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Hello Spartacus,


I have more than enough troops, planes, tanks and ships to defend this great nation against anything you or another throws at it.

I have not seen a single tank in your attacking forces... All units I have crushed were marines or airbornes...


Also, I have not sighted any of your ships, other than the sunken transports in the Canal...



, I have piles of replacements all around the country, they had been allocated for the invasion of France but when that failed they had to be used somewhere.


Interesting statement... If you had used the ARM to build more units, perhaps you would not have been kicked out of France...

I have no need for replacements. I use all the ARM I have for new divisions... And besides, transport ships are too valuable for island nations to use for ferrying replacements...


As for Canada well he will soon feel the same wrath of the English as you have done.


If your 'wrath' is the same you use against the American forces, I have no fear. I can take on anything you try to throw at me...


You will find the Irish and Portugeese are not one for Surender, they are made of sterner stuff,

Do you mean that we can get a better fight if we attack Portugal???


:joker::robot: Cool! :oops::blink:


I look forward to that... After we are finished with Great Britain... :jawdrop:



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Hello Spartacus,


I have more than enough troops, planes, tanks and ships to defend this great nation against anything you or another throws at it.

I have not seen a single tank in your attacking forces... All units I have crushed were marines or airbornes...


Also, I have not sighted any of your ships, other than the sunken transports in the Canal...



, I have piles of replacements all around the country, they had been allocated for the invasion of France but when that failed they had to be used somewhere.


Interesting statement... If you had used the ARM to build more units, perhaps you would not have been kicked out of France...

I have no need for replacements. I use all the ARM I have for new divisions... And besides, transport ships are too valuable for island nations to use for ferrying replacements...


As for Canada well he will soon feel the same wrath of the English as you have done.


If your 'wrath' is the same you use against the American forces, I have no fear. I can take on anything you try to throw at me...


You will find the Irish and Portugeese are not one for Surender, they are made of sterner stuff,

Do you mean that we can get a better fight if we attack Portugal???


:oops::blink: Cool! :D:(


I look forward to that... After we are finished with Great Britain... :jawdrop:




G'Day Norbert

Feel free take your time! :robot:

Powerfully Patient Portuguese Premier Paul :joker:

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Hello PeePee,


G'Day Norbert

Feel free take your time! :robot:

Powerfully Patient Portuguese Premier Paul :jawdrop:


As you have been preparing your defences for a long time :joker: , after the conquest of Spain :oops: , I will need some time to start the next fight...


I will bring the american forces along with me, so you will not have to worry that you won't get a good fight...

The longer you leave Great Britain out to be fried, the sooner we can fight each other...



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Norberk my Canadian Fluffy Duck.... Listen and Learn.


You can counteract all my comments with the waffle and nonsence a man on the run will make but the facts remain.


The USA is orf moi land - You are alone and have the choice of staying put or heading south. I think you realise that to head south would be suicide. You must realise that the forces I committed to the north were just a delaying tactic, to keep you occupied while i shoved the Yanks back to the sea.


Your one plane sorties to try and find my forces would be fine if it was not for the fact I keep moving them and as such you have not found my troops.


It is always better to upgrade and re-inforce your divisions rather than have green troops sent to the front dont you agree.


Anyway I hope you have enough forces to stop me taking back Scotland because I dont think you will be heading South any further.


See you in Carlise :beer:

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Hello Spartacus,


You can counteract all my comments with the waffle and nonsence a man on the run will make but the facts remain.

I am not running anywere... I am in Scotland to stay. And enjoying all those nice OIL factories producing hard needed FUEL...



You are alone and have the choice of staying put or heading south.

Alone... As far as I know, there are at least 3 nations occupying your little country...


You must realise that the forces I committed to the north were just a delaying tactic, to keep you occupied while i shoved the Yanks back to the sea.

Good. Those delayes give me time to build some more units to drive south...

The american forces are far from the sea...



