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Game 77


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It is with great regret that the Royal Family, the Prime Minister Spartacus and his government must flee the country. We shall set up a goverment in exile and conduct our afairs from Ireland.


I tip my hat to the leaders of USA, Canada and Iceland, Well fought and an enjoyable experience. Just how it should be.


We may meet again on the battlefield, until then. Fairwell. :thumbsup:


To my allies : Keep up the fight 3 leaders stoping around Great Britain is not going to leave many spoils for them. Its been a pleasure as always. I will be seeing you guys again in the future.

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Who's still left-----let's get a roll call at this point.......I know of the obvious....



Most likely:




S Russia










Persia has been gone for some time. UAE is in play but loosing steam quickly it would appear.


S. Russia is most definately alive

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No Im finally out of this game. I may see you again in 80. As always we may be allies but just as much fun if we are enemies again.

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Well PeePee,


I guess it's just you agains the rest of us now :cheers:

I've taken xLondon and xBirmingham and reduced his last army to 20%...

GB will be liberated by turn 31! :robot:



The victory over Great Britain by USA and Canada by Turn 31 is an OUTSTANDING achievement. I applaud the planning and audacity of the Victors and sympathize with the looser who had too deal with two such powerful foes. I did not think such a thing would be practical over even a computer opponet not to mention a live player.


I would hope all parties would at some future time when passions have cooled would treat all of us to an after action report of this campaign. I think all of us could learn something from this battle and the politics, diplomacy and logistics that made it possible. Perhaps a diatribe with supporting facts and battle reports by both the winners and looser in the Strategy and Tactics forum would make good reading by all of us Victory! fans and students at some future time.

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Happy to entertain - See new thread, Im sure the other parties will contribute. I for one hold no ill feeling to the victors, It was fun.

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Happy to entertain - See new thread, Im sure the other parties will contribute. I for one hold no ill feeling to the victors, It was fun.


Well-done Spart.

I must say this is purely a numbers game.

If you set out at the start of the game to use deceit on an opponent he is gone from the start.

i.e. Become a Total ally with the full intension of bringing that person down using your ceded territory to invade your own total ally with your other total allies, which is now at war with the first ally.

This is not good gamesmanship at all.

I will be ready for any attack and if I get taken out it will be on even terms except for the advantage of having GB to attack from.

Anyway back to the game.

We will know who not to trust in the future.


The invasion of Morocco has well and truly started.

I couldn't afford to wait for the Canadiyank axis any longer.

The invasion of xbilbao is on hold.

I'll have let them starve a bit more.

Unbelievable defence put up by the computer.

No MUN for the last 5 turns and I still get flogged each time I attack.

It must be the recherché of my bullets off of that fort.

Pompus Paul Of Portugal

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Hello IrishPM,


Now that Spartacus is gone and PeePee is busy with who ever is playing Morrocco now, I have the feeling that we will start "upgrading" our meetings... :D


I'll make you the same offer, of sorts, I've made Spartacus:

Cease all hostilities, sue for peace and send out a NAP.

In short: surrender now or, well you know what or means.... :P


With the highest regards,



President of the usA and what not?


Thats the way CD True to form.

Just as you tried with GB, Iceland and Portugal.

Only the weak would make piece with you now.

Ireland will be invaded by Canada and Iceland and territory would be ceded to you.

Clever but not twice in one game.


Ireland is not going to fall for that after what you lot did to GB.

Good though very good.

True to form.

Portugals Premier and Irish ally.

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[Thats the way CD True to form.

Just as you tried with GB, Iceland and Portugal.

Only the weak would make piece with you now.

Ireland will be invaded by Canada and Iceland and territory would be ceded to you.

Clever but not twice in one game.


Ireland is not going to fall for that after what you lot did to GB.

Good though very good.

True to form.

Portugals Premier and Irish ally.


Hello PeePee,


Now why would it be weak to make peace with me at this moment? I would say that it's

a sound strategic move! :D (and 2 out of 3 isn't bad...)

Remember: There's no such thing as jumping a sinking ship too late... B)


Why sacrifice all those lovely shippoints for naught? If I was in the IrishPM's shoes I would immediatly sue for peace and DW on you :rolleyes:

Just to show that I'm willing to admit the error of my ways...


But then again I'm not the IrishPM...





