian slaves, at least until you are disposed of then we shall set them free and they will join us in the greater confederacy - is that enough delusion for you, is it grand enough, I hope so because the next thing you feel will not be a delusion but the cold hard steel of a confederacy sword for swords and words are all we need to defeat you. :P

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Good bye Iraq.  That was fun.  You will have to come over and play again sometime.

It was indeed fun. Maybe next time I'll get a chance at you 1 on 1! :cheers:


Good game,


Kevin, perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but your 1 on 1 comment begs a response from a friend of coothunter. Having seen his battle reports, I can attest that he was visciously attacked by 3 nations, Iraq, Persia and Trans Jordan. He fought you all alone for several turns, and all by himself crushed Trans Jordan. In the last 2 turns, Syria has attacked you with a token force that has done little, and UAE has launched a small nuisance raid into Persia, which should not affect you at all. Now Coothunter has put paid to his Iraq bill as well. I should think if you were unable to handle him 3 on 1, 1 on 1 might be one of those things you should be careful you wish for, because you don't really want it to come true.

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Good bye Iraq.  That was fun.  You will have to come over and play again sometime.

It was indeed fun. Maybe next time I'll get a chance at you 1 on 1! :cheers:


Good game,


This is priceless!!! Your posting has to go as one the funniest I've ever read. The 3-on-1 attack didn't work, so now you want a 1-on-1? Precious!!! I don't see how TransJordan and Persia hindered your attack. Did you hire Predator's Propaganda Minister? Even he wasn't this good.

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This is priceless!!!  Your posting has to go as one the funniest I've ever read.  The 3-on-1 attack didn't work, so now you want a 1-on-1?  Precious!!!  I don't see how TransJordan and Persia hindered your attack.  Did you hire Predator's Propaganda Minister?  Even he wasn't this good.

<sigh...> I tell you it was fun gaming with you, and say good game, and you come back with this crap?


First off, it was never 3 to 1 against you. Not for practical purposes. Oh sure, there were three different countries armies in your country at one time, but Persia was going *through* a few of your provinces to get to UAE. And what did Trans Jordan send into Saudi Arabia? 3 or 4 divisions? Now *that's* scary! :huh:


You *did* do a good job capitalizing on Trans Jordan's rookie mistakes. I still don't know what he hoped to accomplish spreading his armies out so thinly. You live and learn, I suppose.... :cheers:


And then Turkey dropped 2 or 3 months ago. From that time on, it was you and Syria against me. I'm no mathematician :cheers:, but I count that as 2 against 1. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But just don't pretend it's otherwise. :P



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This is priceless!!!  Your posting has to go as one the funniest I've ever read.  The 3-on-1 attack didn't work, so now you want a 1-on-1?  Precious!!!  I don't see how TransJordan and Persia hindered your attack.  Did you hire Predator's Propaganda Minister?  Even he wasn't this good.

<sigh...> I tell you it was fun gaming with you, and say good game, and you come back with this crap?


First off, it was never 3 to 1 against you. Not for practical purposes. Oh sure, there were three different countries armies in your country at one time, but Persia was going *through* a few of your provinces to get to UAE. And what did Trans Jordan send into Saudi Arabia? 3 or 4 divisions? Now *that's* scary! :cheers:


You *did* do a good job capitalizing on Trans Jordan's rookie mistakes. I still don't know what he hoped to accomplish spreading his armies out so thinly. You live and learn, I suppose.... :blink:


And then Turkey dropped 2 or 3 months ago. From that time on, it was you and Syria against me. I'm no mathematician :P, but I count that as 2 against 1. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But just don't pretend it's otherwise. :huh:




This is great!! I'm passing up reruns of Seinfeld to read these postings. I'm not criticizing your play, just your math. :cheers: Lucky for you, I AM a math teacher. I counted 3 foreign armies on Saudi sand. That is a ratio of 3:1 or 3 to 1.


As for Transjordan, he didn't have a chance. I trapped his big army, so they couldn't do anything (similar to how your army is going to die this turn). If he'd had more troops in xTelaviv, they would have been lost as well. That is a tough country to defend. His only hope was that you would put enough pressure on me so that I wouldn't finish him off.


As for Persia, his "just passing through" move was hostile as well. I must have missed the email telling me he meant no harm to my country. :cheers: As he was passing through, he managed to take all of my oil provinces. I am sure he plans on giving them back. Actually, I hope he doesn't because it will be more fun to take them back. :cheers:


Syria DW on you 4 turns ago on turn 8. He didn't attack with force until I believe turn 10. By that time, you were already doomed - you just didn't know it yet. His attack hasn't changed the outcome, it just sped it up. It was going to take me a while to get to Bagdad, but your army was already doomed. Your only chance to prolong the war was to turn and run back into your country. If we want to get technical about ratios, the ratio of friendly armies to enemy armies in Iraq is still 1:1 or 1 to 1. I am still too busy in my own country fixing my own ratios to deal with your home sand.


