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Not bad, good deductive reasoning
You are very close, but don't light the cigar yet


So all the clues in your postings led to Italy as well as your signature name. So the only other lead I can follow is your signature line. That is a qoute from a poem by Meylana Jalaluddin Rumi, a famous muslim philosopher and poet who was born in what is modern day Afghanastan. Since that country is to the east of me and he was actually born in a small little known country to the north of Afghanastan perhaps you are playing Southern Russia?


If not Southern Russia or Italy than perhaps you are of Sponge bob's ilk and are just pulling everyone's leg that anyone knows who you are. I find it hard to believe that Sponge bob is smarter than me and has figured this out and I haven't. No offense sponge...........

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Alright, we need to get this topic back onto track for smacktalk. No more "Where's Spongebob"...


<The following are found on pamphets air dropped over southern Turkey>


My dearest northern neighbors,


It certainly is a shame that we could not get along. I have made every attempt at reconciliation and all I get are returned fruit cakes and unread shoebox greetings.


I do hope you are enjoying the warmer climes of northern Iraq at the moment as I know I have many summers in my Dohuk winter home.


As winter is almost upon us, I do think it is time for you to return to your own abode and stop being an unwanted guest. I will happily assist you in moving all your belongings back north, as my mechanized units should have the free space as they travel the fine southern areas of Turkey. My harem is certainly in need of something different, and I have heard wonderful things of both the Turkish and Russian lady companions, they will make wonderful wives.


I apologize for being rude, and certainly would be happy to let you spend next summer at the vacation home I plan to have in Istanbul next year...




Iraqi Dictator and all around good guy, Meatball

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

No offense taken Khazi :)


As for Turkey and Russia they can keep there ladiez... I have heard they wear boots, shave their chests, throw the shot put and drink lemon tea.


The thing is the Iraqi Dictator is possibly into those kind of "ladiez" :cheers:

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Meatball- Your pamphlets have picked up a southerly breeze and are blowing into towns in Persia on the Russian border. Persian troops moving north have been collecting them and using them as toilet paper and to start their fires at night.


So far in Russia we have met no resistance and find the people that we do see to be amicable towards repatriation into the Persian Empire.

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Hi there my beloved EnEmY!


The time of your false reign over our Native Northern Neighbours (The Danes) and our common Northern German Territory is about to come to an end! :D


The will of the Danish folk is clearly to be seen: :P


Throughout the complete surrender of 4 imperialistic oppressor divisions at xEsbjerg (incl. General "Reichlin"!) to the liberating Freedom Forces of Germany at a casualty rate of ONLY 3-5% can not be misinterpreted: :)


The Danish people want to tear off the chains of Slavery and Abolishment and urgently become reconnected to be an equal part among the German Territory and Culture once again! :oops:


We are coming, my Danish brothers and sisters, and we will hear and fulfill your pledges and fight for our common goal! :cheers:

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

I see you have got your results; I must wait until my Generals report back if they ever do that is.


This is a sad day indeed if the city of Esbjerg has fallen into Nazi hands.


Is there no-one who will come to the defense of denmark? :cheers:


If the world leaves us to the oppression of the German Dictator then all I can say is dont cry when you are next.


Stand up and be counted :)

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Ironic St M that the most hated and feared Sponge on the planet is only at War with one and you my friend have the world against you.


Its just not fair :oops:


Any chance you want to add another to your list on enemies???? :drunk: My spys tell me the German Chancellor made some referrence to you liking German Sausage too much :D..... oh sorry I dont speak German too well. The translation actually says the German Chancellor likes German Sausage too much :):oops:


Sorry for the confusion :P:cheers:

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To me it seems you should maybe change your signature Mr Sponge to:


"Denmark #78: Killing not even a saucage" :cheers:


But I am looking forward to your response (militaryly) -

if there is one to come at all... :P


Maybe history is to repeat itself and you run with the next 4 div. into a (you and your troops warmly welcoming & heavily armed) battle group on the "interceptive ops" of my "S & D trainings squad"... :D


Let me know what has happened! :)

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Oh no my Generals have failed to report back, what could have happened.....


***Knock Knock*** (Creeking door, thud of wet feet and the rustling of paper)




STOP *** Danish Forces Held Up In Esberg *** STOP *** German forces attacking the city with there Sausages hanging out *** STOP *** Danish forces commit suicide rather than face the German Sausage *** STOP ***


Oh no what am i going to do.... I think its time to surrender. :cheers:


Please HPW dont attack any more of my provinces, the poor danish people can not take any more German Sausage.


We give up, we are no match against your and your mighty weapon. :)

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Too kind of you Mr. Sponge! :cheers:


But I fear you still oppress too much of our rightful <Northern German Territory> to stop the victory campaign of our super secret weapon, code name: "Super-Saucage" ="SS". :)


But you revealed our secret:

When you encounter a SS-PZ Division be prepared to face a "Super-Saucage" (=heavily-armed-special-super-special-severely-super-secret) tank division... <pssst>...don´t speak too loud of it! :D


I am interested in what happened to my troops in Arhus !? Will you tell?

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