President of the usA, Azores (soon, very soon...) Wales and the South-East



With enemies like you, who needs friends?

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Sorry to be a few days late responding, but I was on a trip last week.


Three naval power enemies against my one with a big unsinkable aircraft carrier next door. I am already seing the buildup for the eventual invasion. Sink my ships, bomb my airbases, then hit my army with three airforces. The question is not if Ireland will fall, but when. You can't be a ground power and a naval one (without conquests anyway) so I am pretty much out of luck against three naval powers.


I could ask to join your elite group as you suggest, but there is one problem. You see, you will lose this game too, even if I join you. It is nearing the halfway point and you have only one conquest between the three of you. If I join you, it would be four beatup nations with one conquest between them.


Where would we go? Do you think you can invade anywhere on the continent and succeed without trickery again? I think not. You will have to cross the channel to have a prayer, and France will easily stop that. No, you will lose big. You will never catch ANY of the groups on the continent.


You can only conquer little Ireland, and even in that, if you take too long it could be quite embarrasing. No, I have eaten enough humble pie this game. My only goal is to make you pay as much as possible for every inch of Ireland. I have a good start on that already.


Whaahaaahaaaa! Woehaahaahaaa! WHAAAHAAAHAAA!


You are so funny! Bitter. But oh so funny!


Never sell the skin before the kill. This game still has 40+ turns left. And you'll see another 15 of those.



President of the usA and what not?


Why me?

I've got an enemy that's so confident he trips over his own troops.

I've a total ally that thinks he's gone already.

The Canadyank Axis has no chance against Ireland.


Get Spitfires on INT ASAP.

Those piddly Shipboard fighter are useless against the almighty Spitfire.

However they will build bases to fly from so build manchesters to bomb bases.

Ireland only needs Frontiers in the provences and a huge force of MECH in xkilkenny.

They'll never get in.

At least deciet wont work against us from now on.

It was a good wepon while it lasted.

Portugals Premier Paul

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Sorry to be a few days late responding, but I was on a trip last week.


Three naval power enemies against my one with a big unsinkable aircraft carrier next door. I am already seing the buildup for the eventual invasion. Sink my ships, bomb my airbases, then hit my army with three airforces. The question is not if Ireland will fall, but when. You can't be a ground power and a naval one (without conquests anyway) so I am pretty much out of luck against three naval powers.


I could ask to join your elite group as you suggest, but there is one problem. You see, you will lose this game too, even if I join you. It is nearing the halfway point and you have only one conquest between the three of you. If I join you, it would be four beatup nations with one conquest between them.


Where would we go? Do you think you can invade anywhere on the continent and succeed without trickery again? I think not. You will have to cross the channel to have a prayer, and France will easily stop that. No, you will lose big. You will never catch ANY of the groups on the continent.


You can only conquer little Ireland, and even in that, if you take too long it could be quite embarrasing. No, I have eaten enough humble pie this game. My only goal is to make you pay as much as possible for every inch of Ireland. I have a good start on that already.


Whaahaaahaaaa! Woehaahaahaaa! WHAAAHAAAHAAA!


You are so funny! Bitter. But oh so funny!


Never sell the skin before the kill. This game still has 40+ turns left. And you'll see another 15 of those.



President of the usA and what not?


Why me?

I've got an enemy that's so confident he trips over his own troops.

I've a total ally that thinks he's gone already.

The Canadyank Axis has no chance against Ireland.


Get Spitfires on INT ASAP.

Those piddly Shipboard fighter are useless against the almighty Spitfire.

However they will build bases to fly from so build manchesters to bomb bases.

Ireland only needs Frontiers in the provences and a huge force of MECH in xkilkenny.

They'll never get in.

At least deciet wont work against us from now on.

It was a good wepon while it lasted.

Portugals Premier Paul


Hello PeePee,


Why you? Indeed. Why you?

I'm afraid the IrishPM is mistaken his total failure in assaulting France as being the standard. B)

Unfortunately for him we've brought down France even faster than GB, in vic70 that is... But I'm always one for challenges!


We had other plans, I mean fighting for GB with 3 countries was stretching it, But Ireland? Seriously, that was even less likely. But after this last stand declaration we will attack with our combined forces and we will not stop before he's destroyed! No more mr. Nice Guy!


Let's break down "Fortress Ireland". :rolleyes:


And he will bleed for destroying my lovely BB's and CA's...