Your one plane sorties to try and find my forces would be fine if it was not for the fact I keep moving them and as such you have not found my troops.

Any form of intelligence is welcom... As I do not have huge amounts of orders to spare for espionage, I will have to resort to other measures...

Keep those units driving around... It will only cost you FUEL...



Anyway I hope you have enough forces to stop me taking back Scotland because I dont think you will be heading South any further.


See you in Carlise :beer:

I will take on that challenge... I will see you in Carlisle...




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Hello Spartacus,


You can counteract all my comments with the waffle and nonsence a man on the run will make but the facts remain.

I am not running anywere... I am in Scotland to stay. And enjoying all those nice OIL factories producing hard needed FUEL...



You are alone and have the choice of staying put or heading south.

Alone... As far as I know, there are at least 3 nations occupying your little country...


You must realise that the forces I committed to the north were just a delaying tactic, to keep you occupied while i shoved the Yanks back to the sea.

Good. Those delayes give me time to build some more units to drive south...

The american forces are far from the sea...



Your one plane sorties to try and find my forces would be fine if it was not for the fact I keep moving them and as such you have not found my troops.

Any form of intelligence is welcom... As I do not have huge amounts of orders to spare for espionage, I will have to resort to other measures...

Keep those units driving around... It will only cost you FUEL...



Anyway I hope you have enough forces to stop me taking back Scotland because I dont think you will be heading South any further.


See you in Carlise :ninja:

I will take on that challenge... I will see you in Carlisle...





Hi Spart how ya gowin? Lets ave a beer. :D

Tell ya I'm glad I don't have to contend with those unwanted guests right now.

All my troops are in the East of Spain. :angry2:

It's been hard for you I know but I couldn't hold off a bunch of Boy Scouts right now. :cheers:

I hope you can hang on till I get the rest of my ships built.

I'll go hunting AUX shipping. :beer:

That's all we have to do.

Knock off the AUX ships they can't land they can't supply troops nothing. <_<

I'll do it.

I've got a couple of destroyers in MID3 doing a little probing. :(

They can't be using it as a shipping channel I'll move over one spot and wait.

Can't wait.

Don't ya love it? :P

See ya

Positively Pickled and Preserved Popular Premier Of Portugal Paul :laugh:

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Oh Im hangin on Positively Pickled and Preserved Popular Premier Of Portugal Paul


Its such a hard task to stay one step ahead of the unwanted guests. I hope you can come and join the Party soon otherwise there will be nobody left for you to tango with and I know how you lurve to tango.


I have to decide what to do with the US Marines, there hold up in Plymouth city. Do i take the city back or leave them there to starve. I dont need Plymouth really, its not part of my network anymore so its value is low but then if I leave the US Marines there then the USA could re-inforce them.... errrm :beer: decisions decisions, what shall I do.


I think I will turn xPlymouth into an internment camp and anyone there shall be classed as a Prisoner of War.


Dear Mr President, your marines are now prisoners, nothing more nothing less and as such will be treated with the contempt they deserve.


As for the Canadian Premier - Ima comin boss, Ima comin. Yeee Haaa :ninja:

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Mr Prez - You REALLY need to address your signature strip.


In all honesty you cannot say you are president of anywhere other than the USA, and you cant claim plymouth city as that does not count, it is myself that allows you to stay there as my prisoners.


You dont have any other land so change it please or I will have to start adding US land to my list of "conquests" :beer:

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Mr Prez - You REALLY need to address your signature strip.


In all honesty you cannot say you are president of anywhere other than the USA, and you cant claim plymouth city as that does not count, it is myself that allows you to stay there as my prisoners.


You dont have any other land so change it please or I will have to start adding US land to my list of "conquests" :ninja:



Hello Spasticus,


a bit touchy are we? But, in a way, you're right so I've changed my signature.

Did that make you happy? Did it?




President of the usA, and in the very near future of: Azores, Wales and the South-East.