As for the math, don't worry, it is a common mistake to accidentally reverse a ratio :cheers:

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Syria DW on you 4 turns ago on turn 8.  He didn't attack with force until I believe turn 10.  By that time, you were already doomed - you just didn't know it yet.  His attack hasn't changed the outcome, it just sped it up.  It was going to take me a while to get to Bagdad, but your army was already doomed.  Your only chance to prolong the war was to turn and run back into your country.   If we want to get technical about ratios, the ratio of friendly armies to enemy armies in Iraq is still 1:1 or 1 to 1.  I am still too busy in my own country fixing my own ratios to deal with your home sand.

Are you really this obtuse? Or are you just trying to pull my leg? :cheers:


If Turkey hadn't dropped, I wouldn't have had to keep those half dozen or so divisions in Iraq to fend off Syria. Hence they would have been with my army in Saudi Arabia. Hence my smaller force wouldn't be crushed by your larger one.


It's really that simple. Even a math teacher should be able to understand that. :P



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Syria DW on you 4 turns ago on turn 8.  He didn't attack with force until I believe turn 10.  By that time, you were already doomed - you just didn't know it yet.  His attack hasn't changed the outcome, it just sped it up.  It was going to take me a while to get to Bagdad, but your army was already doomed.  Your only chance to prolong the war was to turn and run back into your country.   If we want to get technical about ratios, the ratio of friendly armies to enemy armies in Iraq is still 1:1 or 1 to 1.  I am still too busy in my own country fixing my own ratios to deal with your home sand.

Are you really this obtuse? Or are you just trying to pull my leg? :P


If Turkey hadn't dropped, I wouldn't have had to keep those half dozen or so divisions in Iraq to fend off Syria. Hence they would have been with my army in Saudi Arabia. Hence my smaller force wouldn't be crushed by your larger one.


It's really that simple. Even a math teacher should be able to understand that. :huh:




I can appreciate a couple of witty math jokes. :cheers:


Another 6 or 8 divisions would not have made a huge difference. It would have prolonged the outcome for another couple of turns. This just made it quicker and less bloody for me. I was actually planning on the longer version, but was pleasantly surprised.

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Greetings: I feel the need to weigh in with my 2 cents. Turkey Dropped because he was so thoroughly crushed there was no reason to continue. The only damage they inflicted on Syrian troops was the nearly 1000 HS123's shot down over my positions raining canvas and fire upon our own heads!


I agree with Coothunters' assesment of things: Iraq's ONLY hope after the collapse of Turkey was to immediatly pull everything home and defend Baghdad.

By choosing not to sealed his fate.


Coothunter has significantly out-manuevered 2 major opponents, and will soon dispatch the 3rd.


Meanwhile, I will continue to absorb as much Enemy held territory as I can. Perhaps a challenging opponent will emerge!



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Well I finally have my mainland back, its been a long hard slog for the Danish troops but now we must plan for the Liberation of the Danish Islands.


Norway; the battle has been long and hard and you fought well in trying to conquer us but you failed, I think because Sweden your ally has you for a fool. He took the impossible to defend yet highly lucrative Islands of Copenhagen and Odense and left you with the poor provinces yet easy to defend mainland.


Accept my offer of peace, it has been on your table for a month now and will remain there until you sign. Stop the bombing of Alborg you are not making any headway, all i do is rebuild and re-equip, it costs me little and each time you do it you lose men and materials and i now have the resources to build better defences.


You could attempt to land more troops but you will find all avenues are full of Danish troops, there is no way through Denmark now and to do so would result in slaughter for yor men. Accept the peace, break free from the chains Sweden has placed upon you and start to think for yourself. Dont be Swedens poodle forever.


Sweden - Take note, I want my islands back now, you had the chance to keep them but the tables have turned. :)

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Greetings: I feel the need to weigh in with my 2 cents. Turkey Dropped because he was so thoroughly crushed there was no reason to continue. The only damage they inflicted on Syrian troops was the nearly 1000 HS123's shot down over my positions raining canvas and fire upon our own heads!

Don't know where you got that information, but it sure wasn't from Turkey. Turkey dropped because he didn't have the time to play. He had just finished building up a very large force to sweep into Syria when he dropped. Imagine my dismay at seeing that force just sitting there as weeks passed on.... :(



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