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Game 77


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Like the Scandinavians, I see a very unhealthy trend in Victory where the best players in the game all unite to form a team and blow out the beginners first, before tearing into each other. To me, that sounds boring. Take a newbie under your wings and try to win is more interesting to me than 40 turns of "cleanup" before the "real" game begins. This makes for a satisfying game to some I guess, but it will dry up the source of new players rather quickly. I see many of the same old faces in games now. You can't go stag into a game, especially as a newbie, and hope to survive the first round. That's a shame if you ask me. Meeting new folks and forming alliances was the most entertaining part of the game for me. It doesn't work like that anymore, unfortunately.


Veterans have complained to me about the constant double-dealing. Some people enjoy that that as well, but when everyone does it, it makes it impossible to join a game and trust someone you never met before. So not only do you have to form TA alliances with veteran players, but you better have five of them. That is also what I see happening in games now. A five man alliance was rare before, now it is normal and almost necessary. People join in groups of 5 (or even more).


I do not agree with the above. I joined this game with a friend (who had to pull out before it started). This is my first game of Victory (although Norbert would disagree), and I joined effectively alone. My partners are both veterans (never played together previously), and they both joined stag as well. So in essence, newbies don't get quashed, however, it is dependant on player's mind sets more than anything else. Both of my mentors were very quick to start reminiscing about their first games, almost like they wished they were the nub, they also pointed out that they had been taken under the wing by a previous vet player. So its not that this doesn't happen, but perhaps it doesn't happen enough..


As for the five man alliance, we have only seen two in this game. The Bulgarian/Austrian/Czech/Greek/Poland (who are mostly RL friends) and the Scandinavians with Germany and France which was formed out of necessity to survive. As it turns out, both of these Alliances are cracking, so clearly, five man alliances are not the be all and end all. In regards to the veterans grouping together, the US/Canada team are playing the hardest countries so I think that is justified.


However, there is a line when it comes to double dealing and again it comes down to the players mentality. There are ppl in EVERY game that will play to win at all costs, weather it is backstabbing a TA, or finding an exploit in an FPS game. My opinion is that you should never break a TA unless the player has dropped due to RL commitments and that you should keep your word in agreements. As I said though, this is a mentality issue.


I believe it would be a big improvement if game fees were prepaid upfront (perhaps at a reduced rate per turn). This would encourage players to fight to the bitter end. I believe it would also improve the game if TA's were made permanent again. As for newbies, it would be nice to try to pair them with verteran players to help them in their first game. Perhaps even give the veteran a discount if he TA's with the newbie from the start. I know I would be willing to help new players, because new players are the only thing that will keep the game going.


No one would play if fees were up front or at least, a significant number of ppl wouldn't. Perhaps ppl would be more willing to fight to the end if there was an option to "surrender". When the surrender command is issued (needs to be done once per turn for 2 - 3 turns to avoid accidentally typing it in) that country has 10 free turns to do as they please (basically to go out with a bang).


Your idea about pairing is good but tbh, it shouldn't be needed. Everyone should be willing to help the n00bs, you were all one at one stage, even Russ.




Irish PM

You got off to a bad start.

Defensive tactics were bad and you had made a bad decision about your TA.

You and GB were not to know that.

I must admit I didn't know what they were like either.

Now we have the experience to play much better in our next game.

After your effort in this game I would be surprised if you ever had to play with a beginner again.

Besides you are no longer a beginner.

You have to be a loser in this game to learn the insides and out of it.

I have played a long time now and have only been a survivor.

3 times I think.

I have been trounced many, many times.

The game is fine the way it is.

Just work with it, play the game and have fun with it.

I did like your scorched earth finale.

Portugal Paul

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Within these last 7-10 turns, when the player is playing for "free" he may not use some orders like:






BPA (only TAs)




The Monk


I think this suggestion has quite a bit of merit and needs futher development for the current Victory! or Victory 2.0


I have seen a trend develop with "dropped position". Three things seem to happen:


1. If the dropped postion is a TA, I see the other TA's try to play the postion or if that is not possible or convientent they plunder it to keep their group in the best position possible. I have no problem with this given the commitied TA relationship involved and the occasional need (often reluctantly) for a TA to drop from the game.


2. The dropped positon is taken over quite a few turns after the drop and we see these dropped forces suddenly reactivate and go on "sucide missions" that help some country totally unrelated to the dropped country. Example (countries and game numbers are changed to avoid making personal accusations but you will get the point):


A. USA and Canda drop on turn 40 and disappear from all view. They had no TA's but


B. The game proceeds and eventualy after many TA's have problems and have drops

within their groups we have a bitter war between Spain and Persia in North Aftica

No other countires had a paticular intrest in this death match.

