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Game 77


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I have no idea what you are talking about Mr President :woohoo: Please ask your generals to come and inform me directly it would speed up the process of assimilation.


Maybe you would like to redress your Signature.. Azores etc etc etc.... you seem to be misleading your people back home about the alleged successes your forces have had abroad, Im sure if they knew the full extent of your failures they would "Elect" a new President :thumbsup:




My signature is just fine, maybe a bit short but that can be remedied! :wub:

you know, people only start complaining when they run out of food, work, a safe place to live or if they loose loved ones.

And we both know that the usA is as safe as a country can get in this world and they haven't lost any loved ones yet!

And I know that they will not run out of food or work for the next 2,5 years or so...


So you needn't worry about my position, instead worry about your own position...

Losing Scotland, Wales and the South-East must have a negative effect on your people's morale...

Less food, hardly any work, not knowing if their homes will be there tomorrow... :pirate2:

No my friend, I think it's you who needs to worry...




President of the usA, Azores, Wales and the South-East.


G'Day Donny ma boy

You will never get xazores or azores!

Why don't you try?

I have fortified it so heavily that no one will ever get control of it.

You have left it too late.

I told you that many turns back but you didn't heed my warning now you've paid the price.

I love it.

Looks like you'll never get a hold on my wonderful little country.

All the p's and all the azores Premier Paul

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I have no idea what you are talking about Mr President :thumbsup: Please ask your generals to come and inform me directly it would speed up the process of assimilation.


Maybe you would like to redress your Signature.. Azores etc etc etc.... you seem to be misleading your people back home about the alleged successes your forces have had abroad, Im sure if they knew the full extent of your failures they would "Elect" a new President :cheers:




My signature is just fine, maybe a bit short but that can be remedied! :D

you know, people only start complaining when they run out of food, work, a safe place to live or if they loose loved ones.

And we both know that the usA is as safe as a country can get in this world and they haven't lost any loved ones yet!

And I know that they will not run out of food or work for the next 2,5 years or so...


So you needn't worry about my position, instead worry about your own position...

Losing Scotland, Wales and the South-East must have a negative effect on your people's morale...

Less food, hardly any work, not knowing if their homes will be there tomorrow... :(

No my friend, I think it's you who needs to worry...




President of the usA, Azores, Wales and the South-East.


G'Day Donny ma boy

You will never get xazores or azores!

Why don't you try?

I have fortified it so heavily that no one will ever get control of it.

You have left it too late.

I told you that many turns back but you didn't heed my warning now you've paid the price.

I love it.

Looks like you'll never get a hold on my wonderful little country.

All the p's and all the azores Premier Paul


Hello PeePee,


It's been a while! Good to hear from you.


I've been browsing my memory and couldn't find an example of a fort that could defend itself indefinatly against a determined attacker... You only need a lot of big guns...:wub:


But I guess we'll know at the end of the game if any one island can stand a continous CB... :pirate2:


It's nice to have a challenge!




President of the usA, Azores, Wales and the South-East.


Hi Don Mr President, Sir? :o

Oh well! :blink:

The Azores will not be a push over.

The Azores will have no benefit to you or your Canadian friend. :drunk:

It will be a thorn in your side just defending your Queens.

Naturally Portugal will be a whole new ball game. :alien:

There will be no walk in the park here.

Have you seen the Mole? :(

I can't find him.

Finland must know where he is.

Declared war on the poor old Mole this turn.

Why??? :pirate2:

Beats me! :woohoo:

Prosperous Petulant promiscuous Premier Paul

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I feel slightly threatened with your forces so far into my buffer countries.



I didn't know you had buffer countries... are you participating in any war? Turkey doesn't show up that often in the world reports :drunk:



A war is easily won if your enemy does not know he is fighting. :alien:


Merry xmas :wub::(


Merry Christmas to you Meaty :(

Hope you don't get too drunk on the power of winning but on the power of a big icy cold bottle of Portugese beer. :cheers:

I don't suppose you've seen the Mole have you? :blink:

He keeps needling me in the side. :D

I've had enough.

