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Game 78...


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Stuck in the mud and snow of the Baltics and Russia. History has a tendency to repeat itself........ :ranting:


True Ghazi!


So I´ll sit back and enjoy the show when the Persian "Empire" breaks up into pieces again, waging civil war and bombing and shooting themselves back into the stone-age... :ph34r:


Me, I´d suggest to build a high wall around Persia and throw all rifles and pistols in one can find - then simply wait a time and see who´s left.


Maybe the generous US. of A. will once more get involved to replace the unjust regime there... Hi @ Don! :ph34r:


By the way: What happened to Miraeng? Has Iceland been swallowed by the Ocean? Or just missed out calculating and rationating the fuel reserves? :alien: Maybe I should send some Bismarcks to have a look :P


Hope the others are not offended by my signature - Mr. A.H. in the bathtub playing with the Tirpitz -

The picture is taken from a new movie directed and produced by an Isrealian citizen. No joke - and quite funny to watch. :D

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Hey Dark Monk, I have to hand it to you, you sure do get everyone else to do your dirty work.




Espionage agents of Poland were captured within your borders

Espionage agents of Poland were captured within your borders

Espionage agents of Saudi Arabia were captured within your borders

Germany has declared war on your nation



None of these three can reach my country, and yet they are very interested in my country. Don't worry though, if you want to know where my troops are, it won't be hard, because the round thing in front of your nose, is the end of my gun.

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Yeah, you should talk to Saudi. Maybe you can cut a deal with him, like you did with everyone else. Hopefully you won't do him like you did Poland. And if he is not careful, you will be doing the same thing to Czech. Send in your allies to die, and try to clean up behind them, seems to be your strategy. I don't know if its working for you though, because so far all there is to clean up is dead Polish troops.



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So far Poland made the good deal in the game. She lost now her troop’s right, but this was a random event. You know that and Rumania knows this. There attacks cross over and she made a small mistake :ranting::ph34r: , otherwise Rumania would have more trouble as it already has.


My order is to hold the western flank and you, Rumania and Greece are invited to test my special service for tourist of any kind. After our little war the other nations may decide who the better TA was. I am sure, I am, because Poland will survive. I am not sure that Rumania will survive.


He send in a lot of nice little bandits :ph34r: , and now we will cut them in to small little stripes...... :D


The Monk

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...None of these three can reach my country, and yet they are very interested in my country. Don't worry though, if you want to know where my troops are, it won't be hard, because the round thing in front of your nose, is the end of my gun.


Nice & cute statement! That´s the way I like them :ph34r:


You know how to tell if I can reach your country or not?


I´ll give you a hint:


As soon as you feel something cold and metal up your b.... -


I made it to you! :ranting:




it´s the end of MY gun! :ph34r:





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OK, I wish to surrender.


I accept your surrender. Simply disband your armed forces and I will send in my 7th Airborne Division to take possession of your capitol next turn.


Congratulations Geeral Ghazi....




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Guest General Spongebob Squarepants

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"No matter how bleak things look, call the sponge - he will take over your nation and continue the fight"


Call the Sponge - I want Revenge - Fear the Sponge

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