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Why not Pop over to Europe Mr President, im sure by the time you get here we will have a nice little township in Normanday for you to land your forces in.


I know Premier Paul talks a lot but hes harmless, im sure you would find more challenging opponents in France, in fact by the time you get here you may find GB, Ireland, Iceland, Portugal, Morocco, Switzerland and Italy all setting up home in France. I will save you a spot on the coast. <_<

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Whats this "Atlantik Wall" you speak of? If you are referring to the failed British and Irish landings then it was not a total failure, British troops did land and more will follow.


Join me my American brother and bring your troops to bear in the great war of Europe.


If you read your history you will know the French have always been the traditional enemy of the English.


Join us in their Subjugation :robot:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Whats this "Atlantik Wall" you speak of? If you are referring to the failed British and Irish landings then it was not a total failure, British troops did land and more will follow.


Join me my American brother and bring your troops to bear in the great war of Europe.


If you read your history you will know the French have always been the traditional enemy of the English.


Join us in their Subjugation  :drunk:


Hello Spart,


I guess we'll just have to see how you interpret 'subjugation'... It looks to me that they are pushing your troops back into the channel. But that may just be a diversion from your side of course!


What's happening with PeePee? Is he on his summer vacation? And what about the French? How do they feel about your TA with their ally? Or are you working together with them also and is this war just a rouse?

Should I be worried? Or Scandinavia?


The plot is thickening...


Ain't this fun?




President of the us of A


G'Day CD

It's Perfect Premier Paul of Portugal :cheers:

I have been waiting 8 days now for my turn to come back and I still dont have it! :oops:

I say where the bloodly hell is it. :cheers:

But to no avail it come back not. :cheers:

It's make me quiet when I've got no turn back. :cheers:

When I get it back I can tell you all about it. I know your dieing to know. :robot:

I want to know what Mole is doing. :blink:

He's a strange one that one. :D

He is like you he is going to surprise me with an attack on my beloved xlisbon and try to get that prize. :cheers:

I will defend it to the death of all my citizans while I'm holidaying on azores. :robot:

It's by for now. :cheers:

The Premier Paul :oops:

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Whats this "Atlantik Wall" you speak of? If you are referring to the failed British and Irish landings then it was not a total failure, British troops did land and more will follow.


Join me my American brother and bring your troops to bear in the great war of Europe.


If you read your history you will know the French have always been the traditional enemy of the English.


Join us in their Subjugation  :drunk:


Hello Spart,


I guess we'll just have to see how you interpret 'subjugation'... It looks to me that they are pushing your troops back into the channel. But that may just be a diversion from your side of course!


What's happening with PeePee? Is he on his summer vacation? And what about the French? How do they feel about your TA with their ally? Or are you working together with them also and is this war just a rouse?

Should I be worried? Or Scandinavia?


The plot is thickening...


Ain't this fun?




President of the us of A


G'Day CD

It's Perfect Premier Paul of Portugal :thumbsup:

I have been waiting 8 days now for my turn to come back and I still dont have it! :angry:

I say where the bloodly hell is it. :oops:

But to no avail it come back not. :ranting:

It's make me quiet when I've got no turn back. :cheers:

When I get it back I can tell you all about it. I know your dieing to know. B)

I want to know what Mole is doing. :blink:

He's a strange one that one. :P

He is like you he is going to surprise me with an attack on my beloved xlisbon and try to get that prize. :cheers:

I will defend it to the death of all my citizans while I'm holidaying on azores. :cheers:

It's by for now. :beer:

The Premier Paul :pirate:




Hello PeePee,


If I was Silverwing, you know the person playing france, I wouldn't be so happy with Spongebobs signature...

I mean we know that Spartacus/Patriot X and...? are all the same person :oops: , so why does he keep up that fake identity?

Is he in some kind of identity crisis? Or does he indeed play two countries? You two make quite the pair.







That all went straight over my head.

I'm lost.

What are you going on with???

You got to be making that up.

No one could think of all that without the mind of the great CD

Explain yourself as if you were speaking to a 6 year old or the Mole.

