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"No matter how bleak things look, call the sponge - he will take over your nation and continue the fight"


Call the Sponge - I want Revenge - Fear the Sponge


Sorta like 75, you dropped even though you owned most of your country :cheers:


someone else took over and at least tried to play, they even took their captial back......... :P


And they did this before I even had a chance to attack them.....


So thanks for the offer, but no thanks.....Sponge....... <_<


DezertCamel :D

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Czechoslovakia has conquered xNasaud from Rumania

Czechoslovakia has conquered xStrehaia from Rumania



It does appear to the innocent bystander that Czech is avenging Polands defeat. I also don't think he has ever checked in to let the world know who he is.......... :D

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Do you like to contact Czech general? Send me a message and I will give you his email adress.


Btw. I think Rumania has a serious quality problem with his bombers. They explode unexpected at the ground. :cheers:


Your rangers successfully destroyed 53 planes in air force #22. The planes were Ju-88A-4 :D

Your rangers successfully destroyed 48 planes in air force #22. The planes were Ju-88A-4 :D

Your rangers successfully destroyed 53 planes in air force #22. The planes were Ju-88A-4 :drunk:





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That obviously derives from the fact

that the Rumanian government tried to immitate :(

the German progress in the fields of techniques and warfare. :(


Maybe they shouldn´t trust the blueprints :drunk:

the Persians always sell them as "Made in Germany" :cheers:


BTW: Do not think we would provide guarantee for these "plagiats"


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Dear general Ghazi


I will try a translation:


"Poland has not yet succumbed. As long as we remain,"


this is the beginning of the national anthem of Poland.


I think it was wise to choose this signature. :cheers:


Yes I live in Germany; but Berlin is some hundred kilometres away.



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@ Ghazi: What happened to you - one week since your last post -did your "tanks" encounter a flat tire in the siberian taiga?


No flats my friend , we run on treads. I have been busy coordinating the Persian movements across such a wide front that it has left little time for other things.


Has the Rumanina group rolled over and played dead then. We see many cities in his country falling and are wondering if they lost their taste for battle and dropped out????

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  • 2 weeks later...

We see yet another city fall in Rumania and nothing is being taken back. One might think he dropped yet his ally Greece made war with the entire enemy coalition this turn. Mmmmmm?


I must admit that I can understand your mood.Maybe I can make it more interesting for you if I join you in Central Russia...



Do so at your own peril Mr. Walterscheid. Be warned the Persian Military does not take prisoners... :rolleyes:

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