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Who control the Danelands, now?





You better talks to me, soon.




I'm in charges of all territoires in the area north there.


We woulds not want any accidents to be unfortunate, heh?






Au Plaisir,



Hi ruler of the nordic countries.


I believe the Danish are still in control of the Danish territories...


Any idea where you will be going when all of the Nordic countries are under your control? These Russian ships are not particulary good at moving large forces across water...

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Seems to me that you are not the only one to control parts of Scandinavia. Lowlands has a grasp on xOslo. Maybe you ought to worry about Lowlands and not the Danes?


Just a thought.





Who control the Danelands, now?





You better talks to me, soon.




I'm in charges of all territoires in the area north there.


We woulds not want any accidents to be unfortunate, heh?






Au Plaisir,



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Seems to me that you are not the only one to control parts of Scandinavia. Lowlands has a grasp on xOslo. Maybe you ought to worry about Lowlands and not the Danes?


Just a thought.




And just maybe you should be worrying about Central Russia and not Northern Russia. :alien:


DezertCamel :cannon:

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And who said I was worried about Northern Russia?




Seems to me that you are not the only one to control parts of Scandinavia. Lowlands has a grasp on xOslo. Maybe you ought to worry about Lowlands and not the Danes?


Just a thought.




And just maybe you should be worrying about Central Russia and not Northern Russia. :blink:


DezertCamel :robot:

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I am indeed playing the vacated position of Denmark and have no illusions of grandeur. I see the stacks of armor pushing its way towards my border through the parts of Germany closest to me. You and Poland have done well. I am sure that I will be nothing more than a mere annoyance until Lowlands and Switzerland come around to bear.


I was hoping to keep my secret just a turn or two longer, but at this point it appears that someone was actually paying attention to the turn reports. I thought maybe the couple of bombing runs a few turns ago would have given away my activity, but you gents decided that it wasn't worth the effort.


Until we meet on the battle field,



Denmark 75




And who said I was worried about Northern Russia?




I thought you...... :blink::oops:


But then again..... What do you have to worry about since you have not declared what country you are (denmark?)...... :robot::oops:


DezertCamel :robot:

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Hi ruler of the nordic countries.


Allo, the Lowlands.




Any idea where you will be going when all of the Nordic countries are under your control?


I have many, very large ideas. One of my préféré, is a little villa, in my ancestral home - La France!




These Russian ships are not particulary good at moving large forces across water...


I'm instructered all my genius savants, to come up with revoulutionaries device, soon: Le snorchel.

Then I have to get my engineieurs, to make fit on T-34.

Then you, all of yous all, have big surprises - I gaurantee...





Au Plaisir,



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Seems to me that you are not the only one to control parts of Scandinavia.  Lowlands has a grasp on xOslo.  Maybe you ought to worry about Lowlands and not the Danes?


Just a thought.








Non, non, non, non, non, non...


My dear Terrien; you haves it all misunderstanded.




Go back, little bits, to post # 68, in this thread.

There you see, that me and Rommel, have une entente.

You sees, he is just "administrating" the territoires, for me, until I arrives!



And I'm no worried, about you. Au contraire; I'm worried that I may hurt you inadvertantlies. That's why I ask, you contact me. So we can work out our own "entente cordiale".




Au Plaisir



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Aaaahh! I understand now. My apologies. You needn't worry about any adventurous Danish expiditions taking place. I will be very busy in my homeland.




Non, non, non, non, non, non...


My dear Terrien; you haves it all misunderstanded.




Go back, little bits, to post # 68, in this thread.

There you see, that me and Rommel, have une entente.

You sees, he is just "administrating" the territoires, for me, until I arrives!



And I'm no worried, about you. Au contraire; I'm worried that I may hurt you inadvertantlies. That's why I ask, you contact me. So we can work out our own "entente cordiale".




Au Plaisir



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So the Middle East has become quite a popular place. We Arabs must be doing a pretty good job down here. Everyone seems to be coming to the rescue of Southern Russia. Let's see, there is Southern Russia, Rumania, Turkey, Central Russia... and now Northern Russia has joined the hoard from the north.


Would anybody else like to send some bombers our way? There are now 5 enemies against the three of us. I still don't think the northern hoard has enough fire power to beat us. Quick, someone else needs to come to their rescue!! Greece? Switzerland? Lowlands?


We have to better the odds here. If just one more country can join the northern hoard, they will have two hoards for every freedom-fighting Arab. Bring it on!

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There are now 5 enemies against the three of us. I still don't think the northern hoard has enough fire power to beat us. "coolhunter"


So you say there is only three of you, so I guess your other Total ally syria, is not your friend anymore. So why does he do all your dirty work for you then? :rolleyes:


It's funny how the tables have turned, you were having more fun when it was 4 of you against 3. :D


And as for firepower, you are right, building huge armor armies and sitting them in cities and putting 50 groups of fighters over them is alot of DEFENSIVE FIREPOWER. But all that means is they will die there. :rolleyes:


Because we all know you will never move them out of their protective wombs..... :)


I at least give credit to UAE for attacking, with smaller groups, not holing up and playing it safe, or at least safer..... B)


So enjoy your advantage, it to will end, just like your airpower. :blink:


DezertCamel :(

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Camel - I like the criticism. That is good.


I'm not sure what dirty work Syria is doing for me, but I appreciate it. He is a good guy, and I am sure that I would do the same dirty work for him.


Apparently you have another strategy for my armies. Let's hear it. If you want me to attack more with my small forces, tell Southern Russia to stop killing them. I am more than willing to let them run through occupied Iraq and Turkey, but Southern Russia has his big armored divisions sitting in cities and eliminating my small groups as they run by.


As for my fighters, I will have them do something else if you, Turkey, Rumania, and Southern Russia promise to quit bombing me.


I guess it is easy to be critical launching attacks from the safety of Central Russia. Conquering dropped countries in Europe and attacking from a safe distance...It's easy to look good from there.


Maybe I should become TAs with anyone in position to invade me, then set up airbases in Turkey and bomb Greece from a safe distance. I would look like a genius then.

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I guess it is easy to be critical launching attacks from the safety of Central Russia. Conquering dropped countries in Europe and attacking from a safe distance...It's easy to look good from there.

So I guess my ground units in persia, fighting against uae don't exist....If my bombers had the range I would love to fly from central russia instead, but I don't have american or british tech. :blink:


And as for conquering dropped countries, I guess germany, lowlands, switzerland and the new guy in denmark all have dropped according to you. I think they missed that memo... :wub:


And for your armies, I have plans for them. they are to die in an overly elaborate trap, just like james bond.....except with an unhappy ending - they die :thumbsup:


Look at it this way, we may finally get to fight, compared to game 65. :cheers:


DezertCamel :robot:

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I guess it is easy to be critical launching attacks from the safety of Central Russia. Conquering dropped countries in Europe and attacking from a safe distance...It's easy to look good from there.

So I guess my ground units in persia, fighting against uae don't exist....If my bombers had the range I would love to fly from central russia instead, but I don't have american or british tech. :blink:


And as for conquering dropped countries, I guess germany, lowlands, switzerland and the new guy in denmark all have dropped according to you. I think they missed that memo... :wub:


And for your armies, I have plans for them. they are to die in an overly elaborate trap, just like james bond.....except with an unhappy ending - they die :thumbsup:


Look at it this way, we may finally get to fight, compared to game 65. :cheers:


DezertCamel :robot:


I find it hard to believe Lowlands or Switzerland are really fighting you, since I have a bunch of 18 division tank armies running around southern France that sure seem to have their markings all over them.

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