I was a bit upset at the time I think we could have taken out France before you came into the fight.

Anyhow that was not to be and now France is busy elsewhere so not to worry.

I still got you lot.

Your so much luckier than me. :cheers:

You got me. :D

I only got you. :ph34r:

It's nice to know you are suffering a little at losing some ships.


I can't find them I know that.

When I do I hope they are landing craft or Queens.

I'm hopless at killing the big stuff.

Anyhow I'm waiting for my turn to come back so we'll see what I find.

Portugal Paul

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Sorry to be a few days late responding, but I was on a trip last week.


Three naval power enemies against my one with a big unsinkable aircraft carrier next door. I am already seing the buildup for the eventual invasion. Sink my ships, bomb my airbases, then hit my army with three airforces. The question is not if Ireland will fall, but when. You can't be a ground power and a naval one (without conquests anyway) so I am pretty much out of luck against three naval powers.


I could ask to join your elite group as you suggest, but there is one problem. You see, you will lose this game too, even if I join you. It is nearing the halfway point and you have only one conquest between the three of you. If I join you, it would be four beatup nations with one conquest between them.


Where would we go? Do you think you can invade anywhere on the continent and succeed without trickery again? I think not. You will have to cross the channel to have a prayer, and France will easily stop that. No, you will lose big. You will never catch ANY of the groups on the continent.


You can only conquer little Ireland, and even in that, if you take too long it could be quite embarrasing. No, I have eaten enough humble pie this game. My only goal is to make you pay as much as possible for every inch of Ireland. I have a good start on that already.


Whaahaaahaaaa! Woehaahaahaaa! WHAAAHAAAHAAA!


You are so funny! Bitter. But oh so funny!


Never sell the skin before the kill. This game still has 40+ turns left. And you'll see another 15 of those.



President of the usA and what not?


Why me?

I've got an enemy that's so confident he trips over his own troops.

I've a total ally that thinks he's gone already.

The Canadyank Axis has no chance against Ireland.


Get Spitfires on INT ASAP.

Those piddly Shipboard fighter are useless against the almighty Spitfire.

However they will build bases to fly from so build manchesters to bomb bases.

Ireland only needs Frontiers in the provences and a huge force of MECH in xkilkenny.

They'll never get in.

At least deciet wont work against us from now on.

It was a good wepon while it lasted.

Portugals Premier Paul


Hello PeePee,


Why you? Indeed. Why you?

I'm afraid the IrishPM is mistaken his total failure in assaulting France as being the standard. :thumbsup:

Unfortunately for him we've brought down France even faster than GB, in vic70 that is... But I'm always one for challenges!


We had other plans, I mean fighting for GB with 3 countries was stretching it, But Ireland? Seriously, that was even less likely. But after this last stand declaration we will attack with our combined forces and we will not stop before he's destroyed! No more mr. Nice Guy!


Let's break down "Fortress Ireland". :ph34r:


And he will bleed for destroying my lovely BB's and CA's...






Now you are making me laugh. No more Mr. Nice guy? If participating in a backstab of a TA followed by a 3 on 1 is your idea of nice, you must think the Marquis de Sade was an angel. Don't act like invading Ireland is an afterthought only contemplated because my taunting cut you to the quick. You have no other options this game. After siding with the backstabber, no one is going to enter into a diplomatic agreement with you. I would love to hear THAT negotiation. "Oh yes, we took advantage of a TA and used Britain's ports ceded to our TA to our advantage, but we would never do that to anyone else." Yeah right. You are finished diplomatically and you know it. The only thing funnier is saying you will quickly take out France.


No, your only choice all along was to come after me next. I am the only target you can handle. I am also not going to allow you to go elsewhere. I will continue to sink your ships at the rate of 600-800 ship points a turn until you take me out. So far I have bagged 6000 and climbing. We both know that won't work as you have an impossible task to invade the continent already.


So keep blathering on. No one else is buying it. And by the way, if the three of you well know players on this forum can't toast a small nation in 15 turns you should be really embarrased. I give you until the end of turn 45 (16 turns) to take my last province and city. If you can't do it, you shall be taunted mercilously. If you can, well its three on one and you were supposed to. I can't lose, but you can.