Premier Paul

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Well thats me found out :cheers: Im also General Sponge :P As if, i suppose you heard this from a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a guy you work with who saw a woman down the pub 18 months ago :cheers:

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That all went straight over my head.

I'm lost.

What are you going on with???

You got to be making that up.

No one could think of all that without the mind of the great CD

Explain yourself as if you were speaking to a 6 year old or the Mole.

Premier Paul


Hello PeePee,


It is very simple. I've compiled a list of all the players I've had the pleasure of playing with/against. From all my games and the games my friends played.

Some people, like Spartacus, use more than one name on the forum. In this case Spartacus and General Spongebob Squarepants are one and the same.

That leaves the identity of Silverwing, player of france, open for discussion. His privacy option was on. Since you can not play in one game with more than one country Spongebob cannot be playing France, under his own name, because he is playing GB as Spartacus.


:oops: If I was standing in your shoes I would be 'a bit' disturbed by these facts. The thought 'backstab' would be surfacing......

What else is he keeping from his TA's? Do you know his real agenda? :cheers:


But hé, that's just me!


Greetings and good luck....




France and Germany have so far sent Lowlands packing, have all but dispatched Denmark, and have stopped cold the invasion of Normany by three island nations, myself included. If you read the signature line for SBSP he has lost quite a few times without a win. This does not sound like a good match up to me. No offense meant to SBSP but France is being played too well for your accusation and his claim to hold water.


None of this makes sense to me. :P

Why haven't I got my turn back? :cheers:

I have played this game a few time and if you get a lucky break and a good TA you don't need to be that experienced at all. :drunk:

Look at the Mole! :ranting:

If France and Germany have made good inroads into it's enemies good on 'em. :blink:

I want my turn back :thumbsup:

What do you reckon? They have taken out Denmark. :blink:

That’s a likely story :oops:

If so GB that’s a good place to start putting in the needle B)

Loosing won ground drives them crazier than loosing their own. :beer:

And it’s hard to defend. :pirate:

Ponchos Pilot Prefect Premier all the P’s Paul :angry:

I WONT MY TURN!!!!!! :cheers:

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None of this makes sense to me.  :cheers:

Why haven't I got my turn back?  :P

I have played this game a few time and if you get a lucky break and a good TA you don't need to be that experienced at all.  :drunk:

Look at the Mole!  :ranting:

If France and Germany have made good inroads into it's enemies good on 'em.  :blink:

I want my turn back  :thumbsup:

What do you reckon? They have taken out Denmark.  :blink:

That’s a likely story  :angry:

If so GB that’s a good place to start putting in the needle  :beer:

Loosing won ground drives them crazier than loosing their own.  :pirate:

And it’s hard to defend.  :cheers:

Ponchos Pilot Prefect Premier all the P’s Paul  B)

I WONT MY TURN!!!!!!  :cheers:


Hello PeePee,


There's not much that makes sense to you, does it?

And what's up between you and the Mole? Are his victories annoying you so much?

I'm guessing he's not answered your pathetic diplomatic communiques either...

So no ally in North Africa for you... Very nice!

Are the summers hot in Portugal? My wife want's to know what clothes to pack once we've conquered it.. :oops:


Do you know why France is the most likely place to start an amphibious landing with GB as a base? You've played several sea going nations so you must know this. It's the same reason why a landing in Denmark has hardly any chance of succeeding.


Well, you're a smart guy, you'll figure it out. Or not. :oops:



See you in Lisbon!



President of the UsA.


You better tell the Lady President to get in the life raft and stay there also tie a life buoy to her feet for safty.

I build Lisbon just like Titanic, it unsinkable.

The Mole.

I dont know bout the Mole.

Very cagy.

I tink he wants to win your little bet and take Lisbon first.

I suspect a supprise attack soon.

It's the only way too take out Portugal.

A supprise attack.

But where to hit?

To much defence for a marine landing it must come from the land!


All I want is my TURN BACK!

How do I get through to Russ?

He has never ignored me before.

Maybe he is the Mole

Now that would be a suprise.


Pompus Paul Premier of Portugal

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That all went straight over my head.

I'm lost.

