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Game 78...


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You've left Poland with few options having let her troops die with no support.

So I think I'll be staying in Poland as long as I like.




Thoughts and reality are different things. :rolleyes:


What do you like me to do, discus my strategy with you? :(


We will help Poland, but we decide when, where and how. :huh::o


We have time, why should we hurry. We will kill your division one by one. That's real fun. :woohoo::jawdrop::pirate:


Ask the Sponge...... Germany is a good schoolar. He did a great job in Denmark.


The Monk


I like this VLD character, hes my kind of hero.


Make the Polish Queen squirm and die, I only wish I was there to watch and take part the evil double crossing back stabbing whatsamacallit.


Hey VLD maybe you can clear something up for me as I cant get a straight answer from the Monk.


Whos allied / TAed etc to who, paint me a picture to brighten my day



As we will play as one team in the future you will get a copy and the head of VLD after this war is over. :wub::angry2:


OK I do not know if I can give you his head, maybe Sandy like to keep it. ;)


The Monk

If your strategy is to let her take it on the chin then you've succeeded.

And I like the whole part about the where,when,and how it lets you talk big without actually doing anything.

hugs and kisses



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General Ghazi are your troops anxious to meet Germany one day? Or will you and he will be part of a dark menace?


I am not sure whom my troops will face in the long run. I am not about to go off and declare those intentions to you at this point. I have a very real idea of where this game is going for me and who my enemies will be. For the time being I am happy to declare victory over Southern Russia and plan for the occupation of his northern neighbor. Beyond that my enemies will know who they are when the time is right. :angry2:

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Ghazi makes a good point. Actions always speak louder than words and actions are seldom misinterpreted in this game. However I do find the words exchanged in this games forums very entertaining. Yes yes even the Sponge.


Portugal 78

Tunisia 79

S. Russia 55

Norway 57

Syria 58

Czech 67

Czech 76

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Thanks Watum but can you explain to me the political situation in central europe. Is HPW allied to anyone? is the Monk? is Sandy? has HPW been stabbed in the back yet? has Sandy? who is VLD? why was he not around when I needed help? whats happend to France? Lowlands? Italy? Switzerland? Iceland is he still around?


Tune in next week and we may have an answer :angry2:

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Thanks Watum but can you explain to me the political situation in central europe. Is HPW allied to anyone? is the Monk? is Sandy? has HPW been stabbed in the back yet? has Sandy? who is VLD? why was he not around when I needed help? whats happend to France? Lowlands? Italy? Switzerland? Iceland is he still around?


Tune in next week and we may have an answer :angry2:



Your welcome Sponge... As I know the answers to the majority of your inquiries I feel I would be betraying the honor of those still playing 79 (enemies or not) by spreading game information to someone who has admitted being eliminated. Somehow some of the game is lost when one just rattles off everything they know to someone or everyone who no longer has a stake in it. That is just my own opinion but that is their own decision to make. Not to mention that giving away all of this may hurt my own position or help that of my enemy or potential enemy. Somehow your need to know all this information makes me wonder if you still do have some twisted involvement in the outcome of this game. I cannot help but feel this way. No disrespect intended. Good luck to you in 79.


Watum of Portugal


BTW..... Has the Sponge really been absorbed? hmmmm... :woohoo:

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

Ok just one question then - Is HPW still TAed / Allied to Monk. I just want to know If I was right from the start. When the game started I said to HPW TA with me not the Monk as he will double cross you and stab you in the back. I just want to have the pleasure of gloating to HPW with those Immortal words - I TOLD YOU SO.


No Im not still in this game even though you will find it hard to believe me and as for 79, if the Monk is where I think he is your the one going to need help.


Good luck yourself :angry2:

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As I know the answers to the majority of your inquiries I feel I would be betraying the honor of those still playing 79 (enemies or not) by spreading game information to someone who has admitted being eliminated


I agree totally.


Sponge you are no longer in this game and in fact your presence in this thread has been keeping others away as admitted by others in previous posts. I am sure I don't just speak for myself when I say GET LOST: LITERALLY!!!!!!!

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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

If I was an American and not a Sponge I would quote some obscure text called the constitution and shout from the roof tops - FREEDOM OF SPEECH.


Tell me what I want to know and I will go away..... for a while anyway :angry2:

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OK Sponge.... I tell you:


I have a TA with: Italy, Czecheslovakia, Poland and Switzerland(RIP) :pirate: .


I am allied to Denmark (who was killed because he ask to much from Germany) :rolleyes: .


I am in war with: Hungary, Yugoslavia, Germany, Bulgaria, Rumania and soon with Greece I think (correct me if I am wrong VLD) :angry2:


I had a nice little war with Italy and France but that is over. :wub:


I am going to end the war with Germany very soon (thanks to Rumania) . :woohoo:


Anything else you like to know? :jawdrop:



The Monk

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OK Sponge.... I tell you:


I have a TA with: Italy, Czecheslovakia, Poland and Switzerland(RIP) :rolleyes: .


I am allied to Denmark (who was killed because he ask to much from Germany) :o .


I am in war with: Hungary, Yugoslavia, Germany, Bulgaria, Rumania and soon with Greece I think (correct me if I am wrong VLD) :angry2:


I had a nice little war with Italy and France but that is over. ;)


I am going to end the war with Germany very soon (thanks to Rumania) . :woohoo:


Anything else you like to know? :wub:



The Monk

Let me see if I have this right.

Your TA Switzerland was in it up to his neck with France and Italy so you make peace to save your own backside.Now because you thought you could fight on two fronts and succeed your going to bow to Germany.

I guess if I smack you around enough you'll be on your knees begging me not to hurt you. :jawdrop:

And the only reason Greece is going to declare on you is because your TAs feel the need to cede you locations in a feeble attempt to slow him down. :pirate:



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