C. On Turn 61 a USA fleet of Battleships and CV's is seen moving in the Atlantic.

D. On Turn 62 we see the USA take out the rail lines from Gibralter to Africa with

a Coastal Bombardment.


E. Spain nows get to kill a portion but not all of the USA fleet but the damage is done.

Spain clearly was unprepared for an attack from this quater. It was a brillant

tactical move on the USA(??) part.


F. The USA is never heard from again


So in this example which really happended it can be clearly surmised that Persia called an old friend, the ex-USA player, and with RTG assistance (they certainly encourage players sending them money as I also would approve) we see the USA postion activated and playing for ONE purpose only..to aid the Persian player with no concern about the USA postion or losses that may be incured.





3. A Country drops but play continues and an adjacent group of friendly countries starts getting EA and other juciy tidbits before the posion does in fact finally drop. Clearly a group takes over the country long enough to plunder it. I generally have no problem with this as it alows a dropping player to lend assistance to one side of a battle or another.


While we on that subject there was a another 5 man TA group that collapsed early in the game 77(Italy/Rumania/Hungary/Yugo/XX)and was defeated by Bulgaria/Poland/Austira/Czech/Greece. That is an example of where being a 5 man TA group is not garaunty of success. Given the random country assgnments I have no problem with 5 players starting the game together as a group.


Given the above examples, I think Monk's suggestion is a idea that all players AND RTG need to consider rules for "offically" dropped postions. RTG can certainly gain more money with turns 1 to 20 costing more than turns 21 to 72 so I feel their interests would be protected. I think a new thread should be started and the idea debated. The current problem did not arise when Victory was created. In the Snail Mail world the game was developed in the issues of players taking on dropped postions for just a whim was very diffucult and ultimatley not practical. In todays e-mail world it is all to easy to run more than one country in the same game. For that matter with the assistance of a friend it is all to easy to sign up for two countries in the game. I have seen a case where a player and his "girlfiend" signed up together. I never got a e-mail from her though, hmmmm............ Most strange as women are always trying to talk to me!

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Iceland and N.Russia are newbies we introduced to the game.


I don't consider a person playing is their 3rd game a newbie. The Icelandic player has claimed to have played in at least three separate games per his posting on the forums. Games 70, 74 and 77. I thought I remembered more, but I could not confirm that on the forums. So, how many games before you are no longer a 'newbie'. If you are slammed rather quickly and are out by turn 6 or 7, I can understand still being considered a newbie in your next game, but after that, you kind of lose that newbie status.


With regard to this whole ganging up on 'newbies' by vets, it does happen. But, I think it is a small group of 'vets' perpetrating such acts. For the most part the same group of 50-60 people have been playing this game for quite a while. Some time ago 5-6 games would start a year. Now it is down to 2 a year. What does that tell you? The numbers are dwindling. I think the numbers are dwindling for several reasons. Sustained interest is one of those reasons. I left the community for about 5 years and the game is still pretty much the same. There haven't been any significant changes in the system. The same old bugs still exist and the same people are playing today that were 6 years ago. When I came back I saw that that most of the same peoples were still playing the game. I rekindled some old friendships from past games and ran into some old enemies. I encountered some new people that I had not met in the game before....they were new to me but had a few games under their belts. One of them made the mistake of thinking that I was a 'newbie' and immediately tried to double cross me (you see, I had never used the forums for I had dropped out of Victory! before they were created). That person didn't fair too well because I had a couple of old friends keeping me up to date on the community. I knew that player was about to double cross me. That brings me back around to the whole vets picking on the newbie. Which I believe is another reason for the dwindling numbers. A few bad apples do ruin the whole lot. If the game's reputation is that a new player cannot get a fair shake, then fewer and fewer new players will try the game. If the trend continues, the game will disappear completely.


