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So Ice Queen, what dont you consider an Ass Whupping, you seen nothing? well if you have seen nothing then great, it means you wont be-able to inform Canada of his losses and he wont be-able to counter act the devistation rained upon him. He will stick to his blinkered plan and walk blindly into more mayhem and bloodshed.


Let slip the Dogs of War :blush:

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O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,

That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!

Thou art the ruins of the noblest man

That ever lived in the tide of times.

Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood!

Over thy wounds now do I prophesy,-

Which, like dumb mouths, do ope their ruby lips,

To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue-

A curse shall light upon the limbs of men;

Domestic fury and fierce civil strife

Shall cumber all the parts of America ;

Blood and destruction shall be so in use

And dreadful objects so familiar

That mothers shall but smile when they behold

Their infants quarter'd with the hands of war;

All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:

And Patriot X's spirit, ranging for revenge,

With Bulgaria by his side come hot from hell,

Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice

Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;

That this foul deed shall smell above the earth

With carrion men, groaning for burial.

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So Ice Queen, what dont you consider an Ass Whupping, you seen nothing? well if you have seen nothing then great, it means you wont be-able to inform Canada of his losses and he wont be-able to counter act the devistation rained upon him. He will stick to his blinkered plan and walk blindly into more mayhem and bloodshed.


Let slip the Dogs of War  :D


As always, you talk alot and give little information. You also proffess to understand English but have a really hard time reading/understanding it :taz:


Where did I say I saw Nothing? :robot:


I forwarded the information along like I aways do, and let him decided what is devistation, and what is not, and how to respond. ;)


Keep on painting your rossy glow, in time I am sure you will even believe it yourself. :blush:



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Amen :robot: To Earthlings comment


Ice Maiden - You said you did not see anything and I dont think you have, your pittyful attempt at getting me to brag about my victories was wasted, im not as shallow as the waters around Iceland.


I dont need to brag or disclose details on these pages, im much cleverer than that and you will have to be smarter to defeat me.


Tootles :taz::blush::D;)

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Ice Maiden - You said you did not see anything and I dont think you have, your pittyful attempt at getting me to brag about my victories was wasted, im not as shallow as the waters around Iceland.


I dont need to brag or disclose details on these pages, im much cleverer than that and you will have to be smarter to defeat me.


Tootles  :D  :woohoo:  :woohoo:  :woohoo:


Wait a SECOND!!! You are Clever?????



STOP THE PRESSES!!!!!! :jawdrop:







p.s. Just to let you know in your cleverness :blink: , even if you copied line by line your results I would not believe it until I got the report from Iceland to confirm it. Boy you are SO clever!!!

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Go on.... Tell the world how Clever I am. Tell the world how much damage i did to your forces.


Because if you dont tell them I wont. Because if you dont tell them I wont believe you know what I have done to you. And if you wont tell them then you know my allies will tell me what you do before my next attack.


And changing your process day is'nt gonna save you from another Ass Whuppin.... Yehaw! :woohoo:

(could not find a cowboy smiley so a pirate will have to do)

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Go on.... Tell the world how Clever I am. Tell the world how much damage i did to your forces.


Because if you dont tell them I wont. Because if you dont tell them I wont believe you know what I have done to you. And if you wont tell them then you know my allies will tell me what you do before my next attack.


And changing your process day is'nt gonna save you from another Ass Whuppin.... Yehaw! :woohoo:

(could not find a cowboy smiley so a pirate will have to do)


Who ever said I knew anything, I also work...


And I already know you allies let you know... that does not take cleverness, just not being a dum mass.





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Well take your time, Im sure the world will wait for your report with bated breath. I however will not, I have already writen out my orders for the Generals and they smell victory next round as well.


Another quote for you doggy..... A fire does not have to kill you to take your life. :woohoo:

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Well take your time, Im sure the world will wait for your report with bated breath. I however will not, I have already writen out my orders for the Generals and they smell victory next round as well.


Another quote for you doggy..... A fire does not have to kill you to take your life.  :woohoo:


The "World" will have to wait, because I will not be back from a business trip until Thursday morning and don't even plan on looking at the report until then.


Nice to know you have correctly guessed my upcomming turn, very precognative of you.





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Amen  :woohoo: To Earthlings comment



I am not sure if I want to stir this pot any more, but what the hey.


Pattie Boy, do you realize that you would have to be defeated all fall to your enimies and possibly your allies for that quip to be true? Giving an 'AMEN' to my comments leads me to believe that you are, indeed, losing the war with Canada and soon to add another RIP to your tagline.



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A group of Egyptian "business men" :P staying at the Damascus Hilton were apprehended by Syrian internal security forces today and charged with espionage. :drunk:


Unfortunately all three men were fatally injured while resisting arrest. :beer:


The Syrian government has declared that no Christmas card will be sent to the Egyptian government this year. :huh: The Egyptian government has yet to issue a statement.



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A group of Egyptian "business men"  :P  staying at the Damascus Hilton were apprehended by Syrian internal security forces today and charged with espionage.  :drunk:


Unfortunately all three men were fatally injured while resisting arrest. :beer:


The Syrian government has declared that no Christmas card will be sent to the Egyptian government this year. :huh:  The Egyptian government has yet to issue a statement.




International Press Release: Cairo, Egypt


The Egyptian Prime Minister categorically denies that the 'businessmen' were acting on behalf of the Egyptian government as 'spies'. Maybe the Syrian internal security forces can explain why the political papers that the Egyptian envoys who were dispatched to the Syrian government somehow were signed and returned to the Egyptian Prime Minister? I think that the spies lurking about within the Syrian borders may be that of another country parading as Egyptian Businessmen and the Egyptian emmissaires detained by the Syrian internal security forces were actually there to perform the duties of delivering a treaty.


The Syrian - Egyptian relations had been going well recently even though they had been tenuos (at best). I hope that they can continue with an open forum and there be no need to release such rash public accusations without actual proof of any kind of wrong doing. Our Egyptian envoys have been upright and honest with Syria at all times and hopefully we have done nothing to change that image. The Egyptian Prime Minister is dissappionted that negotiations between the two counties have waned recently. Hopefully new channels of discussion can be opened with the rising of a new sun on the horizon. We here in Egypt have prided ourselves with not engaging in deception or any other kind of underhanded activities.





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Oh alright then I'll come clean - I had a good turn. I'll let Iceland tell you the details but surfice to say you got your ass whupped and about time too. I was starting to feel the pressure of your forces around my cities. The pressure is now off for another round.


Tootles  :beer:


You call last turn an Ass whupping...


I will give you credit, you did do more damage to me then I did to you


and you did succeed in taking back one of your own territories, but hardly an ass whupping.


I see you have finally given up on doing anything agianst my navy.


Now sit back and enjoy this turn, I have a perfect chistmas gift for you.





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