I can't take it any longer. :blink:

I'll pay him a Christmas visit right in the middle of Casablanca. :o

He's going to be so pissed. :pirate2:

I really like the Mole why wont he talk to me? :thumbsup:

I'm perfectly popular and principled

I'm the Premier of Portugal! :pirate2:

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After a secret meeting of the Irish Prime Minister, Premier of Portugal, Prime Minister of Great Britain and other allies of the Free States of Europe plans have been drawn for the invasion of the USA mainland.


I predict that the Current President of the United States will have his signature significantly reduced in stature to read as follows.....



President of the USA


As we both know the stakes are high and soon one side will break under the strain of combat. The US Marines will be driven from our shores, those Canadian forces you have, keep them heading south, I have a surprise waiting for them. I dont think they will be going anywhere fast seeing as the Canadian navy got an ass whuppin.


See you next round Mr President. :D

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After a secret meeting of the Irish Prime Minister, Premier of Portugal, Prime Minister of Great Britain and other allies of the Free States of Europe plans have been drawn for the invasion of the USA mainland.


I predict that the Current President of the United States will have his signature significantly reduced in stature to read as follows.....



President of the USA


As we both know the stakes are high and soon one side will break under the strain of combat. The US Marines will be driven from our shores, those Canadian forces you have, keep them heading south, I have a surprise waiting for them. I dont think they will be going anywhere fast seeing as the Canadian navy got an ass whuppin.


See you next round Mr President. :woohoo:


Hi Spart

This is a revelation. :D

The old British Bull dog is alive and well. :P

The Irish navy has slaughtered a fleet of Canadian ships too.

They'll be both heading home soon licking their wounds. <_<

Keep it up guys you're doing us Portuguese proud.

There is still a fleet of Canadian Queens you haven't seen yet but I'm sure if you keep looking you'll find them. :cheers:

Working as a team gets 'em every time. :blink:

Premier Paul B)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well Ireland is growing in confidence now.

He sunk 3 or 4 turn’s worth of ship building of Canada this turn.

If we do this for a couple more turns the US/Canadian invasion of the East will be over.


:cheers: Wahaaaahaaa! :santa: 3 or 4 turn's worth!? :wub:



Not even close!


The Irish have sunk less than 20% worth of 1 turn's production... But I find it very comforting indeed that you all find 400SHIP a lot...! :):joker:

Because that will mean that the Irish have just lost 2 turn's worth of production! :)


My esteemed colleague; :drunk: The Don :cheers: , president of the usA :alien: , Azores :ph34r: , Wales :thumbsup: and the South-East :thumbsup: , has shared his most current state of the nation with me and it was a joy for the eyes!

Turn 23:

  • :beer: 1 major city lost...
  • :cheers: 2 minor cities lost...
  • :D 10+ divisions destroyed...
  • :pirate2: location & strenght known of 10+ divisions...

Yes, a joy for the eyes indeed!


A warning to the Irish :D PM: Stop your agression :ranting: now! Up to now we have just passively defended ourselves... :thumbsup:




The Glorious Leader of Canada.

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Well Ireland is growing in confidence now.

He sunk 3 or 4 turn’s worth of ship building of Canada this turn.

If we do this for a couple more turns the US/Canadian invasion of the East will be over.


:woohoo: Wahaaaahaaa! :woohoo: 3 or 4 turn's worth!? :woohoo:



Not even close!


The Irish have sunk less than 20% worth of 1 turn's production... But I find it very comforting indeed that you all find 400SHIP a lot...! :joker::joker:

Because that will mean that the Irish have just lost 2 turn's worth of production! :jawdrop:


My esteemed colleague; :thumbsup: The Don :thumbsup: , president of the usA :thumbsup: , Azores :thumbsup: , Wales :thumbsup: and the South-East :thumbsup: , has shared his most current state of the nation with me and it was a joy for the eyes!

