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Very Clever try Norbert & Don.

You know your time it up so now it's "Break up the alliance" time.

I've got the Mole wanting piece on one side & the US & Canada on the other.

This is war not piece.

You ain't seen notin' yet!

When I get there in my Purple Dress ah dressed in Purple. :rolleyes:

Did I mention my purple colours? :jawdrop:

We love Purple in Portugal it's perfect. :woohoo:


I wonder what the Mole is doing. :wub:

He never talks.

Maybe it was a hasty decision to offer piece and now he regrets it.

I'm going to grab it with both hands.

I want to destroy the US & Canadian warlords. :angry2:


Mole come and talk.

You know this forum is Private a confidential. :pirate:

It will be between us the others will never know.

Portugals Potentially Poised Purlpe Premier Paul




All is fair in love and war...


If we can not win the conventional way, we will try a different approach...


Spartacus already tried the

if you can not beat them, join them
approach... and hooked up with Portugal...

We however, will never!!! resort the THAT!



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Purple Portugeese Paul may be a weird sexual deviant and what he does may well be a crime against god but he will still come to the aid of his allies. Unlike the Americas who come to pillage our women and rape our cattle. :wub:

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Purple Portugeese Paul may be a weird sexual deviant and what he does may well be a crime against god but he will still come to the aid of his allies. Unlike the Americas who come to pillage our women and rape our cattle. :angry:




I wonder what triggered this frustration of yours? Is it the loss of territory?

Is it the realisation of the true nature of your situation? :(


Why don't we talk about it while sipping good, old bourbon! So why don't you move those mechs out of the province and let me out of this prison? :ranting:





President of the usA, Atlantic Territories, Wales and the South East



What's going on here????

First you'll put me in a purple dress, now I'm a weird sexual deviant!!!!!! :cheers:

How am I going to live this down?

You must have more spies that I give you credit for. :wub:


Where is that Mole? :alien:


We need to talk, MOLE!


You're pulling my leg arn't you? :cheers:


You've been reading my mail, haven't you. :blink:


All the 'P's' Paul

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Purple Portugeese Paul may be a weird sexual deviant and what he does may well be a crime against god but he will still come to the aid of his allies. Unlike the Americas who come to pillage our women and rape our cattle. :(



What's going on here????

First you'll put me in a purple dress, now I'm a weird sexual deviant!!!!!! :cheers:

How am I going to live this down?

You must have more spies that I give you credit for. :wub:


Where is that Mole? :ranting:


We need to talk, MOLE!


You're pulling my leg arn't you? :angry:


You've been reading my mail, haven't you. :blink:


All the 'P's' Paul


Hé PeePee!


Don't blame me for all this! Spartacus is calling you a sexual deviant!

And hé is supposed to be on yóur side?

With TA's like him you really don't need any more enemies... :cheers:





President of the usA, Atlantic Territories, Wales and the South East


I know.

What am I to do?

Still, it is fun.

Portuguese Paul

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Im sorry Portly Paul, Mr Prez is too good for me, I have to save my people and break our TA and hope Mr Prez from his prison does not wipe me out..... what is a UK Prime Minister to do except go on bended knee and pucker up to the booty.


Ohhhh woays me.... What am I to do..... Unless of course you can sink all his ships for me and bomb New York :wub:

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Im sorry Portly Paul, Mr Prez is too good for me, I have to save my people and break our TA and hope Mr Prez from his prison does not wipe me out..... what is a UK Prime Minister to do except go on bended knee and pucker up to the booty.


Ohhhh woays me.... What am I to do..... Unless of course you can sink all his ships for me and bomb New York :cheers:


New York is a problem but not the ships.

Espesially the AUX ships. :wub:


Have you seen the Mole? :angry:


He gone walk about again. :ranting:


Here's to dead USA and Candian ships. :(:cheers:


Pirate Purple Pelted Paul :blink:

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Im sorry Portly Paul, Mr Prez is too good for me, I have to save my people and break our TA and hope Mr Prez from his prison does not wipe me out..... what is a UK Prime Minister to do except go on bended knee and pucker up to the booty.


