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Strange, I have yet to see any warp point 'higher' than a G -- and we are fairly well-travelled.


They must be rare.    :P


Not that I'd want to pay to fuel cost to travel through one.




Yes, G's and H's do exist, sometimes at the worst dang locations. Imagine a race where one of the WP's leading out of the Home system is a "G", and the WP leading back is an "H". Sure, its pretty good defense. But talk about a pain getting out to see the neighbors. Especially when the other WP's are an "F" (leading to an "F") and an somewhat reasonable "D" (leading to a "D"). Good thing the home system has lots of planets and moons to play with.


Could be worse. I think that Hughestrog has a one way leading our of his home system. :)


Yes. And the system it leads to doesn't have a WP leading back to my Home System. And there are F's involved. Still playing after 18 months and getting somewhere, but convoy routes, arghhhhh!


Fun though, none-the-less.

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