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What do I do with leaders?


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Speaking of those kinds of Installations, I noticed that some work best at a ratio of 1:100 population, but others supposedly need only ONE per planet or star system. I think the Imperial Resort is one of those that you only need one per system as are the Imperial Zoo and Museum. What about The Imperial Sports Complex and the Imperial Administration Center? Are they 1:100 or "Just 1" type installations? And what good does an Imperial Penal Colony do?


The Sports Complex and the Admin Center are 1:100. This information is found on the turn sheet. The Penal Colony improves Stability.

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No, your HW isn't a colony, but it does gain from immigration (yokels coming in from the rural areas to be 'wowed' by the bright floaty light things of your big cities).


Don't be surprised about not getting an Explorer or Scientist. I should get a fair few Explorers but they only make up 22% of my characters overall.

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Yes, I found those numbers on the turn sheet. You would think they might be in the Installations Supplement for the rules, but...


So the question is, does it make any sense to build those kinds of installations on the HW? For example, Imperial Administration Centers would seem like exactly the kind of thing you would WANT on your Homeworld, but the cost seems prohibitive, unless they help your administrators alot more than I imagine.


For example, my HW has about 500,000 pop. According to the 1:100 rule, to get the most benefit out of Imperial Administration Centers, I would need to build 5 THOUSAND of them. Admittedly, when you look at the number of Governmental offices in the real world...its not an unrealistic number...just not cost effective. To build that many (assuming I had 5000 free Population as well), would cost 2,500,000 Construction Materials. Working this back, I find that this comes out to 225,000,000 Raw Materials equivalent, and about 1,000,000 IC, or, my complete Industrial Capacity for 2.5 turns. If all these Imperial Administration Centers even helped my Administrator increase my mines production by 10% per turn, it would take 25 turns to break even. And this is just for ONE type of Installation. Naturally, with things like Advance StripMines, this breakeven point would be reached alot sooner...but is it worth it even then? Or do those Administrators give alot bigger bonus than I think?

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Yes, I found those numbers on the turn sheet. You would think they might be in the Installations Supplement for the rules, but...


So the question is, does it make any sense to build those kinds of installations on the HW? For example, Imperial Administration Centers would seem like exactly the kind of thing you would WANT on your Homeworld, but the cost seems prohibitive, unless they help your administrators alot more than I imagine.


For example, my HW has about 500,000 pop.  According to the 1:100 rule, to get the most benefit out of Imperial Administration Centers, I would need to build 5 THOUSAND of them. Admittedly, when you look at the number of Governmental offices in the real world...its not an unrealistic number...just not cost effective. To build that many (assuming I had 5000 free Population as well), would cost 2,500,000 Construction Materials. Working this back, I find that this comes out to 225,000,000 Raw Materials equivalent, and about 1,000,000 IC, or, my complete Industrial Capacity for 2.5 turns. If all these Imperial Administration Centers even helped my Administrator increase my mines production by 10% per turn, it would take 25 turns to break even. And this is just for ONE type of Installation.  Naturally, with things like Advance StripMines, this breakeven point would be reached alot sooner...but is it worth it even then? Or do those Administrators give alot bigger bonus than I think?



It is common wisdom that building 1:100 type installations are best done on colonies where the impact is greater. Personally I am not sure about that but there are others who may have more insight into this phenomena. ( I am building a few Imperial Medical Centers each turn on my HW to see what impact it has on the growth rate.)

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Yes, I found those numbers on the turn sheet. You would think they might be in the Installations Supplement for the rules, but...


So the question is, does it make any sense to build those kinds of installations on the HW? For example, Imperial Administration Centers would seem like exactly the kind of thing you would WANT on your Homeworld, but the cost seems prohibitive, unless they help your administrators alot more than I imagine.


For example, my HW has about 500,000 pop.  According to the 1:100 rule, to get the most benefit out of Imperial Administration Centers, I would need to build 5 THOUSAND of them. Admittedly, when you look at the number of Governmental offices in the real world...its not an unrealistic number...just not cost effective. To build that many (assuming I had 5000 free Population as well), would cost 2,500,000 Construction Materials. Working this back, I find that this comes out to 225,000,000 Raw Materials equivalent, and about 1,000,000 IC, or, my complete Industrial Capacity for 2.5 turns. If all these Imperial Administration Centers even helped my Administrator increase my mines production by 10% per turn, it would take 25 turns to break even. And this is just for ONE type of Installation.  Naturally, with things like Advance StripMines, this breakeven point would be reached alot sooner...but is it worth it even then? Or do those Administrators give alot bigger bonus than I think?



It is common wisdom that building 1:100 type installations are best done on colonies where the impact is greater. Personally I am not sure about that but there are others who may have more insight into this phenomena. ( I am building a few Imperial Medical Centers each turn on my HW to see what impact it has on the growth rate.)


