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Versions of SNFindPath


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Hi all, I have been playing SN:ROTE for 7 turns now, and I just d/l'd Findpath. Problem is, I am running a Linux system, using Wine for Windows programs. The SN:ROTE turn entry program runs fine under Wine, but when I tried FindPath, it loads OK, I get the window, but when I try to load a .mdb file I get the following error message:


one file selected: C:\snrote\1155.mdb

opening dbfile C:\snrote\1155.mdb

failed with hr=-2147221005


I tried Googling the "failed with hr=-2147221005" but found nothing which explained the error clearly. It appears to be something to do with .dll files - that is all I could figure out from the Google search.


I saw in a previous post ( referring to using Wine on a Mac), there was some reference to a program called Jet, which I gather is something to do with handling .mdb files, but I can't find anything about it in a Google search. I can find programs that looks at .mdb's in Linux (a program called MDBtools), but as the PathFinder program runs under Wine, I would need the equivalent Windows program. If anyone can provide pointers to what I should be looking for, I would be most grateful.


If I can't get this sorted, I my other option is to use my other (older) computer which is running XP, and run Pathfinder on that, (and GraphViz, which is really what I am after, printing and managing maps) but since I collect my email on, and my printer is connected to, my Linux machine, it would be annoying to have to keep transferring files between the two computers.


Any help of any kind will be gratefully received :-)


Well, I am the author of SNFindPath and still have nit figured out how to get it running under wine :(


I use a virtual engine running Windows XP under OS X to run SNFindPath and the Entry program. I use Graphviz on native OS X.


I simply did not find the cause for that error :(

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Many thanks, Krelnet, your info was very useful :-) I now have a pretty map, and it only took me 3 hours to do it, lol. Had to do a little bit of editing on the spreadsheet, most of the time taken was figuring out how to use GraphViz, but that is the best way, learn by doing. It would have been a lot more difficult if you hadn't provided the formulae, etc for the spreadsheet, so muchos grasias!


When my map gets big enough to need to use FindPath, I'll probably transfer the necessary files over to my Windows XP machine, just for that task.


But now I have a proper map, Woohooo!

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Glad I could help! :cheers:

I just barely rejoined the game with a new position so I recently re-thought (and seriously streamlined) my mapping process and you were able to reap the benefits.

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  • 5 months later...

If you are talking about open office under Windows, that should be possible after installing the Jet engine. Under the other OSses, you are mainly out of luck. There was some effort done with the mdb-tools. I do not know if they came far enough for a Open Office driver.

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Well, finally found the correct Wiki about how to open it up as a Database in OO. Now to figure out how to get it into the spreadsheet.


Further Edit that appears to work in OO. You open it up in Base as a Database, then use the OO Base as data for your Spreadsheet.


To import I did a View/Data Sources/ This showed the Databases OO new, including the one I created to read the MDB. I then did a cut and past from the table into the spreadsheet, and adjusted the forumlas to fit OO's spreadsheet formula rules.

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  • 1 year later...

Many thanks. I am one of the non-grafix (?sp) users so have made my quite extensive map in Excel - still very much a work in progress. Your tool is invaluable for that purpose (and not a little because of it's excellent WP sequencing for fleet movement of course).


Many thanks



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  • 5 months later...

unfortunately dropbox link does not seem to be working...



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