Ohhhh woays me.... What am I to do..... Unless of course you can sink all his ships for me and bomb New York :wub:


Hello Spartacus,



It has taken some time but finally you see the inevitable future of GB's prime minister...

But just remember: Every liberated country still needs its governer...


If you surrender now, I will consider you for this position!




President of the usA, Atlantic Territories, Wales and the South-East.




Lisbon is far away, it may be so for the remainder of this war...


Yeah Don


Maybe not!

I can still be a pain in the neck for you both.

Then you'll have to do something about it wont you?

Peeved off Premier Paul

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Hear hear... I agree!


I would like to propose a ban on sea mines! The damn things cause too much damage in comparison with their costs! <_<


No more sea mines!!!


Also... Submarines should be banned. These darn things also do too much damage for there cost!




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<_< Dear Mr Prez and his Poodle from Canada. I take full responsability for your defeat. Tell me how does it feel to have failed so many times, to know the British resolve to resist is keeping your dreams from you. Two against one is so unfair, you need you Icelandic puppet to join the fight to even it up a little. Three on one is better odds, you may stand a better chance of success. Oh and BTW those airborne troops stationed in Ipswich are going to get a rude awakening once he breaks he alliance with me.


Cya :D


PS Mines are good

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I take full responsability for your defeat. Tell me how does it feel to have failed so many times, to know the British resolve to resist is keeping your dreams from you.

Your resistance is noted. This is far from a defeat or failure; More like a temporary setback...


to know the British resolve to resist is keeping your dreams from you.

I have not lost any sleep over it.


Two against one is so unfair, you need you Icelandic puppet to join the fight to even it up a little. Three on one is better odds, you may stand a better chance of success.

Define unfair... As you seem to have mobilized Ireland to your aid, the odds are not two against one... More like two against two...

And besides, in your failed attempt to attack France you had odds three against one... and still you failed to be victorious...




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Oh dear I seem to have rattled the Canadian Cage.... Ah well it wont make a difference.


BTW as for Ireland, his function has been to take on your fleets, mine your armies. So do the maths


On land, its GB vs USA / Canada and I hope soon Iceland - The traitor that he is. I look forward to some payback with that one <_<:D

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Oh dear I seem to have rattled the Canadian Cage.... Ah well it wont make a difference.


BTW as for Ireland, his function has been to take on your fleets, mine your armies. So do the maths


On land, its GB vs USA / Canada and I hope soon Iceland - The traitor that he is. I look forward to some payback with that one <_<:cheers:


That's it Spart keep them occupied then they wont bother me. :blink:

Guess you wont ever forget that Icelandic traitor. :D

I know I wont. :alien:

Once a traitor, always a traitor.

Ireland & I will sort them out for you don't worry about that. :P

Popular as the Pope Portugal Paul :cheers:

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Oh dear I seem to have rattled the Canadian Cage.... Ah well it wont make a difference.


BTW as for Ireland, his function has been to take on your fleets, mine your armies. So do the maths


On land, its GB vs USA / Canada and I hope soon Iceland - The traitor that he is. I look forward to some payback with that one :D:alien:


That's it Spart keep them occupied then they wont bother me. :drunk:

Guess you wont ever forget that Icelandic traitor. :blink:

I know I wont. :alien:

Once a traitor, always a traitor.

Ireland & I will sort them out for you don't worry about that. :cheers:

Popular as the Pope Portugal Paul :cheers:


Hello PeePee,


I know, I know... It's just unfortunate that he will not be there to enjoy it! :cheers:


Why call Iceland a Traitor? He has infiltrated an agressive organisation (organisation?! <_< ) in order to undo its evil!

He's a hero!

3 cheers for The Icelandic Hero! Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah! :cheers:

BTW: if Spartacus wants war with Iceland so hard, he really should try harder to break that NAP of theirs... :P





President of the usA and ruler of all!