The last reason I think that the numbers are dwindling is one that has been brought up in this thread. The use of dropped nations to harass an enemy. It happens. Yes, the loss of a TA will leave you scrambling. But using a dropped nation to deliberately harass another for the sole intent of winning a game is no different than dealing from the bottom of the deck in cards. Having a nation's resources and money voluntarily (from a player who is about to drop, has dropped) given away is that player's choice. That's no different than deliberately playing a lower card so you partner can win the hand in hopes of winning the card game in the long run. I have seen a dropped nation used many times, dating back to early games, to intentionally cripple an enemy for the sole purpose of winning a game. It has been done to me. Although disheartening, I never thought of not playing Victory! because of this reason. But, I personally know three former players that will never come back to this game because this happened in game 41. They were TA's of mine that game. The eventual winner was one of my original TA's, but only because the 5 of us had to break up our TA group so that one of us could win. If we had stayed TA's together, the average score would have dragged down our score and the player who was the responsible running that 'dropped' nation against our block would have won the game. Three of us ended up finishing that game and another TA group finished that game as well, but they did the same thing as us and broke up the TA to try and ensure that the scoundrel would not win the game. Funny thing happened once the guilty player found out what we had done.......he dropped, leaving the game to us to finish!


There are ways to deal with players who 'cheat'. Remember their names and make sure you take them down every time you come up against them in the future. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Get over it and move on. Until RTG changes their policy so that an idle nation cannot be reactivated, it will continue. I love the game, I will continue to play as time/money permits. Real life does sometimes get in the way of PBM games an other fun stuff. Have fun, play hard, but fair.

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All that has been said on this thread has truth in it. If you read through it you'll find a good analyses of the problems that face any internet based game (or mail based game). There comes a point when you're done playing, just as there will be a point where you'll turn back to the game. Who hasn't played Risk or Axis & Allies for dozens of times?


And you'll always have differences in the way people play, people differ and that's allright. And it's in the nature of the beast to use a loophole if you stumble onto one, and that's ok too. What bothers me though is the intensity in which people are communicating nowadays, myself included for a big part. I know I have a short fuse and tend to be fast and hard. For that I apologize.


But reading back this thread and looking back at the games I've played with RTG & PBM so far, I honestly think that whatever experience a person may have in playing this specific game, he will have a fighting chance to play to the end if he uses common sense. I don't think that the game should be altered, it could use an update, but it is a good game with a lot of potential.



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All that has been said on this thread has truth in it. If you read through it you'll find a good analyses of the problems that face any internet based game (or mail based game). There comes a point when you're done playing, just as there will be a point where you'll turn back to the game. Who hasn't played Risk or Axis & Allies for dozens of times?


And you'll always have differences in the way people play, people differ and that's allright. And it's in the nature of the beast to use a loophole if you stumble onto one, and that's ok too. What bothers me though is the intensity in which people are communicating nowadays, myself included for a big part. I know I have a short fuse and tend to be fast and hard. For that I apologize.


But reading back this thread and looking back at the games I've played with RTG & PBM so far, I honestly think that whatever experience a person may have in playing this specific game, he will have a fighting chance to play to the end if he uses common sense. I don't think that the game should be altered, it could use an update, but it is a good game with a lot of potential.




G'Day Don

We don't agree on much but on his subject we are in agreement.


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Brothers Strait-


You should take lessons from the computer. They did what you couldn't-


Stopped me from killing your forces.


Force Peace works well when you're enemy is negative money and morale.


I've been negative morale and money for 15 turns.


Another lesson learned. This one cost a bit of dignity.


See you in 82

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Brothers Strait-


You should take lessons from the computer. They did what you couldn't-


Stopped me from killing your forces.


Force Peace works well when you're enemy is negative money and morale.


I've been negative morale and money for 15 turns.


Another lesson learned. This one cost a bit of dignity.


See you in 82



Hi My Enemies

Where was this fleet heading?

The Task Force 22 of Canada at IRH2 on Monday, November 12, 2007. Ships believed to be in this command are:



Good landing fleet.


Some Territoriy has changed hands too!


United States controls xCherbourg

France controls Rennes

Iceland controls Brest

Iceland controls Lorient

Iceland controls St Nazaire

France controls xBordeaux

France controls Mimizan

France controls Pau

France controls Narbonne

France controls Foix


What about this?

Vurtually undefended:

Espionage on xBrest reveals the following information:

CHAB= 0 CLAB= 0 LDB= 25 HAA= 0 LAA= 0 Fortification=Poor


BCY5: Added 7008 points of mines to BCY5 raising the current total to 10133 units of mines

It looks to me they are clearing 3500 Mines a turn.

Not enough guys.

By the end of next turn there should be 14000 mines and that's allowing for your minesweeping efforts.

Good thing is, you can't stop me.

My next target will be IRH3 and IRH2.

This is fun.

