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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Oh no <_< Im so upset by the Monk; his tretchury <_< has been seen by so many that its not just me who sees his false statements but the rest of the World, surely the German chancellor can see now that he has chosen the wrong side.


The people of Denmark shall hold the line and await re-inforcements :P

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

HPW may well try and kick the Sponge into the sea but us Sponges love the sea, the question has to be asked however who will be giving the orders to HPW? bewarned my German Chancellor he may throw you to the lions with false direction thus allowing him access to your southern cities when he feels the need to cancel any and all agreements. You can also be sure that he will abandon you as soon as he feels the pressure on his own home front.


I pitty you HPW but will raise a glass to your enevitable defeat <_<

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It is always astonishing how many "facts" my dearest Sponge finds in my position,

how many "false friends" he sincerely sees and how many "betrayers" he clearly detects.


He reminds me of the car-driver saying to his companions while entering the motorway:


"Look out there: Hundreds of cars driving into the wrong direction!" :P<_<



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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Your gonna have to explain that one to me im only a simple sponge who does not understand the Great German <_<

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

You should read this and note it down HPW, for you will need to use it shortly


===Instrument of the Surrender=== of All German armed forces in Holland, in northwest Germany including all islands, and in Denmark.


1. The German Command agrees to the surrender of all armed forces in HOLLAND, in northwest GERMANY including the FRISLIAN ISLANDS and HELIGOLAND and all islands, in SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN, and in DENMARK, to the C.-in-C. 21 Army Group. =This to include all naval ships in these areas= These forces to lay down their arms and to surrender unconditionally.


2. All hostilities on land, on sea, or in the air by German forces in the above areas to cease at 0800 hrs. British Double Summer Time on Saturday 5 May 1945.


3. The German command to carry out at once, and without argument or comment, all further orders that will be issued by the Allied Powers on any subject.


4. Disobedience of orders, or failure to comply with them, will be regarded as a breach of these surrender terms and will be dealt with by the Allied Powers in accordance with the laws and usages of war.


5. This insturment of surrender is independent of, without pre- judice to, and will be superseded by any general instrument of surrender imposed by or on behalf of the Allied Powers and applicable to Germany and the German armed forces as a whole.


6. This instument of surrender is written in English and in German. The English version is the authentic text.


7. The decision of the Allied Powers will be final if any doubt or dispute arise as to the meaning or intrepretation of the surrender terms.




4 May 1945 1830 hrs.


History has a habbit of repeating itself

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No problem Sponge - just take your time to find out. <_<


But I will not tell here - I do not wish to disgrace you in front of all the others.




What else is new in the world?


Anyone else knowing sth. new about northern or far east wars ?



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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Oh my God get with the program Don, I was going to wait till T12 but im not scared of anyone so I revealed like ages ago who I am, if you believe me that is.


To the world in general - I thank you all for your offers to become my TA but i feel there are so many to choose from I cannot allow you all to join me. I will however accept any TA requests from those who DW on Germany.


Would the great leaders of the Lowlands and France get in touch, i know we have not spoken before but I feel now is the time to talk. I know you may already have alliances in place with Germany but what other nation offers such resorces for your people. Dont fight eachother or me fight Germany the oppressor.


Thanks for reading - Spongebob The Great!

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But no one answered my question about any wars from the east or north... <_<


mourngrym are you dealing with the norwegian war too ? <_<


Sad that no one is here for a more reliable and concrete smalltalk than just sponge... :P


Dont let sponge take over the forum with his nonsense!

It is your forum too :blink:



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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Its not everyones forum, its mine, this is a DICTATORSHIP dont you know <_<


I will tell you about the future shall I..... Into my Tardis i go and jump forward a few turns.


The Swedish Norwegan war rages on

Germany BPA and DW on Denmark, he attacks but his forces get wiped out by the defenders who are holed up behind legendary defenses.

Austria gets attacked by Switzerland and Italy and gets wiped out quickly

Poland invades Germany

France invades Germany

Lowlands invades Germany

The German Chancellor runs to mummy and hides under the bed covers crying

Lowlands and France reach the border of Denmark

Lowlands and France fall out and decide to attack eachother rather than Denmark

Denmark sells spectator seats on his legendary defenses so the people of Denmark can watch France and Lowlands wipe each other out

Denmark makes a Million US Dollars selling Icecream, flags and noisey rattles to the spectators.

The final German cities fall under foreign rule, The Chancellor is found under the bed covers still crying to Mummy.

Both are shot

Germany is free but Europe is weak from all the wars

Denmark invades and takes over the world



(This has been a Quinn Martin Production)

Staring Russel Crow as General Spongebob Squarepants


Directed by Ridley Scott

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