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Unit into an existing army


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So it becomes a guessing game.  Instead of dropping troops on order 1 you OC them on order 12 (or 17 or 33 or whatever) and DIV rhwn on the next order. It takes time for troops to form up into a coherent force and a 1 order pulse peneltiy is hardly anything to really worry about, especialy when you control when in the turn that the penelty occurs.



I believe Pete has stated on this board that he watches for this kind of thing and manually adjusts so that a ground combat will take place after the invader has formed up armies.

The invader doesn't get to make a surprise attack and the defender doesn't get a pre-emptive strike on the troop shuttles.

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No Krelnett of Kraan Im not missing anything. I fully realize that the army # formed with the NEWA order doesnt move when the army you DIV'ed into it issues the EAF order. It stays put on the plant it was formed at. What Im saying is that the army you formed with the NEWA order

be able to be MOVED via troop berthings to another location with the divisions a player DIV'ed into it intact. In this way the army # can be transferred to another pop unit on another planet

by using the non- exsistent DAF order and save 3 orders when the army is used. it probably wont be done anytime soon but I'd like to see it done.

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