No risk of getting attacked yet I'm causing havok to the Canadyank Axis.

Problematic Portugal Paul

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Dear Mr. PeePee,


This is fun? No, no.....what really would be funny is watching you laying mines till T73, now that would be hilarious. :joker:

Mix frustration with endless negative morale and there's the right mix for the above.


For everybody who cares to listen, :( Mr Portugal managed to get himself into a negative morale spiral, which is a considerable achievement in itself. At least for a nation who conquered more than twice it own size and had enough friends to stay on positive morale for the rest of the game. But who am I to judge.........it's a mistake beginners often make.


So, by all means continue your pointless existence in V77 and let us all have a good laughter every now and then on the forum. Please continue laying mines so we can sweep them right away. Let us have something to do in these parts of the ocean, where dullness is reaching its high water mark. Not much opposition anyway in France, so if it has to be mines to fight against, in some strange way we would be glad to.


I'll drink to that....... :ranting:




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Dear Mr. PeePee,


This is fun? No, no.....what really would be funny is watching you laying mines till T73, now that would be hilarious. :joker:

Mix frustration with endless negative morale and there's the right mix for the above.


For everybody who cares to listen, :( Mr Portugal managed to get himself into a negative morale spiral, which is a considerable achievement in itself. At least for a nation who conquered more than twice it own size and had enough friends to stay on positive morale for the rest of the game. But who am I to judge.........it's a mistake beginners often make.


So, by all means continue your pointless existence in V77 and let us all have a good laughter every now and then on the forum. Please continue laying mines so we can sweep them right away. Let us have something to do in these parts of the ocean, where dullness is reaching its high water mark. Not much opposition anyway in France, so if it has to be mines to fight against, in some strange way we would be glad to.


I'll drink to that....... :ranting:





Who's a little ticked off then?

I say Hersir

Mines are doing thier job after all.

I couldn't be sure without this conformation.

This game just got beter.

I like it.

I love it

I cant get enough of it.

I wonder if Hersir has anything to do with Iceland.




The almighty Canadyank Axis at it's best.


My God.


What a looser!


Portugals Untouchable Paul

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Dear Mr. PeePee,


This is fun? No, no.....what really would be funny is watching you laying mines till T73, now that would be hilarious. :joker:

Mix frustration with endless negative morale and there's the right mix for the above.


For everybody who cares to listen, :( Mr Portugal managed to get himself into a negative morale spiral, which is a considerable achievement in itself. At least for a nation who conquered more than twice it own size and had enough friends to stay on positive morale for the rest of the game. But who am I to judge.........it's a mistake beginners often make.


So, by all means continue your pointless existence in V77 and let us all have a good laughter every now and then on the forum. Please continue laying mines so we can sweep them right away. Let us have something to do in these parts of the ocean, where dullness is reaching its high water mark. Not much opposition anyway in France, so if it has to be mines to fight against, in some strange way we would be glad to.


I'll drink to that....... :ranting:





Who's a little ticked off then?

I say Hersir

Mines are doing thier job after all.

I couldn't be sure without this conformation.

This game just got beter.

I like it.

I love it

I cant get enough of it.

I wonder if Hersir has anything to do with Iceland.




The almighty Canadyank Axis at it's best.


My God.


What a looser!


Portugals Untouchable Paul


Dear PLP,




We want you to continue your minelaying effort. We would like to see how Perfectly Little Paul is chasing his own tail

and provides us with considerable unsuppressed laughter while doing so. And don't be worried that we are a little ticked off

by your mines, we are just wondering how hilarious it would be when you could keep this up to the end, that's all.


Hearing the word "looser" coming from your mouth, is really a fine example of how poor your self-reflection is.

But hey, I don't blame you, I can understand why you are yelling like this........



Take care,


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Dear Mr. PeePee,


This is fun? No, no.....what really would be funny is watching you laying mines till T73, now that would be hilarious. :joker:

Mix frustration with endless negative morale and there's the right mix for the above.


For everybody who cares to listen, :( Mr Portugal managed to get himself into a negative morale spiral, which is a considerable achievement in itself. At least for a nation who conquered more than twice it own size and had enough friends to stay on positive morale for the rest of the game. But who am I to judge.........it's a mistake beginners often make.


So, by all means continue your pointless existence in V77 and let us all have a good laughter every now and then on the forum. Please continue laying mines so we can sweep them right away. Let us have something to do in these parts of the ocean, where dullness is reaching its high water mark. Not much opposition anyway in France, so if it has to be mines to fight against, in some strange way we would be glad to.


