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Nothing I can add as to the oppinions of forum use, I agree so far with the sentament stated thus far. I'm just posting this while I have a minute to do so :( . Spare time has been, well, rare thease days :( .




good smiley use :cheers:. Or is it really you :huh:, thought you didn't use them

(just joking) :huh:


News from East Central Eourope: I have been attacked by Yugoslovia with out just cause. I sent PAP's and tried to make friendly contact but learnd that Greece has kept him blind to the way's of truth and light. If he's reading this it's still not to late, just put down the guns and back away. Then no harm will come to your soldiers :cheers: . :cheers:

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Speaking of cowards. . . . . Where have you Spanish dogs run-off to, with your tails between your legs?  Your resistance, feeble though it was, provided our troops with much-needed live-fire training.  Now it appears that you have gone into hiding, forcing us to use cows and pigs for target practice.  Come out, come out, wherever you are. . . . . .


Your Moroccan Masters

Ok, I am guilty as charged, have not posted on this forum, but am in the game. I had enough back and forth in other games, figured I would just let this one slide, but now that others are calming down, maybe I can talk some trash here!

Oh yeah, I am Sweden.

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good smiley use :blink:. Or is it really you :cheers:, thought you didn't use them

(just joking) :huh:



I am starting to swing both ways :(


No really, I will, and have, used them when they add to the message. Some people just BLAST every post with as many smiley’s as words, make it harder to read then a midget on crack :cheers:








p.s. Sad to hear about the whole Yugoslavia thing, hope it works out, let me know if you need anything because things are starting to whine down here in the Americas (not really but it will surely get America's panties in a twist me saying so)

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Ya, we had that conversation about the smiley's already. Looks like your catchen on to them just fine :cheers:


Sure, you can take the pap I sent out to you. Moral is alway's helpfull :blink:


Are you sure you want to talk about twisting panties and swinging both way's in the same post :cheers::huh:

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I'm gonna have to think about the next post; the amount of stick i could send canadas way is just too much to think about right now.... Panties, Swinging, Stick.... Oh the mind boggles.


Whats this about my static division you fool, I have not lost any divisions. :huh:


OMG im starting to sound like MR T

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I'm gonna have to think about the next post; the amount of stick i could send canadas way is just too much to think about right now.... Panties, Swinging, Stick.... Oh the mind boggles.


Whats this about my static division you fool, I have not lost any divisions.  :huh:


OMG im starting to sound like MR T


I pitty the fool!!


Woops, I guess you have not submitted your turn yet. Never mind, you havn't lost anything, these are not the droids you are looking for.






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Ah Sexy Dog the force is weak in you my son, your Jedi mind tricks will not work on me. :huh:


PS to the Yugoslavian player, beware what the Canadian premier says to you. He is full of half truths and clouded judgment. He will blind you with confusion and smoke you with mirror... or is that use smokie mirrors... anyway its something to do with smok and mirrors.



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;)HELP WANTED :robot:


The people of the United States need a Total Ally, someone who can assist in the defense of the USA against the Canadian aggressors. :taz:


The Canadians have taken over vast swathes of land and head now for our cities. Please... someone... take the plunge and side with us because if we fail in the defense of our land then the Canadians will be coming your way


Trust me... you don’t want a Canadian in your back yard, they leave a terrible mess :blush:


You may think that by becoming our Total Ally you will be siding with the losing side, you may well be doing that but you must also ask yourself if the risk is worth it. To leave the USA to fend for itself must be a crime against humanity.


I implore you, speak to your conscience; can you let us suffer at the hands of these barbarians?


Our embassy’s are open, speak with us at least. Those that have already accepted our hand of friendship by signing NAPs and Alliances speak with your hearts again and seek to make our alliances Total Alliances, take the next step and together we can defeat the Canadian Menace.



Patriot X

President of the United States


PS, has anyone got a wet wipe :D

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;)HELP WANTED :robot:


The people of the United States need a Total Ally, someone who can assist in the defense of the USA against the Canadian aggressors.  :taz:


The Canadians have taken over vast swathes of land and head now for our cities. Please... someone... take the plunge and side with us because if we fail in the defense of our land then the Canadians will be coming your way


Trust me... you don’t want a Canadian in your back yard, they leave a terrible mess :blush:


You may think that by becoming our Total Ally you will be siding with the losing side, you may well be doing that but you must also ask yourself if the risk is worth it. To leave the USA to fend for itself must be a crime against humanity.


I implore you, speak to your conscience; can you let us suffer at the hands of these barbarians?


Our embassy’s are open, speak with us at least. Those that have already accepted our hand of friendship by signing NAPs and Alliances speak with your hearts again and seek to make our alliances Total Alliances, take the next step and together we can defeat the Canadian Menace.



Patriot X

President of the United States


PS, has anyone got a wet wipe  :D




I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there are three nations in the game that start with A: extra fuel production (you and me) or B: extra fuel (Iceland) and they are already involved in this war. With that in mind if anyone did join your TA, they would be hard pressed to help you in your current endeavor for many turns and risk weakening themselves in the process on the off chance that they might make it to you in time.


Now I am the first one to say that this is hardly over, like I already said neither one of us has taken any serious damage or lost any valuable provinces so your doom and gloom can only mean that you are either trying to sucker other counties into help you or you finally had a good turn and trying to lull me into complacency.


Now if countries decided to join you (except Bulgaria, which is already TA’d with you) then they can build up a large fleet, move it across the Atlantic and help you in the war, assuming it is still going on. Keep in mind this requires the said country to divert precious resources from the land and air offensive in Europe and expended massive amount of fuel to send the fleet, but who is counting. They can contribute cash to you and also share intelligence, neither one is going to make or break the continuing conflict.


Now, you could have had a good turn, (there is always a chance) and that you think that by getting on the board and proclaiming your immanent defeat (which we both know is untrue) will lull me into taking my turn without waiting for the intelligence report from Iceland… sorry, ain’t going to happen.


I have three plans right now, any one of the three need to work for me to win, I also have one plan that needs to succeed or I will loose. Nothing you say or do on this board is going to change my timetable, but as long as it keeps you busy then no harm no foul.





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Oh alright then I'll come clean - I had a good turn. I'll let Iceland tell you the details but surfice to say you got your ass whupped and about time too. I was starting to feel the pressure of your forces around my cities. The pressure is now off for another round.


Tootles  :blush:


I look forward to it,


Tootles right back at ya :D



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Oh alright then I'll come clean - I had a good turn. I'll let Iceland tell you the details but surfice to say you got your ass whupped and about time too. I was starting to feel the pressure of your forces around my cities. The pressure is now off for another round.


Tootles  :blush:


Now I am at work and have not had a chance to take a close look at my turn but I didn't see anything that came close to an ass whooping? :wacko:


Your lack of specifics and knowing that I will get the information before Canada's turn anyway was a nice red flag telling me that you where using your incompetent propaganda machine agian :taz:




At least you are keeping busy on the forum :robot:


Juana :D

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