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Game 77


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Nice try my Saudi Arabian friend........


What is this?? :blink:


"Nice try" :huh:


What are you talking about? :jawdrop:


Did I miss something? :thumbsup:


Where is the Mole? :alien:


What is he doing? :blink:


Perfectly Petrified Premier of Portugal!




Mole, Mole, Mole, Mole.

What are you doing???????

You send your marines to their death and with a general.

Are you CRAZY? Or what?

You have to kill off all defences before you attack me!

Not like the computer am I?

Not so easy when the defence is in place.

Now go away and let the big boys play.

I have to prepare for "The Don"

CD of USA.

Come back when you can land at least 2 div’s of Marines.

Why do think CD is taking so long? Ah?

I know what he is up to and I am ready for him and the fictious Canada.

Can you emagine what you have done?

You have put the fear of God into CD.

He'll be running around with one foot nailed to the floor not knowing what to do next.

Perfectly Prepared Premier of Portugal Paul

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hay :pirate2: , how come spartacus and miraeng get cool new smile faces? the list i see don't have the joker smile in it. but those two have it :alien:



p.s. never mind, i found it to. thank you russ :jawdrop:


G'Day Mole

You're a funny creature. :taz:

Why wont you speak to me? :huh:

You will never break my defences why cant you realise that and leave me alone? :blink:

You keep throwing your gemerals into the staights like that you have none left. :thumbsup:

Now tell me, whats the plan now? :pirate2:

You have maybe one or two turns left to make an impact on me then I'm comming to get you. :alien:

I don't know why I would bother Morocco's got nothing I want but you leave me no choice. :blink:

Your first real enemy Perfectly Popular Premier Paul Of Portugal :drunk:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Mole, Mole, Mole, Mole.

What are you doing???????

You send your marines to their death and with a general.

Are you CRAZY? Or what?

You have to kill off all defences before you attack me!

Not like the computer am I?

Not so easy when the defence is in place.

Now go away and let the big boys play.

I have to prepare for "The Don"

CD of USA.

Come back when you can land at least 2 div’s of Marines.

Why do think CD is taking so long? Ah?

I know what he is up to and I am ready for him and the fictious Canada.

Can you emagine what you have done?

You have put the fear of God into CD.

He'll be running around with one foot nailed to the floor not knowing what to do next.

Perfectly Prepared Premier of Portugal Paul


Hello PeePee,


I was out of reach for a few weeks. My "HQ" send me to the bush without email capabilities. Imagine that!


But I'm back!


I've looked at my turns and was happy to see that I'm at war with GB. Now he won't be able to act as a buffer-zone when you CL to him...Like Valencia...

Interesting place to cede by the way.


It seems that the game is getting interesting. Peace between France and GB? What's that all about? Spartacus giving up? Is the computer playing now? :alien:


A lot seemed to have happened in my absence...

A lot to think about...


I'll see you in a bit. :cannon:




President of the usA


Lot happened all right.

Where is that little Mole?

You are not supposed to know about Valencia.

GB and France have got a little thing going.

Not my happiest day but Spart has to fight his own wars and with you as an enemy we think 2 war fronts is not desired at this point.

Where is that dastardly Mole?

I thought the cat got your tongue.

Real life takes over at times and really gets in the way. Don’t it?

So you haven't attacked me yet!

Why not?

It's hard to play two countries aint it?

You would have been better off DW on Canada and run them as the one country.

It is going to cost you dearly.

Where is that damn Mole?


The Premier. You know who. Paul with all the "P's" to poke at people perpetrating positive petulance.


Where is that rascal Mole??????????

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No but I have :blink:


Good don ya Spart!


Where is he?

He is so dastardly isn't he?

How about the Mole?

He's done it again.

You'd think he'd get sick of loosing Marines trying to take out my territory.

Where is that Mole???????


Petulent Paul of Portugal :robot:

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No but I have :blink:




I guess that's what happens when you order a communications blackout: the admirals start to think for themselves!


I'm sóooooo sorry Spartacus... :robot: I hope that capturing that AIC knot didn't disrupt your operations to much...


But since I'm there now I might as well stay! :robot:





President of North America

(Scottish Heir)


Spart whats he talking about?

You didn't let him attack you did ya?

No wonder he left me alone.


Portugals leader Paul

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No USA did not attack me CANADA did :robot:


But I feel his information is a bit dated, you know that plan i told you about.... well they only went ahead and did what we thought they would.


I guess you will find Mr President, the information you have is all wrong. It seems a double agent has been turned into a Mole (excuse the pun, none intended :blink: )


We shall see what the next battle turns out to be shall we :robot:

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ok paul, the pee pee of portugal :(

two times i try to take xgibralter and both times sucked :drunk: . so i guess you are safe for now. but i will be back, and when i am  :D      :cheers:


Hi Mole

You're back!

Why do you hate me so much?

I thought we wre friends.

I tell you what.

Do a few no a lot of spy missions and find the weak spot and attack that.

There is always a weak spot somewhere.

You're not such a bad guy just impatiant.

Look at CD he has waited all this time to get things just right so he can attack me.

I can't do much about it either but I have to be prepared the best I can and in that preparation I fortified xgibraltar.

Unfortunatly for you you jumped into my trap.

Try taking xvalencia it is less protected.

OK Premier Paul need to pee.

Popping off now


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Yes Gibraltar is safe but Morocco is not. For every piece of land taken in Scotland a piece of Morocco shall fall.


I warned you to call your dogs off, now the gloves are off. :D:cheers:

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Gibralter is safe in Portugeese hands because Morocco has poor sailors.


Twice he fails and as such he could not possibly try again, does the "Mole" not realise how well defended the spanish coast is? does the mole not realise how undefended the moroccan coast is.


I have offered leaders of misguided nations a chance to change their ways before and everytime they fail to take advantage.


I wonder if the mole will break the mole'd.. ooops sorry about that poor play on words.


Portugals Pauper Puppet Premier of People Populating Picking A Pestilental Parasite who puts a little Pepper on it who Bops it on the Bo-Ko and Biff it on the Bonnet so Blow me if you Bother I'll Probably feel Ripper for a Pestiletal Parasite who you'd better call the Piper Spartacus

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I have reports from the front that Canadian forces have advanced in Scotland and that the treachery of Iceland has finally come to light.


I take my hat off to the Icelandic Fool, did he really think this was not forseen.


Time for a counter offensive B)

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I always appreciate a good double cross especially when its a tripple B)


BTW you know that Statue of Liberty you got standing in the bay, well the French want it back.


And I have just noticed.... Canada has made an appearence on the Forum.... I still dont know who you are and I dont care, your a war monger who has invaded the scots.


The scots guards will raise their kilts in the face of the enemy and if that does not drive you from our shores then nothing will.

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