Well IrishPM,


It seems that I've finally rattled your cage up to a degree you can't even read a posting properly anymore :thumbsup:

I'm so delighted that I've touched your existence by such a degree that your only purpose in life will be to annoy me and my friendly, now British, neighbours! :D But is really generous of you to give me to the end of turn 45 to take your last province and city. Especially with those marines of yours cowering behind those legendary forts :robot: A bit afraid are we?


But you keep on fighting the good fight, I'll indulge myself in the feeling of being the bad guy who has the audacity of seizing opportunity's when he sees them... :thumbsup: So please, stay angry, fuel those bitter feelings it will make you even stronger and you'll be one step closer to the dark side.... Anakin.... :blink:




President of the usA, South-England, the Atlantic Territory's and Ireland.


Finally, some semblance of an argument. Still you confuse realism for emotion but you are taking baby steps in the right direction.


The old dog of Portugal had a good turn.

Took out another city of Morocco.

He's stuffed no matter how you look at it.

Still looking for Canadyank ships to play with but no luck yet.

You would think by now I would have come across at least a tug.

Good hiding guys but there is nowhere to hide.

I'll find you.

I have huge ships to attack you with.

Ok, destroyers are not so big, but I still need to find you.

Portugals Premier Premier Paul

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I am somewhat sorry about the DW Miraeng. It was strictly for precautionary tactical reasons for a land dispute with your new(?) TA at the United Emirates. I have spoken with him a few times earlier in the game and I had the strong impression that Gecko had bettter taste and character than to hang around with the likes of you.


But I base my opinions of you strictly on the lunacy of your postings. If you have any good qualities they are diffucult to see from my end of the map but I will give you the benifit of the doubt and issue my aplogy for the the DW. Sadly, I won't be wasting any tears if you get trounced by your opponets and I can Force Peace and recoup some ot the Morale the DW has cost me.



No hard feelings........Drinks are on me in xAbudhabi in a few turns!


Gecko......will we be seeing you in VIC 80???? I do not know if there is much more we can do that will be very interesting in 77. It was fun while it lasted, however.



South 77

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I am somewhat sorry about the DW Miraeng. It was strictly for precautionary tactical reasons for a land dispute with your new(?) TA at the United Emirates. I have spoken with him a few times earlier in the game and I had the strong impression that Gecko had bettter taste and character than to hang around with the likes of you.


But I base my opinions of you strictly on the lunacy of your postings. If you have any good qualities they are diffucult to see from my end of the map but I will give you the benifit of the doubt and issue my aplogy for the the DW. Sadly, I won't be wasting any tears if you get trounced by your opponets and I can Force Peace and recoup some ot the Morale the DW has cost me.



No hard feelings........Drinks are on me in xAbudhabi in a few turns!


Gecko......will we be seeing you in VIC 80???? I do not know if there is much more we can do that will be very interesting in 77. It was fun while it lasted, however.



South 77


G'Day Glamdring.

It should be Grumbling.

You do rave a bit!

I've got nothing against you and you do what you have to.

I have to tell you that DW on me has made no advantage for you.

I have no territory belonging UAE.

You could have spied and got that info.

Anyway not to worry I don't take it to heart.

Not like I would if CD was to do something so low to me. :D

Here I go rambling, grumbling, bumbling through this posting. :blink:

The lunacy of my postings only goes to show the strength of character I have. :blink:

I'm not sure I follow your last paragraph.

I fact I don't.

You are rambling on about Vic80.

What are you talking about?

Portugal Pete :pirate2:

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I am somewhat sorry about the DW Miraeng. It was strictly for precautionary tactical reasons for a land dispute with your new(?) TA at the United Emirates. I have spoken with him a few times earlier in the game and I had the strong impression that Gecko had bettter taste and character than to hang around with the likes of you.


But I base my opinions of you strictly on the lunacy of your postings. If you have any good qualities they are diffucult to see from my end of the map but I will give you the benifit of the doubt and issue my aplogy for the the DW. Sadly, I won't be wasting any tears if you get trounced by your opponets and I can Force Peace and recoup some ot the Morale the DW has cost me.



No hard feelings........Drinks are on me in xAbudhabi in a few turns!


Gecko......will we be seeing you in VIC 80???? I do not know if there is much more we can do that will be very interesting in 77. It was fun while it lasted, however.



South 77



You sound like you are bored and will be leaving soon???



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