I'll drink to that....... :ranting:





Who's a little ticked off then?

I say Hersir

Mines are doing thier job after all.

I couldn't be sure without this conformation.

This game just got beter.

I like it.

I love it

I cant get enough of it.

I wonder if Hersir has anything to do with Iceland.




The almighty Canadyank Axis at it's best.


My God.


What a looser!


Portugals Untouchable Paul


Dear PLP,




We want you to continue your minelaying effort. We would like to see how Perfectly Little Paul is chasing his own tail

and provides us with considerable unsuppressed laughter while doing so. And don't be worried that we are a little ticked off

by your mines, we are just wondering how hilarious it would be when you could keep this up to the end, that's all.


Hearing the word "looser" coming from your mouth, is really a fine example of how poor your self-reflection is.

But hey, I don't blame you, I can understand why you are yelling like this........



Take care,




Now listern Hersir


Thats enough of the "Little" OK?

I get enough of that at home!






Sorry I got carried away there.


Perfect Portugal Paul AKA PLP

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Dear Mr. PeePee,


This is fun? No, no.....what really would be funny is watching you laying mines till T73, now that would be hilarious. ;)

Mix frustration with endless negative morale and there's the right mix for the above.


For everybody who cares to listen, :( Mr Portugal managed to get himself into a negative morale spiral, which is a considerable achievement in itself. At least for a nation who conquered more than twice it own size and had enough friends to stay on positive morale for the rest of the game. But who am I to judge.........it's a mistake beginners often make.


So, by all means continue your pointless existence in V77 and let us all have a good laughter every now and then on the forum. Please continue laying mines so we can sweep them right away. Let us have something to do in these parts of the ocean, where dullness is reaching its high water mark. Not much opposition anyway in France, so if it has to be mines to fight against, in some strange way we would be glad to.


I'll drink to that....... :(





Who's a little ticked off then?

I say Hersir

Mines are doing thier job after all.

I couldn't be sure without this conformation.

This game just got beter.

I like it.

I love it

I cant get enough of it.

I wonder if Hersir has anything to do with Iceland.




The almighty Canadyank Axis at it's best.


My God.


What a looser!


Portugals Untouchable Paul


Dear PLP,




We want you to continue your minelaying effort. We would like to see how Perfectly Little Paul is chasing his own tail

and provides us with considerable unsuppressed laughter while doing so. And don't be worried that we are a little ticked off

by your mines, we are just wondering how hilarious it would be when you could keep this up to the end, that's all.


Hearing the word "looser" coming from your mouth, is really a fine example of how poor your self-reflection is.

But hey, I don't blame you, I can understand why you are yelling like this........



Take care,




Now listern Hersir


Thats enough of the "Little" OK?

I get enough of that at home!






Sorry I got carried away there.


Perfect Portugal Paul AKA PLP





That's a shame... we were trying to just sweep those mines without any fuss...

You must know by now that building ships is not one of our weaknesses. It will be a matter of weeks before we can sweep more than you can lay. But you're annoying us for now, :( that should be enough for you...


By the way: we don't think you're compensating your size, or lack thereoff...


Ooopss indeed! :(


But did you see the bold move S.Russia made? Towards his former ally no less! It's interesting to see that East meets Central, to bad that they have to meet in Moscow! But that's politics for ya!



President of the usA & Liberator of Northern Europe.






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Dear Mr. PeePee,


This is fun? No, no.....what really would be funny is watching you laying mines till T73, now that would be hilarious. :cheers:

Mix frustration with endless negative morale and there's the right mix for the above.


For everybody who cares to listen, :cheers: Mr Portugal managed to get himself into a negative morale spiral, which is a considerable achievement in itself. At least for a nation who conquered more than twice it own size and had enough friends to stay on positive morale for the rest of the game. But who am I to judge.........it's a mistake beginners often make.


So, by all means continue your pointless existence in V77 and let us all have a good laughter every now and then on the forum. Please continue laying mines so we can sweep them right away. Let us have something to do in these parts of the ocean, where dullness is reaching its high water mark. Not much opposition anyway in France, so if it has to be mines to fight against, in some strange way we would be glad to.


I'll drink to that....... :drunk:





Who's a little ticked off then?

I say Hersir

Mines are doing thier job after all.

I couldn't be sure without this conformation.

This game just got beter.

I like it.

I love it

I cant get enough of it.

I wonder if Hersir has anything to do with Iceland.