What are you going on with???

You got to be making that up.

No one could think of all that without the mind of the great CD

Explain yourself as if you were speaking to a 6 year old or the Mole.

Premier Paul


Hello PeePee,


It is very simple. I've compiled a list of all the players I've had the pleasure of playing with/against. From all my games and the games my friends played.

Some people, like Spartacus, use more than one name on the forum. In this case Spartacus and General Spongebob Squarepants are one and the same.

That leaves the identity of Silverwing, player of france, open for discussion. His privacy option was on. Since you can not play in one game with more than one country Spongebob cannot be playing France, under his own name, because he is playing GB as Spartacus.


:P If I was standing in your shoes I would be 'a bit' disturbed by these facts. The thought 'backstab' would be surfacing......

What else is he keeping from his TA's? Do you know his real agenda? :cheers:


But hé, that's just me!


Greetings and good luck....




France and Germany have so far sent Lowlands packing, have all but dispatched Denmark, and have stopped cold the invasion of Normany by three island nations, myself included. If you read the signature line for SBSP he has lost quite a few times without a win. This does not sound like a good match up to me. No offense meant to SBSP but France is being played too well for your accusation and his claim to hold water.


Hey hold on a second there PM, this was your Plan to invade France, myself and Iceland just followed orders. If anything it was your plan that was flawed not the participants.

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That all went straight over my head.

I'm lost.

What are you going on with???

You got to be making that up.

No one could think of all that without the mind of the great CD

Explain yourself as if you were speaking to a 6 year old or the Mole.

Premier Paul


Hello PeePee,


It is very simple. I've compiled a list of all the players I've had the pleasure of playing with/against. From all my games and the games my friends played.

Some people, like Spartacus, use more than one name on the forum. In this case Spartacus and General Spongebob Squarepants are one and the same.

That leaves the identity of Silverwing, player of france, open for discussion. His privacy option was on. Since you can not play in one game with more than one country Spongebob cannot be playing France, under his own name, because he is playing GB as Spartacus.


:P If I was standing in your shoes I would be 'a bit' disturbed by these facts. The thought 'backstab' would be surfacing......

What else is he keeping from his TA's? Do you know his real agenda? :cheers:


But hé, that's just me!


Greetings and good luck....




France and Germany have so far sent Lowlands packing, have all but dispatched Denmark, and have stopped cold the invasion of Normany by three island nations, myself included. If you read the signature line for SBSP he has lost quite a few times without a win. This does not sound like a good match up to me. No offense meant to SBSP but France is being played too well for your accusation and his claim to hold water.


Hey hold on a second there PM, this was your Plan to invade France, myself and Iceland just followed orders. If anything it was your plan that was flawed not the participants.


My plan did not call for half your LCIs to miss the landing date because they were not refueled when fuel was available, nor did they include side shows for your bomber crews to catch the Cabaret in Paris. Other than that, yes, it was my plan.


Well the fact remains Im the only one of this so call alliance who actually got troops into france, when you get some on the beaches then you can start to call the shots. Enough said on this. :cheers:

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Hello IrishPM,


I don't want to poke in a good marriage, but as far as I'm concerned the excuse "I was just following orders." has lost its value a long time ago...

If you're in an Alliance and you're planning an operation together, together being the operative word, everyone is responsible for his own end of the deal.


If Canada would make a mistake like Spartacus did, he would be next on my to-do list, if you know what I mean... :o


What are the two of you going to do next? Have you considered counseling?


If you need a mediator, I'm always available :cheers:




President of the usA


It was not me who made the mistake, thats like saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth"

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Oh Yeah, im going to send you my turn results. Look your not involved in this so i dont know why your putting your oar in. I dont care about world opinion, all I care about is the invasion of France. We shall continue to re-build our fleets, our army and our airforce and when we are ready to try again we shall land on Frances beaches. France will have to spend vast amounts of resources defending his atlantic wall for he will not know where or when we will land. The world opinion is firmly against France measured by the number of nations willing to wage war upon her. Join the cue Mr President, get in line, there may be some scraps left for you when you finally sail from your homeland. As for the Irish, they are a spent force with no stomach for the fight.

