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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Its just a bit of fun Saint Lapdog :D we love to trade verbal blows. If we ever turned up in a game where we are next to each other and its suited our perposes we could quite easily be TAs..... OMG, did i just say that..... NAH!!!........ destroy the monk on every plane of existence :python::santa:

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Maaaaaghhhhhhh Maaaaaaaghhhhhh!!!! IM BACK.... as you say ive been reloading my guns. I have been hoping for mercy from the German Chancellor.... in fact I have been giving him the chance to see the error of his ways and save one of his two faces :drunk:


No well now the war really does begin. I hope you have processed before me HPW because now Im gonna teach you a lession in tactics, diversion and anhilation.


Another snippet of Info for the rest of the world - POLAND is a TRAITOR to the Defence of Denmark.


Germany CLed Kiel to Poland, the province only which mean xKiel city has forces in it.... I hope they have plenty of bunkers as the Denmark Jellyfish Squadron is going to bomb them to the centre of the earth.


I asked Poland to CL Kiel to me so I could advance into Germany and cut off his northern forces. Polands response... errm I dont know, what should i do, oooohhh im so indecisive.... Balony as my Italian brother would say. Poland has been playing both sides of the same coin. Poland has had no intention of helping Denmark so from this Day forward our TA is null and void, the sooner I get out of it the better.


As for the Monk.... what can i say except.... remember the beaches of Alborg - IM COMING, watch your back :drunk::cheers::huh:

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I asked Poland to CL Kiel to me so I could advance into Germany and cut off his northern forces. Polands response... errm I dont know, what should i do, oooohhh im so indecisive




My Dearest Adversary


Sorry to say so but to me this all sounds like


You just dont have any clue


how to gain a province,




by having it CLed to you...!?!




(still awaiting my turn result...)


Oh and yes I expect having done my turn before your turn was due - we´ll see...

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Paul I am a traitor? :drunk:


I am Denmark’s and Germany’s TA and I will not cede anyone of you the province of the other. You refused that I should cede back the province to Germany, so what should I do? Vanishing with the province?


It was you who first invent a wonderful lie for your TA concerning your attack on Germany. You told me I was responsible for your disability to attack. :cheers: I made no errors in attacking somebody or something. I have not ordered to attack 15 divisions with 4 divisions. Kiel was a passable location why have you not used it?


I have also not anger Germany by sending crazy emails with crazy list of province to be ceded. You could be Germanys TA but you have to kick him until nobody was able to convince him not to attack Denmark.


Have a look into the mirror and you will see the person who is responsible and who betray your country.


Btw next time you need not to send me a message or email, from now on I will count you to my enemies. Welcome. :drunk:


Your loving enemy Sandy formerly known as Countess Maria Walewska

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GRIN :blink: Wonderful. I like it. :thumbsup:


Hey Sponge!


It looks to me, that you still use your old "ally or die" strategy.....


But after all you could be sure there ist still one who loves you..... I :huh::cheers: . I never had such a good schoolar and ally. You solved all my problems rapidly. Thank you! :cheers:


But! Fight on! There is still one TA you could blame for all the erros you will made in the future. I am sure you do not like to leave this game with a TA who stands with you, or?


It will be very interesting how iceland become a traitor ...... maybe he cede Reykjavik to Austria? :drunk::drunk::cheers:


Sandy would you be interested in a TA with old Austria? :cheers::D:D


The Monk

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Paul I am a traitor? :drunk:


I am Denmark’s and Germany’s TA and I will not cede anyone of you the province of the other. You refused that I should cede back the province to Germany, so what should I do? Vanishing with the province?


It was you who first invent a wonderful lie for your TA concerning your attack on Germany. You told me I was responsible for your disability to attack.  :cheers: I made no errors in attacking somebody or something. I have not ordered to attack 15 divisions with 4 divisions. Kiel was a passable location why have you not used it?


I have also not anger Germany by sending crazy emails with crazy list of province to be ceded. You could be Germanys TA but you have to kick him until nobody was able to convince him not to attack Denmark.


Have a look into the mirror and you will see the person who is responsible and who betray your country.


Btw next time you need not to send me a message or email, from now on I will count you to my enemies. Welcome. :drunk:


Your loving enemy Sandy formerly known as Countess Maria Walewska


Thank you for this info Sandy!


And I thought I was the nOOb around here... :huh:

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You promised not to tell that Dark Monk!


I am glad you wil cede Austria to me in exchange for Xreykjavik.



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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Ooooo so many to reply to and so little time before the destruction of Germany :drunk:


In reverse order.....


Morney - Austria will be handed over free of charge because when I have done with it there will be nothing but a wasteland left.


HPW - My islands are not for sale and seeing as your stuck with German tech your not invading any time soon, and dont profess to tell me that anyone else is going to do it, they are too well defended - I learned that lesson from the Monk. The only useful thing he taught me.


Vamp / Sandy / Traitor - Whatever your called now. Dont blame me for your treacherous ways. You accepted a TA from Germany and then from Me. You put yourself in the position of being a TA with two mortal enemies; how stupid was that. I tried countless times to get Germany to TA with me so we could have a 3 way TA and you know how much I tried to make that happen. When that was not going to happen I gave you the oportunity to choose a side, to make the right choice. Truth be known I never trusted you fully, thats why I never attacked with a big force and thats why I never went through Kiel. It was by choice and design not error. You failed the test. I think you will find that anyone else in the same position would have done the same. Your no TA, your just someone trying to destroy the Danish nation.


The Monk - Nothing to say to you this time, you can have the traitor as an ally if you wish but i must just say your posts and PMs have had me RALMAO!! Just good fun :drunk:

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Come and get them if your think your good enough, if you can take copenhagen and Odense then I will go into exile and you can have the Danish for Dinner :drunk:

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