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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

You'll miss me for sure and that is why I must now announce my Resignation. I have decided not to fight the next round. There is no point, The German War machine knows the location of my remaining forces and as such will be wiped out. I have nothing left to fight with.


I always remain in a game as long as there is a fighting chance but in this sistuation I have none.


Farewell to you all..... See you next time :angry:


And next time beware... Im bringing some friends :wub:

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Oh yes friends..... The CONFEDERACY have already decided to make an appearance and you know Monk the confederacy always stick together.


We will all meet again in the afterlife :angry:

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..... so the confederacy fails as a total in the game..... very nice :D . But maybe the truth is that the confederacy consists of the Sponge :angry: , the Sponge :wub: and the Sponge :D .


.... ohhhh I am wrong :oops: . I am just killing :D an other member of the confederacy in game 77, so there are at least two. :blink:


The Monk

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..... so the cenfederacy fails as a total in thei game..... very nice :oops: .  But maybe the truth is that the confedaracy consists of the Sponge :angry: , the Sponge :wub:  and the Sponge  :D .


.... ohhhh I am wrong :blink: .  I am just killing  :D  an other member of the confederacy in game 77, so there are at least two. :blink:


The Monk

I know it's the wrong forum but in 75 and 77 I'm still running around... in 75 actually in the beautiful woods of Sweden... :D

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Hmmmm what about Poland 75 is he still member of your great idea???


The Monk


I never played with a group that worked as well together as a team as the Confederacy. They held together against the Italian/Czech/French/US alliance as well as the Norway/Sweden/Finland/BS alliance. They outlasted both. Lowlands/Switzerland are still holding out quite well against Iceland, Britain, Morocco, Algeria. Shows what teamwork can do.


79 - Who knows?

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

The Confederacy was the brainchild of just 3 players and 2 others joined with it, Pharoh was one of them, however he decided to honour a previous agreement and betrayed the confederacy. This was an honourable trait even if it did signal the downfall of Denmark (yet again :angry: ) When 79 arrives you may find the Confederacy unite once more to defeat the dark forces of europe, the middle east and the americas. Who eventually make up the Confederacy on that occassion will be decided by the gods.

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

And thats the thanks I get for making all your lives a little more interesting ya misirible git.... Im upset now :thumbsup:


Just remember Im a sponge and i soak up knowledge..... I never forget Khazi :angry:

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Since Denmark announced its free choice to reunite with Germany we feel the urge of the world to renew the political initiatives about the future of the centre of Europe. :angry:


Please send your embassadors to the <worldwide> talks about the future of the heart of Europe.


Every nation is invited to the "European Future Meeting" held in xBerlin from the

25th of September til the 3rd of October 2006 - the national holiday of the reunion ceremony of the province of Denmark and the mainland of Germany. :(


The German regime is as a peaceful and reliable partner proudly hosting this event.

Please send us your points of issue to be set upon the aganeda of this council upon your opinion. :drunk:


The German diplomats are eagerly looking forward to your responses. :thumbsup:


Awaiting your delightful visitations we remain


with best regards!




German Chancelor

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