G'Day prez

Seems you're the one touchy today. :P

The first whiff of weakness coming is through. :laugh:

I liked it when I had a confident and cocky Prez to fight. :(

You wont get the azores now you've no army left to fight with. :angry2:

Me and the old Mole are getting on real well now so I can push all my force towards GB to extricate the invades. "The Canadiyank Axis" <_<

I believe the Canadian is now showing us that he can be relied on to be running the invasion and not you at all. :D

My hat goes off to the Canadian Premier. :beer:

Positively Perfect Premier Paul

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I shall change my own signature as well shall I, I hope you like it. :D


I'm not changing my signature at all.

It's Perrrrrrfect.

Premier Paul

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I shall change my own signature as well shall I, I hope you like it. :D


I'm not changing my signature at all.

It's Perrrrrrfect.

Premier Paul



Hello PeePee,


I guess the two of us have been around long enough to know that it´s not the signature that carries the punch ;-)


A propos,


I´m just returning from a visit to xbarcelona and I can see the reason why you have problems with taking it: the people are just sooo pleased with themselves they won´t ever give up their city!

Good luck :blink:


After Spartacus kicks me out of the uk I´ll come and visit you, the weather is just so fine overthere! Will that be ok? :D




El Presidente



El Prez Donny ma boy

How are ya?

I didn't need to know xbarcelona was going to be a problem.

I haven't been there yet.

I'm stuck in xbilbao or rather outside it.

As for you visiting me after you get kicked out of UK. Humm.

The Brits will be after you all the way back to Yanky Doodle.

The Irish are not to be sneezed at ether.

I say you have got your hands full.

I am getting involved now too.

I hope you do decide to come my way, I really do.

To change tact now in such a big fight will be a foolish move.

Even though I thought all your foolish moves had been made you continue to live up to expectations.

So hows your Canadian mate going.

Thinks he's on a winner dont he?

He's got a lot to learn and no time to do it.

Shame but thats the way it goes.

Anyway thats enough from the Pompus Pilick of Portugal Perfect Premier Paul

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El Prez Donny ma boy

How are ya?

The Brits will be after you all the way back to Yanky Doodle.

The Irish are not to be sneezed at ether.

I say you have got your hands full.

I am getting involved now too.

I hope you do decide to come my way, I really do.

To change tact now in such a big fight will be a foolish move.

Even though I thought all your foolish moves had been made you continue to live up to expectations.

So hows your Canadian mate going.

Thinks he's on a winner dont he?

He's got a lot to learn and no time to do it.

Shame but thats the way it goes.

Anyway thats enough from the Pompus Pilick of Portugal Perfect Premier Paul


Hello PeePee,


Seen the latest news?

That Dastardly Irish PM has attacked my precious fleet! Sinking it's flagship with my Fleet Admiral on it :alien:

And they were just on their way to make a visit to xDublin :huh: It seems we have to close down that airbase of his :blink:


Thankfully Spartacus is more kind. He has offered my troops in xPlymouth the chance to advance 1 level in experience! Now isn't that nice? And it cost his mech-army only 15% overall effectiveness, I guess that fort does have it's merits :huh: .


Oh, and my Canadian mate? Well he's doing just fine, he is slowly, but surely, advancing south. He is surprised by the lack of resistance the Brits are giving him :blink: . But I guess the Scots would rather live under Canadian rule than under English rule. And who can blame them really? :pirate2:


I guess this fight isn't over yet!




President of the usA, Azores, Wales and the South-East


Ho Prez

Sounds like you're pleased with yourself.

Keep up the fight for your Country.

Send more and more troops to GB.

I like that idea.

I'll find your shipping route soon and I'll do more than blast your flagship out of the water.

Or maybe less. I hunt down and kill only AUX shipping.

Not much point in sinking anything else in my view.

I see you still think you are Prez of azores.

Yet you cannot set foot on any part of it.

