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Remember it is only Ireland (spit) who failed to land and got his fleets wiped out. Mine never set sail and sit safe in dry harbour.


Please dont be a fool to the oportunities that exist. :alien:





It is interesting that Peace has been declared between Ireland and France this past turn. Maybe the British-Irish Alliance is breaking down? Or France might be too formidible for the Emerald Isle to try and tackle?


Spartacus, you may want the President of the USA on your side in the future, regardless of his relationship with Portugal's Premier Paul.

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At least Earthling understands what im going on about, your right, i want the USA on my side now that Ireland has bailed out but I also need Premier Paul of Portugal, I want them to strike up a peace and help in the liberation of the French. Maybe you could explain this to the President.

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Well I have made my bed and now I must sleep in it. If you DW on Portugal honour must prevail and you will find yourself at war with Great Britain. France was only a way into Europe, I can see the people of Great Britain voting in a refferendum to sue for peace with France and divert all attention to the defence of Portugal and the British Islands.


I will be withdrawing our ambasidors from the USA until more favourable diplomatic conditions prevail.

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:P funny thing, mareng and spartacus start with an alliance but talk trash to each other. then bpa the alliance but turn around and ta. now only spartacus talks for both of them and trys to get portugal to not be attacked... :D interesting.
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Wo wo wo just hold on a mo


Portugal is more than capable of speaking for himself and as for my change in political direction well let me just say this.


I will change my political asperations as and when the political climate changes. At the start Perfect Paul the Premier of Portugal, Defender of Spain, Holder of the Holy Spigot was a pain in the royal quaters.


But lets just step out of the box here. He owns most of spain, GB, Ireland (spit), Iceland wanted to defeat France and we have failed at this time. All we have done is redefine how we are going to achieve this goal. If Portugal had not decided to join us then he would have been against us and been an ally of France.


If that had happend, GB, Iceland and the other one would have been totally defeated and the King would have been eating frogs legs for breakfast. Not only that but Portugal would have turned his full attention to North Africa.


By joining us, North Africa is safe and France is still thretened by our alliance.


If the political climate changes again have no fear so will the people of Great Britain but dont think that I will not help defend Portugal.


As a personal message to the Mole, I have great respect for you and said I would not get involved in any conflict you have but do not think this makes me weak. If you continue to bomb the Spanish mainland I will be force to DW on you. I will give you 3 turns to SFP. I already have ships in the area, scout out med24 and you will see. Do the right thing, seek guidence from up above and he will tell you I mean what I say and always stick to my word.


Fair Well for Now :D

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Well now you have given just a little too much away with that response Mr President, I can only conclude that you are plotting againt Great Britain and must recind our NAP at the earliest.


Your actions are truely hostile and as such I must prepare my nation for war.


A sad day indeed :D

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Wo wo wo just hold on a mo


Portugal is more than capable of speaking for himself and as for my change in political direction well let me just say this.


:D just haven't heard from him thats all, just wondering :P


I will change my political asperations as and when the political climate changes. At the start Perfect Paul the Premier of Portugal, Defender of Spain, Holder of the Holy Spigot was a pain in the royal quaters.


:pirate2: ok, so if the bad guys become the strongest will you then deffend their stance on things :huh: ... yes, he is a pain in spain :woohoo:    :taz:


But lets just step out of the box here. He owns most of spain, GB, Ireland (spit), Iceland wanted to defeat France and we have failed at this time. All we have done is redefine how we are going to achieve this goal. If Portugal had not decided to join us then he would have been against us and been an ally of France.


:huh: ok, (steping out of box) i'm england, my attack didn't work and need a different way in. portugal has most of spain and others want to attack him to. so if i help and get some of the north of spain i could get into france that way. hhmmm, just another way to see it.  :cheers: 


If that had happend, GB, Iceland and the other one would have been totally defeated and the King would have been eating frogs legs for breakfast. Not only that but Portugal would have turned his full attention to North Africa.


By joining us, North Africa is safe and France is still thretened by our alliance


:cheers: north africa is safe now :blink:


If the political climate changes again have no fear so will the people of Great Britain but dont think that I will not help defend Portugal.


:ninja: so this is why america won there freedom, the british army didn't know what side to take. changed there mind to much :P . :ninja:


As a personal message to the Mole, I have great respect for you and said I would not get involved in any conflict you have but do not think this makes me weak. If you continue to bomb the Spanish mainland I will be force to DW on you. I will give you 3 turns to SFP. I already have ships in the area, scout out med24 and you will see. Do the right thing, seek guidence from up above and he will tell you I mean what I say and always stick to my word.


:ninja: you said you would not get into any war i'm in, but if i don't stop attacking portugal you will attack me. looks like you made to many promises and now you have to break some. my dad keeps telling me "don't make a promis if you don't think you can keep it". if you deffend portugal you break your promis to me. if you don't attack me you break your promis to deffend portugal.

my "guidence from above" is also confused with your position now. you had picked a side and stayed with it when you played with my dad. i think you do keep your word. just don't know which word that is now :(:ninja: 


Fair Well for Now  :taz:



with respect

the mole :ninja:

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OK you got me, I cant defend portugal, I cant attack Morocco, I cant land in France :P You win, just thought I would chance my arm and see if you would buckle under diplomatic presure.


GB is a spent force, my fleets in port as they cant go anywhere, my divisions border the coastal defences, my airforce has no fuel to bomb anyone.


Im just waiting around with nothing much to do.


But i still think Portugal has a good chance of KICKING YOUR BUTTS :D Attack me if you will, I will defend myself, no other will do that for me. :pirate2:

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Perfect Premier Paul of Portugal, Defender of Spain, Keeper of the Holy Spigot is on holiday, I think he said something about Morocco being nice this time of year :D

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hi spartacus :P

are you sure he is not in a spyder hole like saddom hussain. my people are looking for him in that kind of a hole. it looks alot like praying and worship when your that close to the ground :pirate2:

the mole :D

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