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:blink: Interesting move to Marsseilles{may have spelled it wrong). How did you do that one B)!  I'll gladly give that move an "A" for the effort. :cheers:

[Taking a bow — Adjusting vocal tones to Elvis.] Thank you, thank you very much! :blush:





:drunk: I'm disapointed in you :cheers:. I would have thought you had figured it out by now. But again I must spell it out plainly so you understand. Respectfully I must pop this self inflated ego bubble you have made. I want you to think for just a minute on the fallowing words..." an "A" for the EFFORT."


Yes, what you attempted was a good move and unexpected this time. I won't take that one from you. But like Elvis (and yes he will always be king) Your two marine divisions are DEAD. Plain and simple :woohoo: . I know you wont believe me till you see it with your own eyes, so till then.


Respectfully lil Patton :cheers:

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:blink: Interesting move to Marsseilles{may have spelled it wrong). How did you do that one :drunk:!  I'll gladly give that move an "A" for the effort. :cheers:

[Taking a bow — Adjusting vocal tones to Elvis.] Thank you, thank you very much! :woohoo:





:cheers: I'm disapointed in you :cheers:. I would have thought you had figured it out by now. But again I must spell it out plainly so you understand. Respectfully I must pop this self inflated ego bubble you have made. I want you to think for just a minute on the fallowing words..." an "A" for the EFFORT."


Yes, what you attempted was a good move and unexpected this time. I won't take that one from you. But like Elvis (and yes he will always be king) Your two marine divisions are DEAD. Plain and simple B) . I know you wont believe me till you see it with your own eyes, so till then.


Respectfully lil Patton :blink:


[Adjusting vocal tones to K. aka Tommy Lee Jones] Elvis isn't Dead. He just went home! :blush:



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All these French, Italian and Czech spys :blush:. In a way I feel honored to be the recipiant of such dignitaries. Keep sending them and I'll keep catching them. I have special hotel rooms for such visitors B). :drunk:



P.S. I have given the task of interigation to Predator and his deligation. Keep up the good work and Enjoy the beer :woohoo: , plenty for all.

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I have just received word from the front - the guns are silent. Its seems my Swedish prey that the Norwegens you call an ally listened to my words of peace and accepted my hand of friendship across the sea.


It may be a ploy to re-arm and re-group but i have faith in the human condition and have faith he has finally seen you for the fool you are Monk.


I hope you looked after my people on the islands of Copenhagen and Odense, i dont want to hear reports that your troops went milking the women or raping the cows for now there is nothing between me and you but the deep blue sea and already your troops lie scattered at the bottom of the ocean.


Im coming but this time on my terms so be ready, you wont get a second chance. :santa:

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Wow, this board has gone dead. I never knew how much I would miss Predator. Maybe I will have to sail across the sea and see if I can stir thing up!

Europe is already stirred up my friend!! It's about to get even more interesting too.


I just knew lil 'Patton wouldn't be able to handle me One on One so he'd have to bring in more support! At this point it's Germany, Greece, and Switzerland against me. Poland and Rumania are at my door too.


So now Switzerland brings in Greece to divert me from my plans against him. Think Greece is all too willing to fight in order to avenge what Czech did to his friend Germany.


Of course, the confederacy has to bring in others to clean up the mess they create from attacking superior forces which out maneuver them. Hence, Germany brings in Poland to handle Czech since he was getting his troops kicked to the curb. And now Germany seems to be advancing on my territory with his last 6 to 7 divisions. All I can say to you Germany is be careful. You may find me in Frankfurt again soon! :drunk: Listen to the Key word carefully — “Again!”


Btw lil' Patton, how does it feel to finally own a sea port without the ability to use it? :taz:




PS: Notice to all those who appose the confederacy. Greece could use someone knocking on his door since he has no direct enemies with the exception of me.

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PS: Notice to all those who appose the confederacy.  Greece could use someone knocking on his door since he has no direct enemies with the exception of me.


Enemies? Greek civilization vs Latin? Never! Merely rivals....besides, I have only taken out a few ldbs...and some well-trashed Albanian villages....nothing serious, yet....just following my nose forward, always forward.

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Stop your winging, your finally doing what the Italians do best, placing your tanks in reverse :drunk::taz::cheers:


The Confederacy is a peaceful alliance, all we ever wanted was to take out the French then everyone else decided to pick a fight. Anyone who is a friend of the Confederacy is a friend until they break it, not the other way round and it does not take a vast army to score points.


With my superior training and two divisions i managed to make it all the way to Paris and still fend off the Swedish invasion.


Luck does not come into this, only skill and co-operation. The whole of the Confederacy is like one giant AIC. My supplies are my brothers and his are mine, thats how we keep winning. :thumbsup:

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Stop your winging, your finally doing what the Italians do best, placing your tanks in reverse  :drunk:  :taz:  :cheers:


The Confederacy is a peaceful alliance, all we ever wanted was to take out the French then everyone else decided to pick a fight. Anyone who is a friend of the Confederacy is a friend until they break it, not the other way round and it does not take a vast army to score points.


With my superior training and two divisions i managed to make it all the way to Paris and still fend off the Swedish invasion.


Luck does not come into this, only skill and co-operation. The whole of the Confederacy is like one giant AIC. My supplies are my brothers and his are mine, thats how we keep winning.  :thumbsup:

Wow, the confederacy sounds like some kind of workers paradise! I have had no opinion on this conflict, but the thought of being in such a collective makes me cringe. Italy, give me notice if you start to crumble, so I can keep them out of the Med. hehe

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The Confederacy has no designs on the Mederteranian, we only seek peace with our neighbours except the french :drunk: oh and his allies. Once these are defeated we shall sit on the shores of our enemies and bask in the sun.


Those who do not comply shall be asimiliated - Resistence is Futile :taz:

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Galvorn — Merely rivals — that is true. Just remember I’m not the inexperienced leader you once faced! Nor am I as easily blind sided!!


Now we both know you have taken more than some well-trashed Albanian villages. You failed to mention the Yugoslavian villages and the Portuguese village that was gifted to you. Oh – guess you didn’t want anyone to know that information — sorry. :drunk:


Patriot_X — Your rhetoric is transparent while your delusion is obvious! You speak of peaceful coexistence yet swarm like a pack of hungry wolves. Pointing the finger toward those who try to assist the individual you’ve preyed upon. We both know the true reason for the pack hunting — it’s because NO member of the confederacy is skilled enough for a one on one campaign.


lil' PATTON — [Adjusting vocal tones to Freddie Mercury] We will, we will — Rock You!


Elvis says so!


Marklen_X — The barbarian horde commonly known as the confederacy may venture into the Mediterranean once they learn how to lash wood successfully. Until then they are building fuel supplies for their secret weapons — hot air balloons.



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No one nation can stand alone, those who say we are not good enough to take you one on one are the ones who stare death and defeat in the face. None of the confederacy is foolish enough to think we can take on the whole world alone, that is why you are holding a losing hand. And how can you say your standing alone, you have had allies and friends. The only reason why you now stand alone is because all your allies are defeated or close to defeat. Do not cry over spilt milk my Italian foe, the confederacy just has a better alliance than yours. You have been defeated by your own lack of leadership in as much as the confederacies tanks and bombs.


Dont discount your own efforts, we have had setbacks. I for one now command a battered nation devoid of supplies and munitions whose morale is weak and whos people starve but do we moan about it? no because we are part of the confederacy and will always prevail.


Patriot X - Minister for Propaganda "The Confederacy" :ninja:

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