If you carry out a program of upgrading your stripmines and industrial complexes on the HW, you will find you have LOTS of Construction Material laying about. This becomes very useful for transporting off world for colonies, as well as building huge power complexes (power for Deep Core Surveyors), or if you desire, various Imperial buildings. HW's are treated specially in the programs. For example your HW is always ideal for your race. So the benefits derived from such imperial buildings on the HW are questionable at best. Far better to use the materials in power plants to support DCS's that then allow you to build more mines / mills.


Now, as to the use of these buildings on a CAPTURED HW, that's another story....

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Since administrators and other types of folks only affect mines you can get the best bang for your buck by putting all your mines in a seperate pop group and then buil up all the required installations to get the best possible result. Most HW's don;t have more than 15,000 mines so the numbers will all stay in the reasonable realm.



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Since administrators and other types of folks only affect mines you can get the best bang for your buck by putting all your mines in a seperate pop group and then buil up all the required installations to get the best possible result.  Most HW's don;t have more than 15,000 mines so the numbers will all stay in the reasonable realm.


B)  :cheers:


Do you also need to build a TTC for transfering the mine outputs?

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Since administrators and other types of folks only affect mines you can get the best bang for your buck by putting all your mines in a seperate pop group and then buil up all the required installations to get the best possible result.  Most HW's don;t have more than 15,000 mines so the numbers will all stay in the reasonable realm.


:cheers:  :wacko:


Do you also need to build a TTC for transfering the mine outputs?


Yes, you will need a Transportation Center in both PopGroups. One to move all of the Construction Materials to the PopGroup of your choice and one to move all of the mined resources to your production areas. (Unless you want to use a lot of really big cargo ships. :cheers:)


-SK B)

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Since administrators and other types of folks only affect mines you can get the best bang for your buck by putting all your mines in a seperate pop group and then buil up all the required installations to get the best possible result.  Most HW's don;t have more than 15,000 mines so the numbers will all stay in the reasonable realm.


:cheers:  :wacko:


Do you also need to build a TTC for transfering the mine outputs?


Yes, you will need a Transportation Center in both PopGroups. One to move all of the Construction Materials to the PopGroup of your choice and one to move all of the mined resources to your production areas. (Unless you want to use a lot of really big cargo ships. :cheers:)


-SK B)



This is a great idea. Thanks hobknob and SK.

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Again though, that sounds prohibitive from an "economic" standpoint.


Assume that you have 15,000 mines in your satellite mining population group, of 6 different types, each with a yield of 500, and 2500 mines. (Im not sure if this is the optimal spread, based on optimistic yeilds, but it sounds good.) Each group of mines will produce 625,000 tons of its resource, or a total of 3,750,000 tons. If the Administrators and Imperial Administration Centers add 10%, thats an additional 375,000 tons of resources per turn. That sounds pretty good.


Those 375,000 tons of resources become 125,000 tons of "refined" materials. And if we were equate them all with Steel and/or Lumber we have another 3/1 ratio to get to Construction Materials, giving us an additional 41,666 tons of finished materials per turn. Still sounds pretty good.


But...to move those resources, we need to build TWO TTCs, at 250,000 Construction Materials each, and 150 Imperial Administration Centers, at 500 CM each. (250,000 x 2) + (500 x 150) = 575,000 CM.


575,000 CM / (41,666 CM/Turn) = 13.8 turns.

So it would take 14 turns to break even on the cost of constructing those facilities, assuming alot of really good yeilds, and good results by the administrators.


Of course, if the Administrators can add MORE than 10% average increase per turn, then the breakeven point comes faster, making it more practical.

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You are correct with your calculations, but they just don't make that much difference. Once you start converting over to Improved CM's you will have surpluss CM's anyway. You should never ever build any CM's as you have more than you will ever need at the start of the game. To get the CM's that you need just scrap a few stripmines or industries.


If you get a single hit by an administrator you might get a 5% increase, but if you get 5 or 6 of them to hit the same mines you will get an increase that can double your production or better. By haveing more installations you wind up with more hits and better mine yields.



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No, your HW isn't a colony, but it does gain from immigration (yokels coming in from the rural areas to be 'wowed' by the bright floaty light things of your big cities).


Don't be surprised about not getting an Explorer or Scientist.  I should get a fair few Explorers but they only make up 22% of my characters overall.


My leader is a Diplomat, I guess that is the default for the start of the game. The second starting leader I got was from my Imperial Tradition. The 30% for Scientist and Explorer are far higher than any other leader types. Since it's only been three turns maybe it's a little early for the probabilities to be working out.

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No, your HW isn't a colony, but it does gain from immigration (yokels coming in from the rural areas to be 'wowed' by the bright floaty light things of your big cities).


Don't be surprised about not getting an Explorer or Scientist.  I should get a fair few Explorers but they only make up 22% of my characters overall.


My leader is a Diplomat, I guess that is the default for the start of the game. The second starting leader I got was from my Imperial Tradition. The 30% for Scientist and Explorer are far higher than any other leader types. Since it's only been three turns maybe it's a little early for the probabilities to be working out.


The diplomat is normal. And my second (and third) character was from my imperial tradition.


Give it time and you may get the hits. There's a thread on the board by Pete (I think) describing how the selection process for characters works.

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