There is no place for a Prez so pretentious.

Except of corse in Portugal.

Popular Premier Paul

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Ho Prez

Sounds like you're pleased with yourself.

Keep up the fight for your Country.

Send more and more troops to GB.

I like that idea.

I'll find your shipping route soon and I'll do more than blast your flagship out of the water.

Or maybe less. I hunt down and kill only AUX shipping.

Not much point in sinking anything else in my view.

I see you still think you are Prez of azores.

Yet you cannot set foot on any part of it.

There is no place for a Prez so pretentious.

Except of corse in Portugal.

Popular Premier Paul


Hello PeePee,


I just like to look ahead! Liberating the Azores is just a matter of time, I'm sure it will be free and under American protection somewhere before Turn 72 :alien: .

Hunting my AUX? Why? What have I ever done to you? I'm only helping you with your overall score! I'm getting rid of one of your weaker TA's! And remember: Only Germany uses Wolfpacks! :pirate2:


But I seem to have a problem convincing you of my good intentions... I haven't even CB-ed your port city when I sailed by, if that doesn't show my good intentions... :pirate2:


But I'm sure you'll see things my way eventually, people always do. :blink:




President of the usA, Azores, Wales and the South-East


President of the usA, Azores, Wales and the South-East, Don and dreamer :taz:

I'm outraged!!!!

You did what????? :huh:

You went past my city without CBing it.

You mean I waisted my time building all that defence and you don't even try it out for me.

I've got the Mole forever trying to pound my defences into the ground in the MED and you go straight by. :blink:

I must say you are right the Germans hunt in wolf packs.

My Admirals trained in Germany so they know the tactic works.

We hunt AUX shipping it can't defend itself apart from it's escort which just slows it down.

Either way we win.

Anyway this is The Proud Prefect Premier Of Portugal Paul

Did I mention modest? :huh:

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Ho Prez

Sounds like you're pleased with yourself.

Keep up the fight for your Country.

Send more and more troops to GB.

I like that idea.

I'll find your shipping route soon and I'll do more than blast your flagship out of the water.

Or maybe less. I hunt down and kill only AUX shipping.

Not much point in sinking anything else in my view.

I see you still think you are Prez of azores.

Yet you cannot set foot on any part of it.

There is no place for a Prez so pretentious.

Except of corse in Portugal.

Popular Premier Paul


Hello PeePee,


I just like to look ahead! Liberating the Azores is just a matter of time, I'm sure it will be free and under American protection somewhere before Turn 72 :rolleyes: .

Hunting my AUX? Why? What have I ever done to you? I'm only helping you with your overall score! I'm getting rid of one of your weaker TA's! And remember: Only Germany uses Wolfpacks! :o


But I seem to have a problem convincing you of my good intentions... I haven't even CB-ed your port city when I sailed by, if that doesn't show my good intentions... :wub:


But I'm sure you'll see things my way eventually, people always do. :jawdrop:




President of the usA, Azores, Wales and the South-East


President of the usA, Azores, Wales and the South-East, Don and dreamer :(

I'm outraged!!!!

You did what????? :angry2:

You went past my city without CBing it.

You mean I waisted my time building all that defence and you don't even try it out for me.

I've got the Mole forever trying to pound my defences into the ground in the MED and you go straight by. ;)

I must say you are right the Germans hunt in wolf packs.

My Admirals trained in Germany so they know the tactic works.

We hunt AUX shipping it can't defend itself apart from it's escort which just slows it down.

Either way we win.

Anyway this is The Proud Prefect Premier Of Portugal Paul

Did I mention modest? :pirate:



Hey Mole are in here?

Mole come out I know you're in here. :huh:

Anyone seen the Mole?

One minute you can't shut him up next minute you can''t find him. :(

It's that minute right now. :woohoo:

I know you're in here Mole now come out. :(

Persistant Popular Premier Of Portugal Paul

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