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Offical 76 Battle Thread


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Algeria still here, with a presence in Tunisia and Italy.


By the way, what is the deal with the Turkish DD's and minesweepers in the eastern Med? Perhaps you did not know Algeria had the Tunisian coast. Please withdraw.



Lord Vader, I think you need to do some more exploring. I hardly would call the Tunisian coast the Eastern Med.

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Algeria still here, with a presence in Tunisia and Italy.


By the way, what is the deal with the Turkish DD's and minesweepers in the eastern Med? Perhaps you did not know Algeria had the Tunisian coast. Please withdraw.



Lord Vader, I think you need to do some more exploring. I hardly would call the Tunisian coast the Eastern Med.


Hey Marklen,


We dont call the it the Eastern Med anymore either. It has been officially renamed the Gulf of Syria and it does extend to the coast of Tunisia.



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Algeria still here, with a presence in Tunisia and Italy.


By the way, what is the deal with the Turkish DD's and minesweepers in the eastern Med? Perhaps you did not know Algeria had the Tunisian coast. Please withdraw.



Lord Vader, I think you need to do some more exploring. I hardly would call the Tunisian coast the Eastern Med.


Hey Marklen,


We dont call the it the Eastern Med anymore either. It has been officially renamed the Gulf of Syria and it does extend to the coast of Tunisia.









Good to know, we will have new maps printed immediatly

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I never mentioned the Northern border of the Gulf of Syria...Greece. Also please rename xAthens ..xNew Damascus.







Hey Marklen,


Hope you didnt print those new maps yet. :D





Oops, sounds like trouble afoot for the mapmakers!

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  • 2 months later...

I was thinking the same thing. I would like to see a little more chatter going on. Come on Baltic States, come out of your holes and fight! Central Russia, now that you have broken with Poland, when can we expect to see some of your shiny new T-34s arrive on our front? Takeda, how is that gulf of Syria thing going? You on the march to Algeria yet?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I must be the most FEARED player in this game!!! Otherwise is is hard to comprehend how I could have taken 9 airstrikes from 4 different players belonging to 2 separate total alliances.


Let me just say that at least two of you are going to be very sorry that you left the ground forces of my TA's and I completely unscathed.


Lord Vader

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I must be the most FEARED player in this game!!! Otherwise is is hard to comprehend how I could have taken 9 airstrikes from 4 different players belonging to 2 separate total alliances.


Let me just say that at least two of you are going to be very sorry that you left the ground forces of my TA's and I completely unscathed.


Lord Vader

Well, let's say Austria did receive a lot more air and ground strikes on the turns before.

And that after clearing most of Switzerland for you guys. But the difference is,

those Austrian troops still fight like men.


It seems Morocco and Algeria are facing their first real opposition here I guess.

And colouring their pants in all kinds brown right away. :nuke:


Portugal is the only one of your TA doing actually some damage so far.

But we did actually invite him for a cup of austrian coffee with

dannish pie and yugoslavian music. But the coffee is getting cold,

so he better hurry.... :D

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I guess the 16 divisions of Yugoslavian armor that I vaporized last turn don't count ! ! ! ? ? ?


Technically, you shoud not be bragging too loud, having struck nothing but a few LDB's with your two big armor stacks hiding in xInnsbruck and xBelinzona.


I wonder how long it will be before the others realize how weak you really are, and decide to turn on you?


Lord Vader

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