No I don't think so.

Iceland will break soon enough.

I told Spart not to break at all that was the most frustrating thing he could do and sure enough it worked.


I would never trust Iceland ever, not that I did but you know what I mean.

Who would have thought that he would do it?

What a clever tactic and oh so low.

It's not being a traitor it's worse than that!

I just can't think of a lower thing a Country could do.

I've got a feeling you may have been behind it all along.

Iceland could not have thought of the traitorous behaviour on his own.

He is not a clever as you.

All the P's Paul

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Oh dear I seem to have rattled the Canadian Cage.... Ah well it wont make a difference.


BTW as for Ireland, his function has been to take on your fleets, mine your armies. So do the maths


On land, its GB vs USA / Canada and I hope soon Iceland - The traitor that he is. I look forward to some payback with that one :cheers::ranting:


That's it Spart keep them occupied then they wont bother me. :drunk:

Guess you wont ever forget that Icelandic traitor. :pirate2:

I know I wont. :alien:

Once a traitor, always a traitor.

Ireland & I will sort them out for you don't worry about that. :thumbsup:

Popular as the Pope Portugal Paul :cheers:


Hello PeePee,


I know, I know... It's just unfortunate that he will not be there to enjoy it! :thumbsup:


Why call Iceland a Traitor? He has infiltrated an agressive organisation (organisation?! :D ) in order to undo its evil!

He's a hero!

3 cheers for The Icelandic Hero! Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah! :cheers:

BTW: if Spartacus wants war with Iceland so hard, he really should try harder to break that NAP of theirs... :thumbsup:





President of the usA and ruler of all!


No I don't think so.

Iceland will break soon enough.

I told Spart not to break at all that was the most frustrating thing he could do and sure enough it worked.


I would never trust Iceland ever, not that I did but you know what I mean.

Who would have thought that he would do it?

What a clever tactic and oh so low.

It's not being a traitor it's worse than that!

I just can't think of a lower thing a Country could do.

I've got a feeling you may have been behind it all along.

Iceland could not have thought of the traitorous behaviour on his own.

He is not a clever as you.

All the P's Paul



Hello PeePee,


I like this sweet talk of yours... It makes me even more aware of you... :(

But you give me to much credit.

The main reason Iceland did as he did was Spartacus himself :unsure:

Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right! :D


But where are you? I've reinforced my escort fleets and invested in large surface hunting packs!

And then you don't show up! I could have larger transport fleets you know, if it wasn't for these money consuming BB's and Ca's :(

I blame you for the slow build up in GB!



President of the usA, Azores, Wales, South East and the Atlantic Territories


Hey Don the Prez of it all.

I'm so sorry to be a pain in the wallet but that's me. :ranting:

You say:

"Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right! :drunk: "


I say:

"never let the truth get in the way of a good story"

I wish I'd said that.


Where's that Mole he's knocked me around in xgibraltar.


Premier Of The Peoples Republic of Portugal :cheers:

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Hey Don the Prez of it all.

I'm so sorry to be a pain in the wallet but that's me. :drunk:

You say:

"Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right! :cheers: "


I say:

"never let the truth get in the way of a good story"

I wish I'd said that.


Where's that Mole he's knocked me around in xgibraltar.


Premier Of The Peoples Republic of Portugal :cheers:


Hello PeePee,


Indeed a good saying! Who said it, maybe he has more insightfull confessions. :cheers:

What do you think about this one: "Life is like your nose; you've got to get out what's in it."




President of the usA, Azores, Wales, South East and the Atlantic Territories


Thats disgusting!


How can you utter that stuff.


Someone said:

Sex is like s#@t. Once you've had it you don't want it.


Hows your turn going.

Have you bumped into any of my destroyers yet?

I'm going on a hunting trip this turn for Canadian left overs.


Should be fun.

Portugals Paul of Power.

Hall of Power?

No I was right the first time.

Paul of Power that's me.

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