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Anyone wish to check in with the body count? Not sure how accurate this is, but as far as I can tell:


Scandinavia (Norway/Finland/Sweden) continue to fight NRussia, CRussia, and Baltic to a standstill in the Arctic North.


It appears as though France/Germany have done well against Lowlands/Denmark and have temporarily (at least) repelled Ireland/Britain/Iceland.


It appears as though Portugal has mowed through Spain, and Morocco is expanding rapidly against Algeria.


It appears SRussia has moved quickly through Persia, while Syria/Egypt continue to wrap up Trans-Jordan.


In central Europe it is more clouded, but the block of Poland/Austria/Bulgaria/Greece/Czechoslovakia appear to have a solid position after taking out Italy/Rumania/Yugoslavia/Hungary and are now looking for new targets....


Anyone care to correct any inaccuracies?

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Anyone wish to check in with the body count?  Not sure how accurate this is, but as far as I can tell:


Scandinavia (Norway/Finland/Sweden) continue to fight NRussia, CRussia, and Baltic to a standstill in the Arctic North.


It appears as though France/Germany have done well against Lowlands/Denmark and have temporarily (at least) repelled Ireland/Britain/Iceland.


It appears as though Portugal has mowed through Spain, and Morocco is expanding rapidly against Algeria.


It appears SRussia has moved quickly through Persia, while Syria/Egypt continue to wrap up Trans-Jordan.


In central Europe it is more clouded, but the block of Poland/Austria/Bulgaria/Greece/Czechoslovakia appear to have a solid position after taking out Italy/Rumania/Yugoslavia/Hungary and are now looking for new targets....


Anyone care to correct any inaccuracies?


Looks like you called it pretty right. :drunk:

What about the Canadian puppet USA? :(

Still wants xlisbon. :angry:

hehehehe :unsure:

No hope. :cheers:

The Mole????????????? :o

Where is that sneaky ombre? :taz:

I'll have to get my ferrit to sniff him out. :alien:

Portugals wonderful leader Perfect Paul :cheers:

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Anyone wish to check in with the body count?  Not sure how accurate this is, but as far as I can tell:


Scandinavia (Norway/Finland/Sweden) continue to fight NRussia, CRussia, and Baltic to a standstill in the Arctic North.


It appears as though France/Germany have done well against Lowlands/Denmark and have temporarily (at least) repelled Ireland/Britain/Iceland.


It appears as though Portugal has mowed through Spain, and Morocco is expanding rapidly against Algeria.


It appears SRussia has moved quickly through Persia, while Syria/Egypt continue to wrap up Trans-Jordan.


In central Europe it is more clouded, but the block of Poland/Austria/Bulgaria/Greece/Czechoslovakia appear to have a solid position after taking out Italy/Rumania/Yugoslavia/Hungary and are now looking for new targets....


Anyone care to correct any inaccuracies?


Looks like you called it pretty right. :drunk:

What about the Canadian puppet USA? :unsure:

Still wants xlisbon. :angry:

hehehehe :taz:

No hope. :cheers:

The Mole????????????? :o

Where is that sneaky ombre? :taz:

I'll have to get my ferrit to sniff him out. :alien:

Portugals wonderful leader Perfect Paul :cheers:


Hello Jstrait,


Latest intel suggests that Central European Block is moving west. It appears that Berlin & Paris are the new targets now.

I've heard that your positions aren't as solid as you want them to be... How long will you be holding out once it is clear that Poland and friends aren't moving east?

The long winter is coming... Angry russians at the gate... Armed political commissars behind those angry russians, 'motivating' them forward... :ranting:

It must be messy!


PeePee, how is your total alliance working out? :drunk:




President of the usA

Master of Puppets



My TA's are doing just fine. :cheers:

We help each other all the time. :angry:

Co-ordinating supply drops, invasions & R&R on my wonderful holiday Isle. :cheers:

Still got room for another TA :drunk:

A good one that is.

Valencia will soon be mine. :(

Caught the Mole spying but no hard feelings. :alien:

He's still learning. :(


Petrified Paul Of Portugal

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