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One painful mistake is to start a new postion and then forgeting to make sure that your stripmine output and the ammount of raw resources you are useing to build iron at the end of the turn are balanced. I did that and by the time I figured out what was wrong I had dug myself into a hole that took me a year to get out of. Curse my poor math skills! :ninja:

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Then there is the production error that causes most of your production to fail.  How about the one where you are "upgrading" power plants to better ones, but don't have any fuel to run them.  This goes unnoticed for a couple of turns until you run out of RAW and then you find that most of your fuels are consumed.




I think that could be the worst one on the list. Ack, it is possible that you might never recover. :ninja:


nah, you can always use the CM play-doh to make a huge # of hydro plants for a single turn...not that that has ever happened...cough cough


Hydro? What's hydro? Oh, that creek 2000 clicks away from the industrial capital.....



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You could setup a lovely convoy route to supply one of your most attrition hugging colonies with the 250 pop it needs per turn to stay alive. A mining colony meticously designed for survival.You design the right ships and assign them to the convoy route as well as the ships designed to haul home that lovely 1,5 mil of Crystal every turn. Then you could forget to actually train colonists on your HW and then you could forget about the whole thing for two turns untill you wonder why your production line crashes since you have too little crystal and you notice that your colony has gone extinct since of course the first attrition victim was the most important attrition reducing installations and that meant the whole colony of more than 3000 pop went kablooey...Then you could swear, tear your hair and reach for the blood pressure medicine.


Aah, this was an early mistake but not easily forgotten, SNROE is not a forgiving system...





This probably tops the messed up SRP and 25 RCs of Tazer research, my previous favorite example of "so happy this has not happened to me (yet)".


Anyone else out there who got blind sided by the fact that crystals became more important than iron so early in their species existence?



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The list of my mistakes is far too numerous to list, but a few stick out in my mind.

I had converted my HW power source to Hydroelectric at one point and some time down the road accidently built 200 hydrphonic gardens. So on the next turn, I cathc that mistake, and DISM'd the gardens. Well, I actually DISM'd the power plants. That was a real pain.


Lord Uriel

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Just remembered a beauty from a couple of turns ago that was spurred by the Crystal comment.


Forgetting to check the fuel levels on your tankers that support your convoy routes for couple of turns. I noticed my production had all of a sudden started to crash due to a lack of crystals. Turns out that all of the frieghters from our colonies were jammed up at the jump point, out of fuel and full of crystals. :ninja:

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Not even a year into the game I am still haven't made any huge mistakes but as my empire grows, I'm pretty sure to hit many down the road. :D


However in my current turn, I'm designing a new scout ship that is bascially a much larger Pathfinder with 100 Mk I Fusion Engines (10,000 tons) to power it along. Unfortuntately, I typed in the tonnage for the number of engines instead, so I almost ended up with a 15,000 ton hull design attached to 1,000,000 tons of engines. It would have been FAST but impractical for a throw away ship in the hazards of exploration. :ninja:


Double check, recheck and recheck somemore before emailing your turn in.

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