Turn 23:

  • :python: 1 major city lost...
  • :python: 2 minor cities lost...
  • :cannon: 10+ divisions destroyed...
  • :oops: location & strenght known of 10+ divisions...

Yes, a joy for the eyes indeed!


A warning to the Irish :pirate2: PM: Stop your agression :ranting: now! Up to now we have just passively defended ourselves... :oops:




The Glorious Leader of Canada.


Well now what woke up the Canadian dog.

Looks like the tail's wagging the dog for a change.

Never too much to say

The Perpetual Owner of Azores and The Perfectly Popular Premier of Portugal


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Well my Perfect Portugeese Santa - It does seem the Canadian Dog - Who by the way has revealed his true Identity as the beersy one - has become a little bolder


It seems his successes in the north have given rise to a bolder less cowardly canadian. All I can say is the King is not Amused.


Now what response can the Kingdom of Great Britain make at this time. Ah yes two things...


The King has made the following proclamation - The act of union is hereby disolved, the Scots can look after themselves. Secondly; Canada is expelled from the Commonwealth for being a very naughty boy :cannon:


As for the Yanks well they will just have to wait and see what I do to them.


Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all, lets not fight on christmas day and just play football but come boxing day may the hounds of hades chase you all over the English countryside.

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Well my Perfect Portugeese Santa - It does seem the Canadian Dog - Who by the way has revealed his true Identity as the beersy one - has become a little bolder


It seems his successes in the north have given rise to a bolder less cowardly canadian. All I can say is the King is not Amused.


Finally the identity of Canada is known...

A little sooner the wanted, but yes, I am the ruler of Canada.


Now what response can the Kingdom of Great Britain make at this time. Ah yes two things...


The King has made the following proclamation - The act of union is hereby disolved, the Scots can look after themselves. Secondly; Canada is expelled from the Commonwealth for being a very naughty boy :python:


The conquest of Great Britain is progressing slowly...


The Scots do not need to look after themselves. Canada will take over control of the country. We will build a flourishing industry, supporting the canadian warmachine.


As for the Yanks well they will just have to wait and see what I do to them.



Message from The President: Bring em on!



Happy gaming in the year 2007 :python::cannon:



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Your tactics of using the US forces to distract me have done there job and soon it will be over. I will soon be-able to commit all my resorces to the liberation of the Scots ( some bloke by the name of William Wallace came to london on a camel begging for the Brits to save his people from the Canadian Hoards )

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some bloke by the name of William Wallace came to london on a camel begging for the Brits to save his people

You should read your history better... If you had been contacted by Robert the Bruce, I would have been scared...

But now... I will just bribe him with 5 camels and 3 womenthings...


Your tactics of using the US forces to distract me have done there job and soon it will be over.

Good to hear that our tactics are sound. It took a lot of planning to implement...

And I am happy to hear from you that it will soon be over...




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Dear Mr President


I said no fighting on Christmas Day.... :jawdrop: Anyway you sulked off to xPlymouth and took your ball in


All I ever wanted was to drive your marines back to the sea. The fact that they did not swim ashore has not been missed by me. As long as they are not on British soil I will allow them to live. So please evacuate your forces and dont return.


I have more than enough troops, planes, tanks and ships to defend this great nation against anything you or another throws at it.


Face facts you are defeated in this land. As for Canada well he will soon feel the same wrath of the English as you have done.


Those "Banged UP£ mechs you mentioned are full strength, I have piles of replacements all around the country, they had been allocated for the invasion of France but when that failed they had to be used somewhere.


3 Turns you say and I will be on the Run, dont think so, you will have to get any re-inforcements through the Irish blockade, not an easy task to navigate.


You will find the Irish and Portugeese are not one for Surender, they are made of sterner stuff, unlike US Marines who run and hide in a city before fleeing.

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