The almighty Canadyank Axis at it's best.


My God.


What a looser!


Portugals Untouchable Paul


Dear PLP,




We want you to continue your minelaying effort. We would like to see how Perfectly Little Paul is chasing his own tail

and provides us with considerable unsuppressed laughter while doing so. And don't be worried that we are a little ticked off

by your mines, we are just wondering how hilarious it would be when you could keep this up to the end, that's all.


Hearing the word "looser" coming from your mouth, is really a fine example of how poor your self-reflection is.

But hey, I don't blame you, I can understand why you are yelling like this........



Take care,




Now listern Hersir


Thats enough of the "Little" OK?

I get enough of that at home!






Sorry I got carried away there.


Perfect Portugal Paul AKA PLP





That's a shame... we were trying to just sweep those mines without any fuss...

You must know by now that building ships is not one of our weaknesses. It will be a matter of weeks before we can sweep more than you can lay. But you're annoying us for now, :drunk: that should be enough for you...


By the way: we don't think you're compensating your size, or lack thereoff...


Ooopss indeed! :o


But did you see the bold move S.Russia made? Towards his former ally no less! It's interesting to see that East meets Central, to bad that they have to meet in Moscow! But that's politics for ya!



President of the usA & Liberator of Northern Europe.







My role here is done. The Vikings are dead. :cheers:


My turn to leave! :cheers:


I await 82 :blink:

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Dear Mr. PeePee,


This is fun? No, no.....what really would be funny is watching you laying mines till T73, now that would be hilarious. :cheers:

Mix frustration with endless negative morale and there's the right mix for the above.


For everybody who cares to listen, :cheers: Mr Portugal managed to get himself into a negative morale spiral, which is a considerable achievement in itself. At least for a nation who conquered more than twice it own size and had enough friends to stay on positive morale for the rest of the game. But who am I to judge.........it's a mistake beginners often make.


So, by all means continue your pointless existence in V77 and let us all have a good laughter every now and then on the forum. Please continue laying mines so we can sweep them right away. Let us have something to do in these parts of the ocean, where dullness is reaching its high water mark. Not much opposition anyway in France, so if it has to be mines to fight against, in some strange way we would be glad to.


I'll drink to that....... :drunk:





Who's a little ticked off then?

I say Hersir

Mines are doing thier job after all.

I couldn't be sure without this conformation.

This game just got beter.

I like it.

I love it

I cant get enough of it.

I wonder if Hersir has anything to do with Iceland.




The almighty Canadyank Axis at it's best.


My God.


What a looser!


Portugals Untouchable Paul


Dear PLP,




We want you to continue your minelaying effort. We would like to see how Perfectly Little Paul is chasing his own tail

and provides us with considerable unsuppressed laughter while doing so. And don't be worried that we are a little ticked off

by your mines, we are just wondering how hilarious it would be when you could keep this up to the end, that's all.


Hearing the word "looser" coming from your mouth, is really a fine example of how poor your self-reflection is.

But hey, I don't blame you, I can understand why you are yelling like this........



Take care,




Now listern Hersir


Thats enough of the "Little" OK?

I get enough of that at home!






Sorry I got carried away there.


Perfect Portugal Paul AKA PLP





That's a shame... we were trying to just sweep those mines without any fuss...

You must know by now that building ships is not one of our weaknesses. It will be a matter of weeks before we can sweep more than you can lay. But you're annoying us for now, :drunk: that should be enough for you...


By the way: we don't think you're compensating your size, or lack thereoff...


Ooopss indeed! :o


But did you see the bold move S.Russia made? Towards his former ally no less! It's interesting to see that East meets Central, to bad that they have to meet in Moscow! But that's politics for ya!



President of the usA & Liberator of Northern Europe.







My role here is done. The Vikings are dead. :cheers:


My turn to leave! :cheers:


I await 82 :blink:



Bad luck old Roguey

Beter luck next time.


I have 15 orders spare this turn does anyone want spy missions done?

Aways glad to spy on the Canadyanks.

Portugal Paul

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Bad luck old Roguey

Beter luck next time.


I have 15 orders spare this turn does anyone want spy missions done?

Aways glad to spy on the Canadyanks.

Portugal Paul


Hi Paul,


I can help you out! Always willing to help you, you know that.. :cheers:

I've got everything from the coast to (almost) the German border. There, that saves you some orders!


Aren't I nice?



President of the usA, Chairman of the North Atlantic Alliance and Liberator of the East.

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